“Noisemakers” Not Welcome in Mississauga Under Amended Noise Control By-Law

By Issues

August 5, 2020

The City of Mississauga is taking strong action to address vehicle noise after Council approved a proposed amendment to the Noise Control By-law.

The amended by-law will prohibit anyone from making unnecessary noise in both stationary and moving motor vehicles. This includes unreasonable noise caused by sounding a horn, playing loud music from their vehicle, revving an engine or squealing tires. It also prohibits drivers from creating unreasonable noise from mufflers, exhaust or emission control systems. This prohibition applies to all motor vehicles, including motorcycles.

“Mississauga is urbanizing and we recognize that as our city gets busier, noise levels inevitably increase. That being said, we need to do whatever we can to discourage unnecessary noise, especially from vehicles,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. Excessive vehicle noise disrupts our resident’s quality of life, whether they are being awakened in the middle of the night or startled while driving on our streets. As we continue to modernize our approach to noise control, we‘re taking action to ensure that anyone who modifies or “soups” up their vehicles to disrupt our streets and neighbourhoods will face fines. Let’s continue to work together to ensure our city remains enjoyable for all.”

 Under the amended by-law, the City will request the Ministry of the Attorney General to approve a higher set fine from the current rate of $110 to $500. Both the City and Peel Regional Police will have the authority to charge violators under the amended by-law.

On July 8, City staff presented Council with a proposed updated Noise Control By-law. Council identified vehicle noise as a priority and directed staff to come back with amendments to the Noise Control By-law for immediate action.

“Vehicle noise is one of the top noise concerns for residents,” said Sam Rogers, Director, Enforcement. “We know that Peel Regional Police has seen a lot of success with their Project Noisemaker program with a total of 339 charges. As of July 31, approximately 170 charges have been laid in Mississauga alone for vehicle noise offences. Approval of the amended by-law and a proposed increased set fine amount means that the City and Peel Regional Police will be able to issue higher fines to violators. We are taking action to protect the quality of life for Mississauga residents.”

The amended Noise Control By-law will come into effect on August 6, 2020.

In addition to the amended by-law, Ward 2 Councillor Karen Ras put forward a motion today at Council which passed unanimously. The motion calls on the Province to request that the portion of the Highway Traffic Act dealing with tampering of emission control systems on motor vehicles, be put in force immediately.


Face Covering By-law for Condominiums and Apartments

By Covid-19

COVID-19 Response Continues: Amendments to the Face Covering By-law for Condominiums and Apartments, Limits to Restaurant Capacities, Film &Television Reopening Plan, Resumption of Council and Committee Meetings and Parks By-law Review

COVID-19 | August 5, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council reviewed and approved initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including: Amendments to the Face Covering By-law for condominiums and apartments, Limits to Restaurant Capacities, Film and Television Reopening Plan, Resumption of Council and Committee Meetings and  Parks By-law Review.

“Today we took the step to amend a by-law to make face coverings mandatory in common areas of condominiums and apartments, similar to others. We want to protect the health and safety of residents wherever possible and this action will help us to remain diligent and to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “As part of our recovery efforts and to return to normal, we will be resuming our usual Council and Committee schedule beginning in September and allowing for virtual participation into August 2021. This will allow us to evaluate the hybrid model and determine how best to proceed on a permanent basis. And, we will be resuming our film and television activities and reviewing our Parks By-law to better reflect to ensure our parks are used properly and for their intended purpose.”

Face Coverings Required in Common Spaces in Condominiums and Apartments
Council approved amending the Face Covering By-law by requiring face coverings in enclosed common areas of residential apartment buildings and condominiums to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Medical Officer of Health for the Region of Peel has recommended face coverings for these areas where physical distancing may not be possible. Residential owners and operators of these buildings will be required to adopt a face covering policy in accordance with the face covering by-law. For more information: Motion

Limits to Restaurant Capacities
Also passed by Council was a by-law to cap restaurant capacities at 100 patrons and to limit the number of people that can be seated at a table in a restaurant/bar to 10 people.

Film and Television Reopening Plan
Council reviewed a reopening plan for film and television with Mississauga home to six major film studios and more than 850,000 square feet of studio space. 2019 was a record year for filming in Mississauga, with a total of 1,463 filming days and more than $720,000 in City revenues.

