Update on Region of Peel Project at East Avenue and Cawthra Road Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station

By Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

The Study
The Region of Peel is undertaking a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study to review existing sanitary sewer infrastructure and evaluate options to divert flow from the Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) to the new Beechwood SPS. The map shows the area that may be directly impacted by the proposed construction.
The Study Process includes:
• Public and stakeholder consultation;
• An evaluation of alternative solutions to divert flow to the new pumping station;
• An assessment of proposed alternatives and identification of preferred alternative; and,
• Identification of measures to avoid or lessen adverse impacts to the community.
Virtual Engagement Opportunity
A virtual Engagement Opportunity (VEO) is being held to allow interested members of the public an opportunity to review and comment on the alternatives developed, the evaluation process followed, the preferred alternative and next steps in the Study process.
VEO materials will be made available to the public on peelregion.ca/public-works/environmental-assessments starting April 17, 2023.
Please submit any comments or concerns by May 19, 2023. Any input received by that date will be incorporated into the Project File Report, which will be available for public review when the study is completed.
To provide comments or request additional information about this project, please contact:
Jason Ahlberg, P.Eng. Project Manager
WSP Canada Inc. 289-982-4391 Jason.Ahlberg@wsp.com
Troy Leyburne, BSc. (Env.)
Project Manager, Wastewater
Engineering Services, Public Works
905-791-7800 ext. 4781
Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station Diversion Study Area
This Notice was first issued on April 17, 2023

Free confidential paper shredding returns to Peel

By Events, Resources, Ward 1

BRAMPTON, ON (April 17, 2023) – Peel is offering residents free confidential paper shredding at Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) on the following date:

  • April 29 – Fewster CRC

Paper shredding on this date will be available during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Residents can bring unbound paper documents such as taxes, bills, income statements and personal information.

Along with your papers, we encourage residents to bring non-perishable food items to donate for a local food bank.

Regular fees apply to all other items brought to the CRC for disposal.

Mississauga Awarded Prestigious Forest Stewardship Council® Certification

By Ward 1
The City of Mississauga has achieved the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification (FSC® C018800) for the management of 36 woodlands through the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) program. Receiving the certification confirms that a forest is being managed sustainably, preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers. The FSC® certification will assist the City with maintaining high forest stewardship standards.

“Mississauga is a city that values the vital role trees play in our community. The FSC® certification showcases our commitment to sustainable forest management and protecting Mississauga’s woodlands,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “The City recognizes the importance of trees for the environment of large urban cities like Mississauga. They provide shade and habitat for wildlife while filtering pollution and controlling flooding.”

To become certified, an organization must meet the FSC®’s standard for forest management. Mississauga’s woodlands were evaluated against 10 principles ranging from maintaining high conservation values to monitoring the environmental and social impacts of forest management. The certification complements a growing network of certified forests across southern Ontario under the EOMF’s Forest Certification Program.

“This certification assures the local community that our forest management activities are meeting the highest of standards,” said Nadia Paladino, Director, Parks, Forestry and Environment. “Mississauga manages more than 200 hectares of forests, including wetlands, woodlands and natural forests. We are very proud to have received this certification and to be a leader in sustainable forest management in Ontario. Receiving the FSC® certification helps us raise awareness about the value forests play within our economy, culture, traditions, history and future.”

FSC® certification benefits include sharing solutions to help raise the standard of forest management, connecting to a global network of organizations and businesses and protecting forest ecosystems while helping to fight climate change.

Benefits of Forests

As a valuable part of Mississauga’s ecosystem, the city’s forests help:

  • Combat climate change: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air.
  • Cool our streets and city: Trees provide shade to our homes and streets while releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.
  • Provide food to people and wildlife: Certain trees provide fruits (e.g. apple, pear), nuts (e.g. walnut, hickory) and berries (e.g. serviceberry, yew).
  • Prevent water pollution: Trees absorb stormwater (e.g. rain and melting snow) and prevent pollutants from being carried to Mississauga’s creeks, rivers and lake Ontario.
  • Reduce flood risk: Trees and shrubs capture water through their canopies and absorb it through their roots, reducing runoff from storms.
  • Provide homes to wildlfe: A single tree can provide habitats for many species like squirrels, birds and insects. Forest ecosystems offer even more habitat functions for wildlife and provide the necessary material to support their growth, feeding, breeding, movement and long-term survival.

