2024 Trail Resurfacing – West Acres Park

By Parks, Ward 1

Please be advised that works will be commencing mid next-weeks for the ‘new’ trail connecting to Breezy Brae Drive.

With this work we will also include a trail connection to the tennis courts from the existing trail.

Works on this site are forecasted to take up to 3 weeks.   The park/playground area can remain open, however signage and caution tape will be in place separating the work area from the playground.

WATER INTERRUPTION NOTICE Sanitary Sewer Replacement and Improvement 1680 Mattawa Ave, 1580 Dundas Street East, 1590 Dundas Street East and 1650 Dundas Street East

By Resources, Ward 1

The Peel Region Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the sanitary sewer pipes and maintenance holes in your area. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do this work.

Your water will be turned off at 1680 Mattawa Ave on Thursday Aug 8th from 7 p.m. to Friday August 9th to 2 a.m. and on 1580, 1590, and 1650 Dundas Street East on Friday August 9th from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption

As a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:
• Notify all residents/tenants in the building of the upcoming water interruption. A poster is included for posting in highly visible areas (lobbies, mailrooms, and/or elevators) or photocopying for each unit.
• Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it may affect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
• Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
• Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection system will not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the water interruption
When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note
After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:
• 905-791-7800, extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
• 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

Sign up for email notices
Receive timely project updates right to your inbox by signing up for e-notices. Visit peelregion.ca/construction/signup to start signing up.

Keeping you informed
We will let you know if there are any major changes to the plans.
Information on this project can also be found at https://peelregion.ca/construction/project-16-2300C1/

Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. This work will allow us to continue providing you with high quality wastewater services.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Wastewater Collection and Conveyance
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Peel Region
Email: construction@peelregion.ca
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409

Bus Stop Impact – Dundas Street East (Stop #0876)

By Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised that stop #0876 on WB Dundas Street East at Treadwells Drive will be back in service effective 9:00am Friday September 6.

Please be advised that stop #0876 on WB Dundas Street East at Treadwells Drive will be out of service effective 9:00am Thursday August 8 until further notice for construction works.

Patrons will be directed to the previous stop #3536 west of Wharton Way which is approximately 125 metres east.

Stop #0876 is serviced by Route 1/1C West with continued accessible bus service at Stop #3536.

SCHEDULED WATER SUPPLY INTERRUPTION NOTICE – Thursday, August 8th, 12:00am to 7:00am – 2303 Stanfield Rd 

By Resources, Ward 1


Date and Time: Thursday, August 8th, 12:00am to 7:00am

Location:  2303 Stanfield Rd                              

Addresses Affected: 1000 Middlegate Rd, 921, 1035, 1075, 2303, 2304 Queensway E                              

Project #:  C474290

Regional Inspector: Phemelo Mpoloka

Telephone #               437-220-8917

905-791-7800 ext. 3246/3247

The Peel Region Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a consistent supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do this work.

Your water will be turned off on Thursday, August 8th, 12:00am to 7:00am. If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption

As a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it may affect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
  • Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
  • Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection system will not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the water interruption

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note

After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • 905-791-7800 extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Construction Inspections

Engineering Technical Services Division

Operations Support, Public Works

Email: zzgetsdevadmin@peelregion.ca

Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 3246 / 3247 (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday)

Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

NOTICE OF BRIEF WATER INTERRUPTION Watermain Replacement and Improvement 1607, 1655, 1672, 1684, 1694 and 1699 Dundas Street East

By Resources, Ward 1

The Peel Region Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a consistent supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while work on the system or conduct tests.

On Wednesday August 7th, 2024, between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m., please expect a loss of water pressure and a brief water outage (roughly 15 minutes) while we work in your area. If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.

If this interruption may affect an alarm or maintenance company, it is your responsibility to notify them.

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption
If you are a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:
•Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it mayaffect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
•Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
•Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection systemwill not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the water interruption
When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note
After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:
•905-791-7800, extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
•905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)
Sign up for email notices
Receive timely project updates right to your inbox by signing up for e-notices. Visit peelregion.ca/construction/signup to start signing up.

Keeping you informed
We will let you know if there are any major changes to the plans.
Information on this project can also be found at peelregion.ca/pw/construction/miss/18-1310C.asp

Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. This work will allow us to continue providing you with high quality tap water.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
Water Linear Engineering
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Peel Region
Email: construction@peelregion.ca
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409

Have your say on playing sports on Mississauga streets

By Food for thought

The City is reviewing its by-laws and seeking resident feedback on playing sports and using sports equipment on local roads in Mississauga.

Currently, playing sports and using sports equipment on local roads is enforced on a complaint basis and issues are resolved through education.

Until Tuesday, August 6, Mississauga residents are invited to share their feedback on playing sports on streets using the online survey.

The survey will help the City understand what sports are currently played on streets, how often sports are played on streets, and if residents have any feedback or concerns. Responses will inform recommendations for potential changes to the by-laws, including:

  • What sports, if any, should be permitted on Mississauga streets.
  • If allowed, when and where street sports should be permitted in Mississauga.
  • Where sports equipment should be stored when not in use.
  • How the updated by-laws will be enforced.

For more information and to complete the survey, visit mississauga.ca/street-sports.​


Mississauga approves $44 million program to encourage more affordable rental housing

By Planning & Development

The plan includes grants for homeowners and developers who want to build affordable units.

July 31, 2024

Today, Mississauga City Council approved a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) with $44 million in funding to help get more affordable rental housing built citywide.

The aim of the CIP is to help quickly increase Mississauga’s supply of:

  • Affordable and below-market rental units in multi-unit buildings
  • Gentle density rental units such as basement apartments, garden suites, triplexes and fourplexes in lower density areas

The CIP will be implemented as a grant program. Applications will be accepted starting this fall through 2027 or until the program funding is fully allocated.

