Provincial Offences Court Update: Matters from March 16, 2020 to January 22, 2021 Rescheduled

By Events, Issues, Resources

October 15, 2020

All in-person Provincial Offences Act (POA) matters scheduled from March 16, 2020 to and including Friday, January 22, 2021 will be adjourned and rescheduled to a later date. If you have a matter scheduled in-person during this time, do not attend court. This applies to all POA courts in Ontario. All court locations will continue to hear matters remotely. A notice of a new court date will be sent to you by mail to the address on file with the court.

If you received a POA Offence Notice (ticket) after March 1, 2020, you have until December 1, 2020 to exercise one of the options set out on the back of the Notice. If you do not respond by December 1, 2020 you may be deemed not to dispute the charge and a Justice of the Peace may enter a conviction for the offence.

If you received a matter that falls under the Administrative Penalty System (APS)  such as parking, pet, mobile and business licensing the extension to December 1, 2020 does not apply.  The Order dated September 10, 2020 from the Chief Justice of the Ontario Justice does not cover Administrative Penalty System matters, only matters that fall under the Provincial Offences Act.

Updated information about court proceedings at the Ontario Court of Justice can be found on the Court’s website at Ontario Court of Justice.

The Provincial Offences Court in Mississauga is located at 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit:

Council Outcomes and COVID-19 Reminders

By Covid-19, Issues

October 14, 2020 Council Outcomes and COVID-19 Reminders

October 14, 2020

Today, Council approved support for MississaugaGives to help make a difference in the community.

“As a Council, we are proudly supporting MississaugaGives once again this year. No matter how small the gesture, many actions can go a long way to improve the lives of others when we all take part. I encourage everyone to look at what can be done to support MississaugaGives by giving back to our community,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.


The local campaign, MississaugaGives, encourages people to give back to their community through small donations of money or food, volunteering time or supporting a charity. As approved by Council, the City of Mississauga will lend its support though its social media channels and help raise awareness of the MississaugaGives call to action.

Mississauga’s COVID-19 Reminders and Response

In response to new provincial restrictions and recommendations from Region of Peel’s Medical Officer of Health, some of the City of Mississauga’s programs were adjusted to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

“We are continuing our recovery work and reminding people of the need to stay safe and continue to be diligent. It’s important everyone continues to follow the recommendations of our Chief Medical Officers of Health – keep social gatherings to those in your immediate household, wear face covers, wash or sanitize hands often and stay home if you are feeling unwell. It is up to all of us to protect the health of our family, friends and neighbours. With COVID-19, we depend on each other and need full cooperation for us to reduce the number of cases,” Mayor Crombie added.

Mississauga Programs and Facilities

  • Registered and drop-in fitness and dance classes, sport programming and soccer leagues along with the use of weight rooms and fitness centres has been suspended until November 7.
  • Registered non-team sports, arts and learning programs are running with new limited capacities.
  • Public swimming, including lane, leisure and fun swims, public skating, and limited drop-ins for non-team sports continue to run with existing public health safety measures in place.
  • All the City’s outdoor amenities in parks and green spaces, such as skate parks, trails, BMX parks, tennis courts, basketball courts, outdoor fitness equipment, picnic shelters and playgrounds, remain open
  • Benares Historic House, Bradley Museum and Small Arms Inspection Building are open with modified access and services.
  • The Leslie Log House remains closed at this time.
  • Hammerson Hall and RBC Theatre and Meadowvale Theatre are closed as per Provincial Regulations. The film office is open and accepting film permit requests.

For a detailed list of programs visit: Recreation & Culture Program Update

For the latest updates on the City of Mississauga’s COVID-19 recovery and response visit:

Virtual Community Meetings Planned to Discuss Mississauga’s Official Plan

By Events, Issues, Resources

October 14, 2020

The City of Mississauga will host three virtual community meetings to discuss its Official Plan update. The Official Plan is the guiding document for land-use planning in Mississauga. The City is reviewing the Plan to ensure it reflects the changing needs of the community while conforming to updated provincial legislation.


Virtual community meetings that include a presentation on the Official Plan Review and attendee input on the vision and priorities.


The meetings are designed to discuss city-wide priorities as well as key planning issues affecting individual wards.

  • October 26 – 2 to 3:30 p.m. City-wide and “North” (Wards 5, 9, 10 and 11)
  • October 29 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. City-wide and “Central” (Wards 3, 4, 6 and 7)
  • November 2 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. City-wide and “South” – (Wards 1, 2 and 8)


  • Mississauga residents
  • Business owners and employees
  • City staff and Ward Councillors


Register here to participate.

To learn more before the meetings, read the Research Briefs. These explain the Official Plan priority areas including housing, transportation, environment, complete communities, city structure and urban design.