Currently, the City is developing a Woodland Management Plan. As part of this process, staff are asking for resident feedback to prioritize management objectives across these City woodlands. If you have questions, email public.info@mississauga.ca or call 311 (905-615-4311 from outside Mississauga).


About the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF)
The EOMF is a not-for-profit, charitable organization. The EOMF works with government, landowners, industry, First Nations, non-government organizations and others to develop new ways to sustain and manage our forest resources. The EOMF Forest Certification Program now includes 70 private woodlot owners, 14 community forests.

About the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®)
FSC® is an international, membership-based, non-profit organization that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. FSC® Canada’s national forest stewardship standard provides tangible actions that positively impact forests, safeguarding forests, biodiversity protection, places to work and play sustainably, the elimination of deforestation, fair work environments, and community rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

To learn more about FSC®, visit ca.fsc.org.


White and green graphic with text that reads "The mark of responsible forestry. FSC C018800"


Media Contact:
City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151

2023 Spring Maintenance Program

By Issues, Resources

Please see the outline provided by Parks Operations for this year’s spring clean up program.

Parks and Forestry Operations maintain approx. 4,400 acres of turf within their 500+ parks, 370 sports fields, 11
cemeteries, 264 km of park trails and 300 hectares of roadside boulevard turf areas.
Grass Maintenance, Parkland Cutting City parks and Community Services facilities are serviced based upon the following classifications:
Destination Parks, Cemeteries, Community Centers, Libraries, Museums, Community Parks, Park Trails
Serviced Once Per Week Once Every Other Week, Sports Field Cutting, Sports fields are serviced based upon the following priorities:
Major Fields Minor Fields, Includes: Fenced, irrigated and lit sports fields Community park sports fields
Serviced 3 Times Per Week Once Per Week, *Sports fields are serviced more frequently than parkland turf due to the height of grass required by sports groups.
The Right Tool for the Right Job Parks Operations is required to utilize three distinct crews and equipment to service parkland and sport field turf.
*Any combination of crews may cut only certain sections while in a park with remaining works completed the following day. In cases of inclement weather cutting schedules may be adjusted.
Leash Free (LF) Locations. A full closure of each LF is required to complete turf cutting safely. These closure dates are prescheduled, physically posted at LF entrances and provided to LF Groups prior to the turf cutting season.
Boulevard Turf Cutting

The City’s Forestry team has a 2-week cycle for boulevards when the turf is actively growing in May, June, July and a 3-week schedule for August, October and November when growth slows down.
Trail Corridors Forestry Operation’s Contractors maintain multiple Trail corridors on Hydro One Network Inc. lands. Trail corridor meadow areas are generally maintained with 1 cut per month depending on seasonality growth.
Parks Operations Turf Cutting Crews maintain a 3ft area along the shoulder of the Trail corridors on Hydro One Network Inc. lands once every two weeks.
Waste/Recycling Collection. During months with peak park usage, Parks Operations provides peak service for waste containers at all parks, along trails, and park amenities such as spray pads, playgrounds and sports fields. All parks are serviced at minimum once per week.
Destination parks and most picnic areas are serviced daily.
Online Mapping Application To provide you with a better understanding of changes to waste collection in all of our parks, Maps for every park will be located online for your reference.
Please visit http://bit.ly/parkswaste to access the interactive map.
Playgrounds/Spray pads Dedicated playground staff help maintain the city’s 266 Playgrounds. (30 Accessible, 6 all inclusive, 230 community play sites) Playgrounds are inspected monthly.
32 spray pads are inspected weekly Please visit https://www.mississauga.ca/events-and-attractions/parks/find-a-park/ to locate these amenities in parks across the city.
Parks staff received 145 Service requests resulting in 252 Work orders (2022) in relation to graffiti in city parks.
Staff work to identify, report and remove graffiti/vandalism in parks from service requests as well as any instances identified while in the parks.
Horticulture Parks Operations maintains 1291 flower beds across the city. 520 of these are Class A beds, 771 are Class B beds and various natural areas and trails are Class C.
Class A Class B Class C Description: Irrigated horticulture displays, building entrances, park ID signs, destination parks etc. Beds along park pathways, small park ID signs, large shrub beds etc.
Natural areas and trails Includes: Annuals, perennials, shrubs & trees Perennials, shrubs & trees Shrubs & trees Services: Rototill, amend soil, plant, water, weed, cultivate, clean-up, deadhead, edge, fertilize, remove annuals, prune, and mulch Amend soil, plant, water, weed, cultivate, clean-up, deadhead, edge,
fertilize, prune, and mulch Prune Frequency: At least once yearly. Monitored once every other week
for additional work At least once yearly Monitored monthly for additional work Yearly Monitored once every three months for additional work




Building More Homes: City Looks at New Housing Options in Neighbourhoods

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

On Monday, April 17, staff will provide an update on the City’s ongoing efforts to expand low-rise housing options in Mississauga.