Market rents in Mississauga far exceed affordable rent levels for even moderate-income renters. Renter households require a yearly gross income of almost $100,000 to afford a one-bedroom apartment in the city. The City’s CIP will help developers, landowners and homeowners offset some of the costs required to deliver new units at affordable rates.

Mississauga’s CIP was developed in consultation with industry stakeholders whose input was instrumental in helping to shape the program. It is designed to work in tandem with funding sources from other levels of government for new market rental and affordable rental construction. Staff expect that the program will deliver over 300 new affordable rental and gentle density units over three years.

The CIP also sets the stage for two innovative housing solutions that could help to encourage more affordable rental units:

  • Tax Increment Equivalent Grants which could be used, with Council approval, to help to offset a portion of the increased property tax associated with the redevelopment of multi-residential units.
  • City Land Acquisition program to allow municipally-owned property to be acquired and sold at nominal or below-market rates for affordable housing projects.

The CIP will be funded, in part, through funds received from the federal Housing Accelerator Fund. In December 2023, the Government of Canada and the City of Mississauga announced a $112.9 million agreement to help deliver more homes and improve affordability.

More information about the CIP is available on the City’s website.


A CIP is a tool under the Ontario Planning Act that allows municipalities to provide incentives such as grants and loans to help encourage development.

The focus of this CIP is to increase the supply of rental units affordable for moderate-income renter households earning $54,000 to $96,000 in household income. The CIP is not designed to deliver low-income units. Homes for low-income households are built and operated by the Region of Peel, the City’s municipal housing service manager.

The Affordable Rental Housing CIP is a key action under Growing Mississauga: An Action Plan for New Housing. The action plan identifies steps the City can take to get more homes built, streamline building approvals and make homes more affordable.


I am committed to finding ways to get more rental housing built in Mississauga. It’s a key area of focus for our Council, City staff and my Housing Task Force. We must use every tool we have to get more homes built. I encourage every homeowner and developer who wants to build affordable rental units in Mississauga to come forward and take advantage of this incentive program. The time to get building is now! – Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish

This past December, our government reached an agreement with the City of Mississauga to provide nearly $113 million to fast track the construction of more than 35,200 homes over the next decade and support programs for affordable housing in our community. The City of Mississauga has been a supportive partner in this important work, and our collaboration will continue to make housing more affordable for those who need it the most in our city. – The Honourable Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Streetsville

The availability of affordable rental housing is a critical issue in Mississauga and financial incentives are a powerful tool to help stimulate construction. As we developed this program, we listened carefully to our industry partners. To address their feedback, we increased the total amount of grants available per unit. We are hopeful that this will help mitigate some of the financial hurdles developers face when bringing affordable units to market. – Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building

Save the Date! Dixie Outlet Mall Policy Review

By Events, Planning & Development, Ward 1

You’re invited to share your feedback on policies that will help guide the future redevelopment for the Dixie Outlet Mall site.

City staff have refined the draft policies and are seeking comments on the revised Official Plan Amendment. The policies address elements that are needed to create a mixed-use community: parks and natural spaces, transit and transportation options, community infrastructure, housing options, the height and density of new buildings and the amount of retail and commercial space.

Want to continue the conversation?

Community engagement has been an important part of the work to date. Interested in a refresh on the policies? Or do you have any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share with the team? Save the date for our virtual community meeting this fall.

Meeting Details

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Webex virtual meeting

We’d love to see you in September. But, if you can’t make the meeting, a video recording will be posted on the Dixie Outlet Mall Policy Review website after the session.

To learn more or register visit www.yoursay.mississauga.ca/dixie


Mississauga recognizes Emancipation Day on August 1

By Events

Emancipation Day is recognized annually on August 1. It is a time to reflect on the history of slavery, honour the courage of those who fought for freedom and engage in the ongoing fight against anti-Black racism and discrimination.

July 30, 2024

Emancipation Day is recognized annually on August 1. It is a time to reflect on the history of slavery, honour the courage of those who fought for freedom and engage in the ongoing fight against anti-Black racism and discrimination. The City of Mississauga is committed to building an inclusive and fair community.

This year marks the 190th anniversary of Emancipation Day, which commemorates the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

The community is invited to participate in honouring this important day by:

To learn more, please visit the Emancipation Day webpage.

Emancipation Day flag raising


Raising of the Pan-African flag to honour Emancipation Day on August 1.
Note: Mississauga’s clock tower will also lit black, red and green in the evening to recognize this important date.


Thursday, August 1, 2024
11 a.m.


Mississauga Celebration Square
300 City Centre Dr.
Ceremony to take place at the flagpole located on the west end of City Centre Dr.


Mayor Carolyn Parrish and Members of Council
Consul General of Jamaica, Mr. Lloyd Wilks
Members of the Black Caucus Alliance



Call For Submissions: Fourth Annual Juried Show of Visual Arts

By Announcement

The Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM) invites emerging and established artists living and working in Ontario to apply to its Fourth Annual Juried Show of Visual Arts.

This year’s jurors are Atanas Bozdarov, Hibah Mian, and Sarah Quinton.

Submissions are currently being accepted by completing the application form, which can be found HERE or by clicking the link below.

The deadline to submit is September 6, 2024, at 5 p.m. or when 300 submissions are received, whichever occurs first.

Please ensure you have read the official rules below and follow the online instructions for application requirements and payment instructions.

Entry Fee: $45

$3,500 IN PRIZES!
1st prize – $1,500
2nd prize – $1,000
3rd prize – $500
Honourable Mention – $250
AGM Curator’s Choice – $250

All successful artists will receive an exhibition fee of $100.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at contact@artgalleryofmississauga.com.

Good luck!

Click here to learn more, read the official rules AND APPLY