The City’s Official Plan provides policies that guide and direct the physical change of the city. It manages the effects on Mississauga’s social, economic, cultural and natural environment. The Official Plan addresses:

  • where housing, industry, offices, shops and roads should go
  • which services and amenities (e.g., parks, transit) are needed and where they will be located
  • where to focus growth and what it will look like

The City launched the Official Plan Review at a Special Council meeting held on June 10, 2019. For more information and to sign up for email updates, visit the public engagement page.


By Events, Issues, Resources

October 14, 2020

Smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system in Ward 1 from Lakeshore to the Queensway between Cawthra and the Etobicoke Creek.

What are we doing?

The Region of Peel have retained Infrastructure IntelligenceServices (I2S) to complete smoke testing within your neighbourhood. The area to be tested is shown on the map.

The test will be performed as a first step to identifying the connection points for roof downspouts, catch basins, and other water inlets (i.e. to the sanitary sewer or storm sewer).

Testing in your area (see map on right) is expected to start the week of October 26th and is expected to last two (2) to four (4) days. A staff member will come to your door on the day of testing.

What is Smoke Testing?
Smoke testing is a safe, quick way to identify connections. The smoke used in the test has no odour, isn’t harmful to your health, and will disappear in a few minutes.

What do I need to do?

  • Check to see that all plumbing traps under sinks, washing facilities and floor drains have water in
    them. Pour a few cups of water into your basement floor drains, and any sinks, showers, or other
    plumbing fixtures when you receive this notice.
  • If smoke enters your home and it is a nuisance to you, leave the affected room until testing is
    completed (10-15mins).
  • If you, or any member of your family, have a health condition that you feel we need to be aware of
    please contact the Region of Peel at 905-791-7800, ext. 4409.

The fire department will be notified of the streets being tested. If you have doubt about the origin of smoke, always contact the fire department at 911 or non-emergency communications line at 905-456-5700.
Should you have any further questions please contact Seth Monczka at the Region of Peel at 437-522-4062 or For more information visit, or follow us on twitter @peelpublicworks.

2nd Annual – Ward 1 Community Excellence Awards (Deadline October 15 to nominate)

By Events, Issues, Resources


Ward 1 Community Excellence Awards

This year the 2020 Ward 1 Excellence Awards will be held virtually this year.  During this pandemic we have all been through a lot together and we should all be proud of what we do as a community to help each other and keep COVID-19 at bay.

Now more than ever is the time for us to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments and excellence in our community.

Thank you for taking the time to nominate a business or a person in our community.  They will appreciate it more than you know.




Reminder: Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

October 13, 2020


Virtual Community Meeting Update on Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

Councillor Stephen Dasko would like to extend you a personal invitation to attend a virtual community meeting on Peel’s 2041+ program.

As you may have joined in on some of the virtual meetings the Region has had recently, he wanted to arrange for Ward 1 residents specifically to be updated on two (2) very important issues that affect the Ward dramatically.

Councillor Dasko asked specifically from the Peel Regional Staff to work with him on a strategy to ensure that communicating to the residents of Ward 1 on the Peel 2041+ initiatives.  Therefore, the Regional staff kindly are making themselves available to present the following to as many residents of Ward 1 available to participate in the virtual community meeting.

You are being invited through Webex conference program.  The Call in details are at the bottom of this email.  Councillor Dasko looks forward to your participation!




Peel Region is growing – and the Region is planning for this future growth.


A Regional Official Plan Review (called “Peel 2041+”) is underway to ensure the development of healthy, complete communities that meet individuals’ needs throughout their lifetime, and that official plan policies stay current with provincial plans and planning priorities. The Region is currently accepting feedback on the work being done as part of this review.


On Tuesday, October 27th from 6pm to 7:30pm, Regional staff will be providing a virtual presentation update on the topics of Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas. This will be similar to the public consultation session that took place on September 21, 2020. Following the presentation, staff will be accepting comments and will respond to questions.


To learn more about Peel 2041+ and review additional materials, please visit:


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When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.


Meeting number (access code): 172 797 5238
Meeting password: EEgPPkr2H82 (33477572 from video systems)


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12-month pilot pest control subsidy program and study to be launched in the Region of Peel

By Events, Issues, Resources

October 9, 2020

Regional Council approved a 12-month pilot program pest control subsidy program and study.

The pilot program is being launched in response to resident concerns over an increase in rodent population across Peel. The program will provide a 50 per cent rebate of the incurred costs for the services of a professional pest control service to a maximum of $200 per year. Residents will have to submit invoices from licensed pest control vendors.

