Waterfront and Other Parks – Getting reading for use

As you’re aware, we’ve experienced a very wet spring this year that has caused flooding at many of our waterfront parks and impacted our other parks and sports fields across the city. I have attached a few pictures from this week as a reference.

Our Parks Operations team has been  diligently working to prepare our parks for increased usage as weather conditions improve. The wet weather has been great for our grass and trees, but unfortunately created ground conditions that limit access by our crews and equipment to cut the grass. There are many locations that we can’t get machines on without tearing up the turf.

We have been working with our sport groups to communicate conditions at sport fields.  All baseball  and soccer fields were prepped and ready for our outdoor sport field openings, including a large soccer showcase tournament this past weekend, hosted by Dixie Soccer Club. We will continue to update the groups on field closures and conditions and ask for their cooperation to stay off of fields that are “out of play”.

We appreciate resident’s patience as our staff are working diligently to get back to our regular service schedule.  We will be posting messages on our social media channels to advise the public of conditions.

If you have any questions or receive any feedback, please contact me directly.
