Mississauga Joins Digital Main Street’s ShopHERE Powered by Google Program to Help Small Businesses Get Online for Free

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

May 29, 2020

To help support our local small businesses, Mississauga is proud to announce it will be joining the ShopHERE, powered by Google program. The program will provide independent businesses and artists with resources to develop and launch an online store at no-cost, with the support of local post-secondary students.

“The vast majority of businesses in our city are small businesses and their survival will be key in our efforts to reignite the economy. COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of e-commerce and having a digital presence, especially for our local independent businesses,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “This program comes at a critical time in our efforts to help our small business community recover from this crisis. We encourage people to buy local and this program will provide consumers with even more options to do so. I want to thank Digital Main Street, Google Shopify, Mastercard, Microsoft, and Magnet for providing this program and encourage all eligible businesses to apply.”

Launched originally on May 12, 2020 for the Toronto business community, Digital Main Street is now working with Google to expand ShopHERE powered by Google across Canada with a goal of building 50,000 online stores by the end of 2020.

The City of Mississauga will leverage the infrastructure created by the City of Toronto with Digital Main Street and will cover a portion of the student costs to get the program running. As part of the program, local students will be trained to build and launch online stores.

Local businesses and artists can apply for the program at digitalmainstreet.ca/shophere to get their online store built at no-cost.

The program will provide independent businesses and artists with:

  • Their choice of an online store customized with their information, branding, logo etc.
  • Hands-on assistance setting up and launching their online store
  • Training to support their online store, including topics such as digital marketing, shipping and inventory management
  • Access to free tools to help support the launch of their online stores

The ShopHERE powered by Google program is open to businesses and artists providing they are a registered business, have a commercial or home-based location, have fewer than 10 employees or fewer than 25 employees if a restaurant or bar and they are not a corporate chain or franchise.

“We have heard first hand through round table discussions with local businesses about the impacts COVID-19 has had on our small business community. We remain committed to offering support and solutions to address the hardships of our local businesses,” said Bonnie Brown, Director, Economic Development. “In addition to joining ShopHERE powered by Google program, our Economic Development Office has assembled a dedicated team of business advisors that provide one-on-one support and guidance to entrepreneurs and business owners and help identify digital solutions that best meet their needs.”

Information about provincial and federal supports for businesses can be found at thefutureisunlimited.ca/covid-19.

To find out more about Digital Main Street’s ShopHERE powered by Google program, visit: digitalmainstreet.ca/shophere.


City of Mississauga Reopens Select Park Amenities and Parking Lots

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

June 1, 2020

Beginning today, the City of Mississauga is reopening select park amenities and parking lots as part of its Phase 2 COVID-19 recovery plan. The reopened amenities include leash-free zones (Union Park and Community Common remain closed), BMX/skate parks, tennis courts, community tennis clubs, picnic shelters, park benches and seasonal washrooms.

“As we work to slowly reopen our park amenities, we understand that some of our parks, such as those along our waterfronts, will see an increase in visits and use,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We encourage residents to continue to stay local, stay apart and to use their common sense. If you arrive at a park and it is busy, please turn around and go home. We will continue education and enforcement at our outdoor facilities to keep you safe with added bike patrols and a Parks Ambassador Program. As per the Provincial Order, people must continue to maintain a safe physical distance of 2 metres and avoid park amenities such as playgrounds that remain closed. We appreciate your patience and commitment to helping us keep Mississauga safe and healthy.”

The list of reopened park amenities and parking lots is available online.

The City will put in place additional safety measures to ensure that the public follows physical distancing guidelines and avoid areas that remained closed. Signs will be posted with health and safety guidelines, and park ambassadors – who will be clearly identified – will be available to educate and inform the public. Enforcement staff will also continue to patrol areas.

“We are glad to be able to reopen some of our amenities for the public to use and enjoy,” said Jodi Robillos, Director of Parks, Forestry and Environment. “While we encourage residents to go outside, we are also reminding residents to follow the health and safety guidelines and closures that are still in place.”

The following park amenities remain closed:

  • Sport fields
  • Multi-sport, basketball and bocce courts
  • Union Park and Community Common leash-free zones (size cannot meet physical distancing requirements)
  • Boat launch at Marina Park (due to high water levels)
  • Playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment (under Provincial Order)
  • Spray pads and wading pools (under Provincial order)

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit mississauga.ca/coronavirus.