As part of Mississauga’s Film Office re-opening plan an number of measures will be taken such as:

  • COVID-19 Protocols will be added to neighbourhood film notification letters
  • Production companies will provide residents with written notices that will direct them to indicate any objections to filming by either phone or email.
  • Updates will be made to the City’s website, noting any City of Mississauga specific guidelines for filming as they pertain to COVID-19
  • Flexibility will be requested for requests to close City rights-of-way to allow for sufficient physical distancing among casts and crew

Council and Committee Meetings Resume
Council and Committee meetings will resume with their regular schedule effective September 8, 2020 and the Council Procedure By-law will be amended to allow electronic participation at all Council and Committee meetings until August 1, 2021 as allowed under the Province’s Bill 197 legislation.

By extending the electronic participation provisions in the City’s Procedure By-laws until August 1, 2021, it provides Council and staff with the opportunity evaluate and review if these provisions should be made permanent. Staff will report to Governance Committee prior to July 2021.

For more information: Bill 197 and the Resumption of Council and Committee Meetings

Parks By-law Review
A new draft by-law was reviewed to govern activities in City parks and open spaces. The new by-law is expected to come into effect in September 2020 and will better reflect and regulate the range of activities which occur in City parks and open spaces. Changes include hours of operation, commercial activities and other considerations such as age restrictions for children in leash-free zones and alignment with the Region of Peel’s Outdoor No Smoking or Vaping By-law. Community organizations affected by changes to the by-law have been consulted throughout the process.


The Compass – Walk the Walk – September 2020

By Events, Issues, Resources

Every year volunteers, clients, friends and other residents of Ward 1 and 2 come together to Walk the Walk for our local food bank. The Compass distributed over 486,000 lbs of food last year to locals in need. The Compass provides more than just food, they are also a community for their clients who participate in programs such as men and women’s groups, movie night, tax help and many other services. With only 3 part time staff the Compass is powered by local volunteers and funding from local donors. The Walk is the major fundraising event adn this year it’s going to be virtual – I urge you to go to thecompass.ca/walk and sign up to Walk the Walk in your neighbourhood or your backyard for a neighbour in need.

Please see my video message in support of this event!

The Compass Video 2020


Update on Port Credit GO Station

By Planning & Development

July 30,2020

Metrolinx will be enhancing accessibility and safety features at Port Credit GO station starting August 4, 2020. This will include new yellow tactile edging along the platform to remind customers how far back they should stand; upgrading elevators on the island and the south platform; and adding/upgrading accessible ramps that lead to the south platform. 

The work will take approximately one year to complete and the Metrolinx crew will be utilizing 15 parking spaces near Stavebank Road.

Any questions or concerns, please let me know.



Port Credit Construction Notice July 2020

The Compass Annual Walk the Walk – September 13-19, 2020

By Events

Every year volunteers, clients, friends and other residents of Ward 1 and 2 come together to Walk the Walk for our local food bank. The Compass distributed over 486,000 lbs of food last year to locals in need. The Compass provides more than just food, they are also a community for their clients who participate in programs such as men and women’s groups, movie night, tax help and many other services. With only 3 part time staff the Compass is powered by local volunteers and funding from local donors. The Walk is the major fundraising event and this year it’s going to be virtual – I urge you to go to thecompass.ca/walk and sign up to Walk the Walk in your neighbourhood or your backyard for a neighbour in need.

Interim Place’s 9th Annual Steps to End Violence Against Women Walk on Saturday, September 27th, 2020.

By Events

We are pleased to invite you to join us once again for Interim Place’s 9th Annual Steps to End Violence Against Women Walk on Saturday, September 27th, 2020.

This year’s first-ever virtual walk will take place online, with a virtual fitness challenge culminating in a livestreamed Rose Vigil and Awards Ceremony on Sunday, September 27th. To learn more about the event please download our Fundraising Toolkit. To register for the event please visit:   https://interimplace.akaraisin.com/ui/STEPS2020

This walk is an opportunity to honour the lives that have been lost to gender-based violence in Peel Region over the past ten years, and the 47,000 survivors and their children who have walked through Interim Place’s doors and accessed our services.  Since last year’s walk, five women in Peel Region have lost their lives at the hands of men in their lives. Women are at significantly increased risk of gender-based violence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as such Interim Place’s two 24-hour Shelters, Emergency Crisis Lines, Community Support programming, and Sexual Violence Support Program have and will continue to remain fully operational throughout the pandemic. Due to the increased demand for supports and services, the need for fund raised dollars is greater than ever.