“I am pleased that council supported this important step to address a common urban concern. I would like to thank Mississauga Ward 3 Councillor Chris Fonseca for the significant work on behalf of her residents to bring this motion to council,” said Nando Iannicca, Chair of the Regional Council. “She is to be commended for her efforts.”

In conjunction with the pilot subsidy program, the Region will be developing an Integrated Pest Management plan which addresses the root causes of rodent populations, with education as key component.

The pilot program and study are currently being developed. The Region will announce when and how to apply for subsidy once the program has been established.



By Events, Issues, Resources

October 9, 2020


The Region of Peel Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a reliable supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do the work. In the next few days, we will be working in your area and will have to turn off your water for a few hours.

Your water will be turned off on       Tuesday, October 13, 2020    from approximately     09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.    However, if the weather is bad or if a problem arises, we will reschedule the work and will let you know the new date and time.

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. If this happens, you can remove the air by briefly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor and finishing on the top floor). Flush the toilets as well.

You should only have to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds, but keep running it until the water is clear and any vibration or noise has stopped.

If your water meter starts to leak, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 4409 (After hours or Statutory Holidays



Date: and Time:        Tuesday, October 13, 2020 from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.

Location:                     1558 Muir Road            

Addresses Affected:  Muir Road:

#’s 1606, 1600, 1594, 1588, 1582, 1578, 1572, 1568, 1562, 1558, 1552, 1548, 1542, 1538, 1532, 1528, 1522, 1516, 1515, 1521, 1527, 1531, 1537, 1541, 1571, 1577, 1581, 1587, 1593, 1599, 1605.

Hurontario LRT Project Virtual Trade Show

By Events, Hurontario LRT, Issues, Planning & Development

October 8, 2020

Due to continued public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic,  employment and procurement trade shows will be held virtually this year.  Mobilinx will post presentations on local employment and procurement for the Hurontario LRT project on its website.

The Employment presentation provides the public with resume-writing advice, interview techniques, and list the attributes and skills Mobilinx is seeking in its employees. The Procurement presentation details the benefits of sourcing local businesses for supplies, products and services, as well as the requirements needed to become a Mobilinx vendor.  The virtual trade show is accessible at

The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee Considers New and Increased Fees and Charges for 2021

By Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

October 7, 2020

The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee considered new and increased fees and charges for 2021 for transit fares, fire and emergency services, planning processing, library, culture programs and rental rates, transportation and works, recreation programs and rental rates, fees for parks, forestry and environment services and fees for general administrative services provided across departments. These revenue sources will help offset the cost of delivering services. The proposed fees and charges will be presented at a Council meeting for approval on October 14, 2020. A number of proposed changes are highlighted in the Budget Committee reports including:

  • Recreation fees have a proposed base increase of 3 per cent. Some programs, such as advanced aquatics leadership courses, have recommended an above average increase due to increased operating costs and certification fees.
  • Transportation and Works has introduced two new fees in the Works Operations and Maintenance Division for Road Occupancy Permits for utility-related maintenance works ($25 per permit) in addition to a non-compliance fee of $190 related to inspections.
  • U-Pass (UTM Student pass) fees will increase as per contract and charter service rates will be adjusted for inflation. In addition, MiWay has introduced two new fees to offset the costs of restoration of on-street transit infrastructure due to road construction and closures. A Transitway Access Permit Fee of $250 per application and a MiWay Stop Infrastructure permit review fee of $400 per stop location have been added.

Additional revenue of approximately $1.9 million is expected from the increases and new fees as outlined in the Oct 7, 2020 Budget Committee reports.

“The revenue from the fees and charges will alleviate some pressures on the property tax rate in 2021,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “Community and financial recovery is a priority going forward and we are taking the steps necessary to balance offering services with the property tax increase. We continue to encourage public participation and input into our budget process, and we will continue to work with our Council to achieve a budget that meets our City’s needs.”

All Budget Committee and Council meetings are open to the public. The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23, 2020. The full schedule of meetings is available online at Council and Committees Calendar Listings. Final approval of the City of Mississauga’s Budget will follow approval of the Region of Peel Budget.

Become familiar with the City’s 2021 Budget and Business Plan

Look through the City’s preliminary 2021 Budget and Business Plan and understand why these documents play an important role in shaping our city. Residents can learn more by:

  • Visiting and see what you get for your tax dollars
  • Reading an overview of the 2021 preliminary Business Plan and Budget that was presented to the Budget Committee on June 24, 2020
  • Watching for the full 2021 proposed Budget and Business Plan (posted online on November 16)
  • Watching or attending Budget Committee deliberations scheduled for November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 2 (Budget Committee meeting schedules are subject to change.)

Budget Committee meetings are to start at 9:30 a.m. beginning November 23, 2020.