Re-opening Plans, Public Engagement,  Events Cancelled

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Re-opening Plans, Public Engagement,  Events Cancelled

Re-opening plans and procedures outlined, Public Engagement – projects identified, Permits & Events Cancelled to September 7, MiWay Safety During Pandemic

COVID-19 | May 27, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council approved a plan for a measured and phased re-opening of outdoor recreation amenities, cancelling events at City facilities to September 7, 2020 and plans and principles for community engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We continue to work to protect our City while taking a slow and measured approach to re-opening our parks facilities,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Today, Council made the decision to first reopen individual activities in parks that carry a lower risk such as skateboard and leash-free dog parks. We will explore a broader re-opening based on case numbers and how well people follow the guidelines. We also made the tough decision today to cancel major festivals and large events at City facilities and parks for the rest of the summer in an effort to prevent further spread. We remain committed to engaging the community on City building projects and will proceed with virtual engagement sessions on essential, priority projects. We once again thank residents and businesses for their patience and understanding as we navigate re-opening and recovery.”

Phased Re-Opening of Outdoor Recreation Facilities

Council approved a phased approach and safety procedures for the re-opening of City outdoor recreation amenities. Communications, physical distancing and signage are included in the plans and will be developed. Phases will be implemented in consultation with the Region of Peel Medical Officer of Health. Physical distancing is now a requirement in the park amenity re-openings as per the updated Provincial Orders.

The following outdoor recreation amenities have re-opened with safety and operational plans in place to minimize risks associated with COVID-19 (City of Mississauga Phase 1):

  • Municipal Golf Courses
  • Public Marinas and boat launch at Lakefront Promenade
  • Community Gardens, in partnership with Ecosource 

Park and Community Parking lots

Select park and community parking lots will open on Friday May 29, 2020.  Parking lots associated with Phase 2 amenities will open as those facilities are made available to the public.

Phase 2 – Starting June 1, 2020

  • Park benches and picnic shelters
  • Leash-free zones
  • BMX/Skate parks
  • Public tennis courts
  • Community tennis clubs
  • Seasonal washrooms and portable washrooms

Physical distancing measures must be maintained as per the Provincial Order.

Phase 3 – To be completed within 10 days of approval and with guidance from the Peel Region Medical Officer of Health

  • Multi-sport, basketball and bocce courts
  • Community sport fields

Physical distancing measures must be maintained

Phase 4/TBD – These facilities continue to remain closed until further notice. 

  • Playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment (currently closed under Provincial Order)
  • Public boat launch at Marina Park will open when highwater levels subside

Enforcement will continue to focus on education and ensuring residents are informed about ongoing closures and any re-openings.

Park Ambassador Program

As outdoor recreation facilities begin a phased re-opening, the City will be redeploying full-time staff to work in pairs at our major parks across the City.  They will be clearly identified as City staff and will engage with residents to educate them on physical distancing requirements and closures within our parks.

Festivals, Events and Gatherings within City Facilities Cancelled to September 7

Council approved the cancellation of permits for major festivals, large events and other gatherings in City facilities until September 7, 2020. Impacted permit holders will be notified by City staff.

As provincial orders are revised, City staff will work with guidance from Peel Public Health on establishing parameters for the safe re-opening of facilities and permitting of small group activities.

Community Engagement for City-Led Projects During COVID–19 Pandemic

Council approved a report on Community Engagement for identified City-Led Projects and engagement principles during the COVID–19 Pandemic.

Staff looked at projects:

  • with statutory engagement requirements
  • deemed as “essential” projects under Ontario Regulation 82/20 – Closure of Non-Essential Businesses
  • having a level of risk with further delay associated with project timing, cost, resources, development dependencies and quality of engagement 

All engagements proceeding during the pandemic are to apply the following principles:

  • No in-person engagement until further notice
  • Project Leads to work with the local ward Councillor on appropriate timing and engagement methods
  • Virtual engagement sessions to be conducted through City-supported technology tools and paired with universally accessible methods (e.g., individual telephone calls, direct mail notification, e-mails, online surveys)
  • Engagement during popular vacation weeks and dates of significance should be avoided in keeping with regular practices

Development applications are not in scope of these engagements.

MiWay Safety During COVID-19 Pandemic

MiWay remains committed to providing city-wide transit service and supporting the physical distancing efforts recommended by Peel Public Health and the provincial and federal governments.