It would mean a great deal to us as an agency, and to the community, to have you join us as a participant in the walk to honour survivors of violence their families and help raise much-needed funds to meet the increasing demands of survivors in our community. Any support you could provide in promoting the event in your networks and/or newsletter would also be very much appreciated.

City of Mississauga Preparing to Enter Stage 3 of Province’s Reopening Plan -July 29, 2020

By Covid-19, Resources

COVID-19 | July 29, 2020

Following the Government of Ontario’s announcement today, Mississauga as part of the Region of Peel, has been given the green light to enter Stage 3 of Ontario’s Framework for Reopening Our Province on Friday, July 31.

“Mississauga wouldn’t be entering Stage 3 if it wasn’t for the collective efforts and hard work of our healthcare professionals, our business community and most important, our residents who have sacrificed so much to stop the spread of COVID-19. We always said that we would take a team Mississauga approach to tackling this virus, and I’m proud those efforts are reflected in our progress,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “This is also exciting news for our business community, with more businesses opening their doors to the public, as well as for residents who have been looking forward to using our City facilities, including our libraries, community centres, playgrounds and more. While we are all eager to see life get back to normal and our city further reopen, we cannot get complacent. Each and every one of us must continue to take personal responsibility and practice COVID-19 prevention. Until a vaccine is developed, this will be a part of our daily lives. When you leave the house, don’t forget your keys, your wallet and your mask. Continue to keep a safe distance and practice proper hand hygiene. We need to continue to work as a team and keep up the good work to help reduce the severity of a second wave this fall.”

Stage 3 brings new restrictions on social gatherings. The limit on indoor gatherings increases from 10 people to 50 people and the limit on outdoor gatherings increases to a maximum of 100 people. In addition, businesses and public spaces will also be allowed to reopen with proper health and safety measures in place, including movie theatres, gyms, fitness studios, casinos, indoor dining and bars. For the full list of reopenings, visit ontario.ca/page/reopening-ontario.

“The news that Peel Region is moving into Stage 3 this coming Friday highlights how our collective community efforts have turned the tide on COVID-19 in our community. We must remember, however, that our victory lies in continued vigilance. The Core Four behaviours remain critical: washing your hands, social distancing, wearing a mask where mandatory or where distancing is difficult, and staying home and getting tested if we are sick,” said Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health. “As businesses reopen it will also be critical for them to have a reopening plan and put precautions in place to protect staff and customers. These steps will keep us moving forward, and ensure that the sacrifices of the past few months will bear out in our continued recovery.”

Just as all businesses that reopened in Stage 2 were required to adhere to the guidelines put in place by the Government of Ontario and the Region of Peel, businesses that reopen as part of Stage 3 will be required to adhere to the same guidelines. In Mississauga, businesses must also create and implement a face covering policy, as per the City’s mandatory Face Covering By-law. Guidance and resources to help Mississauga businesses navigate reopening and recovery can be found online at mississauga.ca/business-covid-19.

Several City facilities may also reopen in Stage 3, including arenas, the Civic Centre, libraries, community centres, culture facilities, playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment.

“We’re working to safely reopen all of our City facilities and amenities, including our community centres, culture facilities, libraries, the Civic Centre and playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment,” said Paul Mitcham, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “As we enter Stage 3, the health and safety of our residents and staff continue to be a top priority. We will work closely with Peel Public Health and will adhere to all guidelines and regulations put out by the Province and the Region. Just as when we entered Stage 2, our reopening process for Stage 3 will be thoughtful and deliberate. We are asking the community for their continued patience.”

City Facility Reopenings


Limited access is currently available for ice rentals and additional facilities will reopen as demand increases. Booking requests can be directed to the Customer Service Centre at 905-615-4100.