During the update, staff will review the current status and future directions of the Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods study which is looking at ways to allow more gentle density across the city. The City is looking at how best to permit more housing types such as semi-detached homes, townhouses, duplexes, triplexes and multiplexes in Mississauga neighbourhoods. Garden suites, laneway housing and garage conversions are also being reviewed as part of the study.

Adding gentle density in residential neighbourhoods could provide more housing options for families, older adults, students and Mississauga’s workforce. It is a key action of Growing Mississauga, the City’s recently released action plan on new housing.

Final recommendations including draft Official Plan policies and zoning regulations will be brought forward later this year as part of the City’s Official Plan Review.


Update on Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods Study to Planning and Development Committee


Planning and Development Committee
April 17, 2023 at 6 p.m.


  • Mississauga residents
  • Business and property owners
  • Housing advocates
  • Building and development industry
  • Interested stakeholders

How to Participate:

You may watch the live stream on the City’s website (without registering).

Advance registration is required to participate and/or make a comment virtually  during the meeting. Advance registration is preferred to participate and/or make a comment in person. Please email deputations.presentations@mississauga.ca or call 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 no later than Friday, April 14, 2023. Directions on how to participate will be provided.


The City’s Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods (IHCN) Study supports changes to the Planning Act, which requires municipalities to permit up to two additional residential units on lots with a single detached, semi-detached or row house. It will also ensure City policies are aligned with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which encourages municipalities to permit a range and mix of housing types such as garden suites and triplexes, and arrangements such as co-ownership and home sharing.

In addition to being a key action of the City’s new housing plan, Growing Mississauga, the IHCN study also moves forward key recommendations from the City’s affordable housing strategy – Making Room for the Middle. The strategy, which was approved by Council in 2017, concluded that the range of housing for middle income earners – such as teachers, nurses and social workers – is dwindling. It supports finding ways to remove barriers to affordable housing and providing residents with more housing choices as they go through different life stages.

Housing affordability is a major issue in Mississauga and the wider GTA. Providing greater housing choices and protecting as well as encouraging new affordable housing supply are priorities for the City.

Learn more by visiting the City’s Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhood Study website.

Sharing Lanes Returns with Focus on Road Safety

By Issues, Uncategorized, Ward 1

This summer, the City of Mississauga is taking a creative approach to improving safety for road users with the return of its tactical urbanism project Sharing Lanes – and you’re invited to share your feedback and ideas.

Tactical urbanism is an approach to city building that uses affordable, temporary measures to demonstrate different uses of the roadway and public space. This year’s Sharing Lanes project will test new ideas on some of the sidewalks and roadway sections of The Credit Woodlands, specifically around Bert Fleming Park and two nearby schools, to increase safety for vulnerable road users and improve access to Bert Fleming Park.

Plans for the space include:

  • Traffic calming measures including piloting a new configuration for the roadway around Bert Fleming Park
  • Vibrant designs on the roadway in front of two nearby schools
  • Transformed streets where a section of the roadway is replaced with a car-free community plaza space that will provide space for things like seating and community activities

Community feedback is an important part of planning these installations. During the month of April, residents are invited to share their thoughts and experiences online or at an in-person community meeting.

The feedback received will help the City understand what pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and drivers experience when traveling in the area. It will also help prioritize the best way to use the space to enhance the enjoyment and safety of all road users.