At this time the Ontario Ministry of Health recommends the use a face covering (non-medical mask such as a cloth mask) to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 when physical distancing and keeping two-metres’ distance from others may be challenging or not possible such as on public transit. Learn about face coverings, including how to properly fit, wear, remove and clean your non-medical face mask while using MiWay.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: Mississauga.ca/coronavirus or call 311.


Economic Development Office – Hosting “Working Together Six Feet Apart” session

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources


I would like to share with you an upcoming online webinar that EDO is hosting entitled, “Working Together Six feet Apart:  Planning a Safe Return to the Office” on Monday, June 1st at 10:00am.  This free webinar will help companies plan for re-opening through the Province’s first phase of recovery.

This webinar is the result of feedback we received through our engagement with our business community, BIAs and business associations.

Please share this link to your business community and clients who may be interested in registering for this webinar.

Our webinars have been very popular and we are continuing to evolve these based on the areas of interest expressed by our business community. To see other webinars that EDO is offering to our business community click here.

As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have.


Heat Warning issued for Peel next 2 days

By Covid-19, Issues

COVID-19 in Peel

With community spread, treat every interaction like you could be exposed.


Symptoms of heat-related illness include rapid breathing, dizziness or fainting, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, extreme thirst, decreased urination and unusually dark yellow urine.


During heat events, remember to check-in with family, friends and neighbours, especially seniors who live on their own. It’s best to call or video-conference – if that is not possible, practice physical distancing. Many of the locations that provided relief from heat such as shopping malls and community centres are not available due to COVID-19. If you experience any of the symptoms above, cool off as soon as possible by taking a cool bath or shower, move to a shaded area and practice physical distancing and increase your fluid intake and rest. If the symptoms persist, contact your doctor or call 911.


For more information on how to protect your health during the heat, visit the Heat web site or review the various Guidelines which outline steps to help prevent heat-related illnesses.


Learn how to protect yourself and others, and stay up-to-date on COVID-19 in Peel. Some Regional services and facilities are affected or closed until further notice. Check full listing.

Paying Your Interim 2020 Taxes

By Covid-19, Issues, Resources

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Tax Deferral, Online Penalty Notice Screening and Prohibiting Fireworks
Tax deferral, online administrative penalty screening & prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks

COVID-19 | May 6, 2020

Today, Council approved further actions in response to COVID-19 including, tax deferral, allowing online administrative penalty screening and prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks.

“Mississauga continues to run efficiently and deliver key services in the face of this pandemic,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “That includes continuing to take measures to keep Mississauga safe and provide cash flow relief to our residents. Prohibiting fireworks is the right thing to do at this time to help discourage large groups from gathering, keep our City safe and ensure our firefighters and enforcement teams are focused on the task at hand, that’s fighting COVID-19.”

Tax Deferral

To provide further financial assistance to taxpayers and help ease financial pressures as a result of the impacts of COVID-19, Council agreed to postpone regular final tax instalments and eliminate late payment charges and fees related to tax payment requests for changes. The City is requesting that landlords pass the tax deferral on to their tenants.


Virtual Fireworks Only

Council voted to prohibit the sale and use of fireworks until further notice to reduce the potential for large crowds and continue to promote resident safety for the duration of the emergency related to COVID-19 as declared by the Province of Ontario and ensure existing resources are available and used for resident safety.  While fireworks are currently banned in Mississauga, please enjoy a virtual display this year with highlights from previous Mississauga firework events presented by Tim Hortons: https://youtu.be/cy7B2SL1zcc

Three by-laws were amended to prohibit the use and sale of fireworks in Mississauga:

  1. Fireworks Residents By-law – Regulating the use of fireworks by the public including restrictions on dates, times and permit requirements.
  2. Fireworks Vendors By-law – Regulating the licensing for the ownership and operation of portable firework display units within the City.
  3. Business Licensing By-law – Regulating the licensing and sale of fireworks from inside a building (not portable).

Phased Approach to Re-opening For Community Safety

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Phased Approach to Re-opening For Community Safety

COVID-19 | May 20, 2020

Today, Council reviewed information from City staff, Peel Public Health and public health agencies regarding Mississauga’s readiness for re-opening and a recommended approach in light of recent changes announced by the Government of Ontario regarding the re-opening of outdoor amenities on May 19th.