Banquet Halls

Harding Waterfront Estate is currently available for event bookings that align with gathering limits. C Banquets will be available for bookings in the fall.

City Hall, Community Centres, C Café

The City is working toward a phased reopening of these facilities this fall, including fitness centres, indoor pools and rentals. Details will be communicated through our website and social media channels as they are confirmed.

Culture Facilities

Benares Historic House, Bradley Museum and Small Arms Inspection Building will be open starting August 4 with modified access and services. More information will be available on our website and social media channels.

Meadowvale theatre will be open to receive inquiries and issue rental agreements.

Living Arts Centre

Meeting rooms will be available as of August 17. Church group bookings, RBC Theatre, studio rentals, info desk, reception and box office will all reopen on September 8.

Hammerson Hall will reopen for rental bookings that meet provincial guidelines as of October 1 and community courses are set to resume on October 13.

Film Office 

The film office is open and accepting film permit requests.


Most library locations currently offer curbside pickup by appointment and book returns. Library due dates and fines continue to be suspended until July 31. Customers can continue to use their library card or virtual card to explore our vast collection of ebooks, audiobooks, our online programming and other virtual resources. The library is actively planning for the gradual introduction of additional services permitted in Stage 3. Details on these changes and timelines will be communicated through our website and social media channels as they are confirmed.

Mississauga Provincial Offences Courthouse

The Courthouse will be open to the public as of August 4 to offer select administrative functions.

Playgrounds and Outdoor Fitness

All of the City’s playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment will open by end of day Friday, July 31.

Sport Field and Park Picnic Area Permits

As of Friday, July 31, sport fields and picnic areas will be able to be booked to accommodate larger outdoor gathering numbers as permitted by Provincial Orders. In addition, non-contact sports will be allowed to resume games.

 Closures that Remain in Effect

Major Festivals and Large Events 

All large events taking place at City facilities and parks continue to be cancelled until September 7, 2020.

Find the full list of City reopenings and closures and to stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: Mississauga.ca/recovery.


MiWay Changes Express Route on Hurontario due to LRT Construction 

By Covid-19, Hurontario LRT, Issues

July 28, 2020

Effective August 3, MiWay will revise Route 103-Hurontario Express as part of its second phase of routing changes along the Hurontario corridor. These adjustments are required to help minimize service impacts due to the Hurontario Light Rail Transit (HuLRT) construction, which began in late March.

Due to the anticipated reduction of traffic lanes south of the QEW in the upcoming months, Route 103 will no longer travel south of The Queensway to the Port Credit GO Station and instead, will travel between the Brampton Gateway Terminal and Trillium Health Partners – Mississauga Hospital, seven days a week.

Frequent service on Route 103 and other local routes on Hurontario (Routes 2 and 17) allow for convenient transfers along the Hurontario corridor. Route 2 will continue to provide local service to all stops between the City Centre Transit Terminal (CCTT) and Port Credit GO Station, and Route 17 travels between the Highway 407 Park and Ride and the CCTT, continuing to provide 24-hour service during weekdays.

MiWay reminds passengers that wearing a face covering or non-medical mask is now mandatory when riding on MiWay and inside transit terminal buildings. Children under the age of two and people with disabilities or other medical conditions that prevent them from wearing any mask are not be required to wear one. Fare collection and front door boarding have also resumed.

MiWay implemented its first phase of the Hurontario corridor routing changes in April. For details about other service changes that take effect on August 3, please visit miway.ca/aug3.

To learn more about these service changes, visit miway.ca/hurontario. For more information on MiWay’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit miway.ca/coronavirus.

Provincial Offences Court Update – 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West

By Covid-19, Resources

COVID-19 | July 23, 2020

The Provincial Offences Court located at 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West will be reopening on August 4, 2020 for administrative functions only, including:

  • Filing for a trial date
  • Filing for an early resolution date
  • Filing for a screening appointment
  • Paying a penalty notice
  • Paying a provincial offence certificate
  • Applying for a reopening of a case
  • Applying for an extension of time to pay
  • General inquiries

All Provincial Offences Act (POA) matters (e.g., traffic tickets and offences under provincial legislation) scheduled from March 16, 2020 through to and including September 11, 2020 will be adjourned and rescheduled to a later date. If you have a matter scheduled during this time, do not attend court. This applies to all POA courts in Ontario. A notice of your new court date will be sent to you by mail to the address on file with the court.