Hurontario LRT Construction Notice

By Hurontario LRT, Issues, Ward 1

Hurontario LRT Construction Notice
Information as of: March 2023
Temporary Road Closure of
Mineola Road West at Hurontario
Street for Stormwater Installation
Saturday April 15 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Contact Us:
Call us: 416-202-7500
Write to us at: peel@metrolinx.com
Find us on Twitter @HurontarioLRT
Visit the website and sign up for our newsletter: www.metrolinx.com/hurontariolrt
What work is taking place? As utility upgrades progress in the area, crews will be installing stormwater infrastructure along the west side of Hurontario Street at Mineola Drive West. The working hours will take place on Saturday April 15 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. This will involve the full closure of Mineola on the west side of Hurontario Street to accommodate the storm crossing. Work is being scheduled to minimize traffic and overnight noise impacts to nearby residents.
In accordance with City of Mississauga Noise By-Law Exemption requirements, this notice is meant to advise that residents near the work site can expect to hear noise and vibration caused by trucks, excavators, backhoes, loaders, and other construction equipment related to this work.
Please note, work may be rescheduled due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. If you require the most up-to-date information, please reach out to peel@metrolinx.com.
TIMING • Work is scheduled for April 15, 2023, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. • Work could be rescheduled and delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
TRAFFIC DETAILS • Temporary lane reductions will be required on Hurontario Street. • Access to Mineola Road West from Hurontario Street will be available from Indian Valley Trail and Glenburnie Road. • A paid duty police officer will be present during working hours to help control traffic flows at the intersection. • Traffic delays are expected. • Watch for slow moving vehicles entering and exiting work areas. • Remember to reduce your speed when approaching lane reductions.
WHAT TO EXPECT? • Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions. • Residents and businesses near the work site can expect to hear noise and vibration caused by trucks, excavators,
loaders, triaxles, backhoes, and other construction equipment related to this work.
TRANSIT DETAILS • MiWay will continue to operate with regular service. • Watch for additional signs directing passengers at bus stops as boarding areas may be relocated. • Visit www.miway.ca/updates for updates on your bus route.
PEDESTRIAN DETAILS • Please take care when travelling near construction areas. • Sidewalk access in the area could be affected. • Watch for additional signs directing pedestrians as detours may be required. • Clear and defined walking paths will be maintained during construction to ensure pedestrian safety.
CONTACT US • Metrolinx has a dedicated community relations team in place to work with residents in Peel region through the construction and operation of this transformational transit project. • 24-hour line 416-202-7500.

Community Virtual Meeting – 850-1083 Rangeview Road – 830-1076 Lakeshore Rd. E. Thursday, April 27, 2023

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

April 7, 2023

Dear Resident,

Re: Ward 1 – Community Engagement Virtual Meeting 

850-1083 Rangeview Road and 830-1076 Lakeshore Road East (south side)


The City of Mississauga has received the submission of a Development Master Plan from Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. for the redevelopment of the Rangeview employment area.  Rangeview is located south of Lakeshore Road between East Avenue and Hydro Road in the Lakeview Community.  Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. owns 21 properties with Rangeview, representing 65% of the private landholdings in the area.

The Development Master Plan represents an overarching guiding document on how the lands should be developed.  In order to implement their plans, the applicant will need to also amend the Official Plan and rezone the property at a future date.

The Community Engagement virtual meeting I am hosting is being held to provide residents with more information and to have a discussion on the proposed development.

I have arranged a virtual Community Engagement meeting on Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you wish to attend and participate in the discussions, please  find the webex call in details below:

When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.

Meeting number (access code): 2300 770 7344

Meeting password: bgRSyCmp838 (24779267 from video systems)

Join meeting


Should you have any questions prior to the scheduled meeting, please contact myself or David Breveglieri, Development Planner for this application at 905-615-3200 ext. 5551 or email at david.breveglieri@mississauga.ca



Stephen Dasko

Councillor, Ward 1

Apply for a Free Pollinator Garden!

By Events, Gaming, Ward 1

Blooming Boulevards is now accepting applications for free boulevard (and right of way) pollinator gardens for 2023. Mississauga residents are eligible to receive up to 50 low-maintenance plants native to the Credit Watershed area. These beautiful, easy-care wildflowers withstand salt and drought, reduce runoff, and will provide pollinators with food and shelter throughout the year.

All services – consultation, site visit and planting design, ongoing advice and up to 50 native pollinator plants – are free.

Applications and information can be found at Blooming Boulevards: http://www.bloomingboulevards.org/get-a-garden. If you have questions, you are welcome to email Jeanne McRight at info@bloomingboulevards.org.

The application period ends on May 1, or after our 100-garden maximum has been reached – whichever comes first! Apply now to make sure your garden is reserved!


Jeanne McRight, President

Blooming Boulevards