“We are taking a measured ‘made in Mississauga approach’ to re-opening City facilities based on the best advice of our Chief Medical Officer of Health. We also know that community spread is still happening here in Peel and that our numbers right now in terms of new cases simply don’t support a broader re-opening. We must listen to the experts,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We will be taking a phased approach in consultation with Dr. Loh that is safe, coordinated and ensures flexibility if conditions improve. We will proceed with reopening our second golf course, nine community gardens in City parks and public marinas as these plans were already well underway. Staff will be prepared for additional re-openings when the time is ready.”

All current closures remain in place except for public marinas and City-owned golf courses. Enforcement will continue to focus on education and ensuring residents are informed about ongoing closures and any re-openings.

A staff report on the details for re-opening will be presented to Council on May 27.

Public Marinas Re-Open

In the interim, the Public Boat Launch at Lakefront Promenade will re-open May 22 and Public Marinas beginning May 22.  Associated parking lots for these amenities will open at the same time. Provincial Orders include a requirement to maintain a two metre distance from others while using any of these facilities.  The boat launch at Marina Park remains closed due to high water conditions.

The message to residents continues to be:

  • Practice physical distancing while outside, and avoid crowds.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer ranges in concentration from 60-90% alcohol content. A minimum of 70% alcohol content is recommended for health-care settings, and a minimum of 60% alcohol content is recommended for personal use.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose as much as possible.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: Mississauga.ca/coronavirus or call 311.

2020 Mississauga Urban Design Awards – Retrospective People’s Choice Award

By Events, Issues

Voting Open for the 2020 Mississauga Urban Design Awards – Retrospective People’s Choice Award

 May 21, 2020

Vote online for your favourite Mississauga places in the 2020 Mississauga Urban Design Awards – People’s Choice Award. This year’s Award is a retrospective of Award of Excellence winners from the last 35 years. The Mississauga Urban Design Awards are one of the longest-running in Ontario, recognizing exceptional urban design since 1981.

Urban design shapes the interaction between people and places. It is about how buildings fit together to make quality spaces, addressing both the natural and built environments. Urban design creates successful, vibrant cities and has been shown to improve the quality of life in a community.

How to vote?

Online voting will remain open until September 28, 2020. Winners will be announced in October 2020.

Tweet: Vote online for your favourite #Mississauga places in the 2020 #MississaugaUrbanDesignAwards – People’s Choice Award. Urban design helps to create successful, vibrant cities & has been shown to improve the quality of life. Learn more and vote online http://ow.ly/9rjZ30qId0A


Walk for Alzheimer’s supporting Peel Region is going Virtual – Your support is needed.

By Events

Please join with the in supporting the Alzheimer Society Peel for their Virtual Walk for Alzheimer’s walk on Sunday May 31, 2020.  I have included a video message for your information as well.    Stephen


The Alzheimer Society Peel is here to help!  Please join or donate to IG Wealth Management’s Virtual Walk for Alzheimer’s and support the work they are doing to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Link to event


Link to our social media


Hashtags to use when posting

#igwalkforalz, #ourconnectionsmatter and #SlideforASP

What we do at the Alzheimer Society Peel

We provide direct care and support to those living with dementia and their care-partners.  As the need grows, our programs have continued to expand.

  • We touch the lives of 41,000 people each year in Peel Region
  • Public Education on Alzheimer and dementia
  • 5 Day Programs in Mississauga and Brampton
  • 1 Short Term Respite Home – Nora’s House
  • Music Therapist
  • Support Groups
  • Counselling Services
  • Bathing Program
  • Expert support to hospital and LTC staff

Our first ever Walk for Alzheimer’s is only 3 weeks away and I need your help to spread the word to our members.  Kindly share the attached PDF and video explaining what a virtual walk is and why it is important to your contacts.  To learn more about the walk please watch the attached video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdh3ZJgTS_o

To learn more about our virtual walk please watch the attached video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdh3ZJgTS_o

Thank you so much for all your support.

Alzheimer Society Peel | 385 Brunel Road | Mississauga, ON | L4Z 1Z5

905-278-3667 Ext. 214 | Cell: 647-880-6184 |Fax: 905-278-3964 l.benedikt@alzheimerpeel.com | www.alzheimerpeel.com

If you, or someone that you represent, has a disability and needs accessible services, information in an alternate format, or any other accommodations, please contact Danielle Farrell at 905-79201319 Ext. 710. We will work with you to make appropriate arrangements.

Awarded Three Year Accreditation Status-CARF Canada – May 2019-2022