The Government of Ontario extended all time limits under the Provincial Offences Act until September 11, 2020. A copy of the order is available at EMPCA.

Updated information about court proceedings at the Ontario Court of Justice can be found on the Court’s website at Ontario Court of Justice.


City’s Cashiers Desk at Civic Centre Goes Cashless

By Covid-19, Issues

July 22, 2020

Today, City Council approved cashless payments at the Cashiers Desk, located on the ground floor of the Civic Centre. The Cashiers Desk is closed due to COVID-19 restrictions; however, cashless payments will take effect upon its reopening as a health and safety measure to protect residents and staff.

“The Cashiers Desk has seen a shift towards digital payment methods over cash. Cash transactions account for approximately 30 per cent of the transactions processed at Cashiers while it only accounts for two percent of the revenue,” said Gary Kent, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner, Corporate Services. “Removing cash payments does help to eliminate the risk of theft, counterfeit money transactions, tax evasion and money laundering.”

As a result of removing cash payments, the City will see the following benefits:

  • Receiving and depositing payments faster
  • Reducing theft and counterfeit transactions
  • Eliminating the need for armoured car services
  • Eliminating the need to balance cash, prepare cash deposits or exchange cash
  • Promoting a healthier and safer work environment

“At the City, cash is mainly used to pay property taxes, despite there being other ways to pay taxes,” said Connie Mesih, Director of Revenue & Materiel Management. “We’re encouraging residents to make electronic payments as they provide additional levels of convenience, the ability to monitor payment activities and control risks.”

The majority of the revenue processed at the Cashiers Desk is for Development Charges and for Revenue such as property taxes, accounts receivable invoices or the Mississauga Accommodation Tax.

Mesih added, “We’re making our Cashiers Desk cashless to help reduce costs associated with offering cash as a payment method. By doing so, we’re eliminating the need for counting and processing cash, preparing bank deposits, ensuring we have correct change, security, and transporting cash to the bank.”

Residents, business owners and City employees may still make payments at the Cashiers Desk using the following methods:

  • Cheque
  • Debit
  • Credit (excluding property taxes)

For property taxes, payments may also be made using:

  • Online or mobile banking
  • Telephone banking
  • In-person cash payments at a financial institution
  • Pre-authorized payments
  • Post-dated cheques, mailed, dropped off in-person or in the after-hours drop box

For more information, visit web.mississauga.ca/services-and-programs/property-taxes/contact/.


COVID-19 Response Continues

By Covid-19

COVID-19 Response Continues: Community & Economic Recovery Frameworks, Restarting Community Recognition, Cashless Payments at Cashiers and Creation of National Urban Cycling Infrastructure Fund

COVID-19 | July 22, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council reviewed and approved initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including: Community and Economy Pillar Recovery Plans, restarting the Community Recognition program, cashless payments at cashiers and supporting the creation of a national urban cycling infrastructure fund as part of a COVID-19 economic response.

“Mississauga has taken a strategic and thoughtful approach to our recovery efforts, which are well underway. Our goal is to ensure residents and businesses continue to have the supports they need and the ability to access networks and resources to thrive,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Working with our BIAs, community service organizations, youth and older adult groups, ratepayer and resident associations, our business community and many, many more, we are actively engaging our community to ensure our recovery efforts meet their needs and that how the City conducts business meets the demands of a changing environment. By working together, we will recover from this pandemic and be in a better position than we were before. We are Building Back to Better.”

Economic Recovery Framework

The framework of the Economic Pillar from the Council endorsed “COVID19 Recovery Framework” on May 13, 2020 will serve as a guiding document for five industry specific plans (Major Business, Small Business, Creative Industry, Tourism Industry, and Land Development.) The framework reflects the challenges heard through stakeholder engagement and consultation with more than 600 organizations and businesses from all sectors. Underpinning the framework is a campaign – Building Back to Better – which is a sustained and coordinated effort by the City over the next two years. It will be organized around three phases of recovery, and guided by an overarching set of eight principles and 10 strategic goals, supported by a series of tactics deployed in each phase. According to the report, as the City moves into a more mature state of recovery and gains a full understanding of the longer-lasting impacts to the business community, five industry plans outlining specific tactics for recovery will be brought forward for Council endorsement.

Economic Recovery Plans Phases

Three key phases will guide activities and provide milestones.

Mitigate: Mitigation efforts in the initial impact and transition through the re-opening phases of the economy and any future restrictions.

Reboot: Economic recovery in this phase of virus containment measures, including physical distancing, testing, and contact tracing. is focused on assisting businesses, workers, and residents to adapt and innovate within the ‘new normal’ of COVID-19.

Grow: Post-COVID-19 vaccine or effective treatment period. The growth priorities outlined in the Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025 will be used to inform priorities within this phase.

Strategic Goals

The City’s focus on recovery will be guided by the City’s Strategic Plan and the five pillars – green, prosper, move, belong, and connect – as well as master plans and strategies which have been adopted by Council. For each of the five industry-specific plans that will be developed, the following goals serve as a basis for the development of future goals, objectives and tactics:

Goal 1: Meet Employment Needs

Goal 2: Develop Talent

Goal 3: Attract Innovative Business

Goal 4: Create Partnerships for Innovation

Goal 5: Strengthen Art & Culture

Goal 6: Build Healthy Communities

Goal 7: Ensure Affordability & Accessibility

Goal 8: Provide Quality Programs & Services

Goal 9: Make Informed Decisions

Goal 10: Practice Fiscal Prudence

Mississauga Economic Recovery Taskforce

One of the key deliverables is to create the Mississauga Economic Recovery Taskforce (MERT) under the fourth goal. This taskforce will be comprised of key stakeholders in the community, City staff and Council. It will act as an enhanced and focused Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) that is specifically focused on economic recovery. This group will advise Council and staff in the short term and over the entire recovery period. The MERT will have representation from the business sector, creative industries, academia, public health, Toronto Pearson, and the small and independent business sector, among others. It will be designed as a working committee with the goal of addressing the needs of each sector in our City.

Community Pillar Recovery Plan

An overarching plan for the Community Pillar will focus on public-facing services, tactics and programs. The first major phase of recovery entails the reopening and restoration of services to the community and involves detailed operational plans to ensure they are restored in a safe manner. Recovery planning will also involve a review of the Culture and Community Grants program for 2021.

Next steps in the Community Pillar Recovery Plan:

  • Continue to reopen services and facilities as regulations permit, developing plans to ensure compliance with new public health guidelines
  • Consult and communicate with groups and stakeholders impacted with each reopening plan
  • Begin the review of key strategic plans and community support programs to identify changes or additions based on recovery impacts
  • Fall 2020 follow-up engagement with community groups once recovery is further underway, to understand longer term issues and opportunities
  • Identify opportunities to continue supporting the community through partnerships – leverage existing organizations, funding sources and people resources – to advance recovery and return to ‘normal’
  • Incorporate longer term initiatives with financial impact into future budget and planning

Community Recognition – Restarting the Program

Council approved lifting the suspension of the Community Recognition Program to begin receiving community requests on August 1, 2020.The clock tower lighting will remain yellow on days that do not have Community Recognition lighting booked once the program resumes. For community requests that were cancelled or not processed due to the suspension, groups will be offered a new date for their flag raising or lighting after August 1 (pending program availability).

As part of the reopening of the Civic Centre, Council approved discontinuing cash payments at Cashiers. Cash transactions processed by cashiers represent less than two per cent of total revenue processed and there is a trend to fewer cash transactions. Cash payments for property taxes can be made at any financial institution. Other forms of payment are accepted for all transactions processed at cashiers.

National Urban Cycling Infrastructure Fund

Council approved a motion supporting the creation of a national urban cycling infrastructure fund as part of a COVID-19 economic response.The motion included that the Mayor on behalf of the City of Mississauga write a letter to the Federal Government supporting the creation of a national urban cycling infrastructure fund of at least $265 million as part of a COVID-19 economic stimulus package to be distributed over the next two years to Canadian cities.

For details view: Motion calling on the Federal government to create a national urban cycling infrastructure fund as part of a COVID-19 economic stimulus package

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: mississauga.ca/recovery or call 311.