Temporary Outdoor Restaurant Patios Extended to December 2021

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 11, 2020

Today, City Council extended Mississauga’s temporary patio program and amended the Temporary Use By-law to allow restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments to operate their temporary outdoor patios until December 31, 2021. As part of the extension, these businesses can also install temporary tents/covered areas and heating devices as part of their patios, in accordance with provincial and City regulations, to ensure they can continue to serve patrons during the winter months.

“This is a vital step to help our restaurants get through the next year,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We know what a devastating impact COVID-19 has had on all our restaurants and small businesses. By permitting businesses to continue to operate their temporary outdoor patios, and allowing temporary outdoor tents and heating devices, restaurants can continue to serve customers through all types of weather while also adhering to all COVID-19 health and safety protocols.”

On July 8, 2020, Council passed the Temporary Use By-law to permit outdoor patios accessory to restaurants, convenience restaurants and take-out restaurants on private and public property until December 31, 2020. A temporary patio program was also endorsed to help restaurants meet City conditions when developing their patios on public lands. As of today, temporary outdoor patios on both private and public land are permitted until December 31, 2021.

“We have a dedicated team who are working directly with restaurant owners to help them understand the steps they need to take if they want to install a temporary outdoor patio, extend their existing permit or put in a temporary tent, covering or heating device,” said Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building. “This is an important initiative, and our team is working hard to ensure all applications are reviewed and processed in a timely manner.”

Temporary Outdoor Patios

Restaurants with temporary patios on public land can submit a request to extend their permit. Applications to extend existing permits will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure the temporary patio and surrounding area meets the requirements.

An establishment looking to install a new temporary patio on public land can also still apply for a permit.

Temporary Tents/Covered Areas

Restaurants that wish to install a temporary tent or covered area on their temporary patio on public land will require written permission from the City. Restaurants will be able to indicate whether they’d like to set up a temporary tent or covered area when requesting to extend or obtain their temporary patio permit.

Temporary tents or covered areas installed on public and private land must adhere to all provincial and City regulations.

Outdoor Heating Devices

Restaurants that wish to install a heating device on their temporary patio on public land will require written permission from the City. Restaurants will be able to indicate whether they’d like to set up a heating device when requesting to extend or obtain their temporary patio permit.

Restaurants are permitted to use a heating device on their outdoor patio so long as it adheres to the Patio Heater Safety Guidelines as outlined by the Technical Standards & Safety Authority. Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services will inspect all outdoor patios with heating devices to ensure conditions are met.

Restaurants with existing temporary patios will be contacted directly by the City in regards to extending their patio and installing a temporary tent or heating device. More information about the City’s temporary patio program can also be found online at mississauga.ca/temporary-patio-program.

Businesses can also access additional recovery support and resources from thefutureisunlimited.ca/covid-19/.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit mississauga.ca/recovery or call 311.


Council Outcomes November 11, 2020: Tourism Board Appointment & Patios Extended and COVID-19 Restrictions

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 11, 2020

Today, Council approved an extension of temporary outdoor restaurant patios to December 31, 2021 and an appointment to the Tourism Board of Directors.

Temporary Outdoor Restaurant Patios Extended to December 2021

Today, City Council extended Mississauga’s temporary patio program and amended the Temporary Use By-law to allow restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments to operate their temporary outdoor patios until December 31, 2021. As part of the extension, these businesses can also install temporary tents/covered areas and heating devices as part of their patios, in accordance with provincial and City regulations, to ensure they can continue to serve patrons. This step was taken to enable restaurants to continue operating in winter while adhering to all COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

Tourism Mississauga Board of Directors Appointment

Council appointed Ward 7 Councillor Dipika Damerla to the Tourism Mississauga Board of Directors following the resignation of Ward 5 Councillor Carolyn Parrish. The Board members from Council also include Ward 1 Councillor, Stephen Dasko and Ward 9 Councillor, Pat Saito. Tourism Mississauga is the City’s destination marketing organization.

COVID-19 Reminder

Mississauga residents are asked to adhere to these strong recommendations from the Region of Peel’s Medical Officer of Health:

Only have close contact with members who live in the home with them and their essential supports.

  • This means only those who live in the same house/home should interact without the protection of distance or masks.
  • People in one household should not mix with people in another household.
  • Individuals who live alone are permitted to have close contact with one other household that should be exclusive to that individual living alone.
  • If a member of any household is experiencing symptoms, this individual must isolate from others in the household to protect others in the home.
  • Symptomatic individuals can call their doctor, Telehealth or Public Health for guidance

Stay at home as much as possible, and do not interact with those who don’t live with you, unless for essential reasons. The fewer interactions outside the household the better.  Essential reasons could include:

  • Work
  • School
  • Exercise
  • Healthcare
  • Purchasing necessities such as groceries, household items, food, drink and gasoline, and
  • Vehicle maintenance

Do not visit other private residences (indoor or outdoor), with the following exceptions:

  • Emergency reasons (to prevent risk of injury or harm)
  • Emergency repairs
  • Renovations or construction
  • One-to-one teaching and instruction (e.g., tutoring)
  • School learning pods
  • Real estate needs

If interacting with anyone who does not live with you or isn’t an essential caregiver, follow the Four Core behaviours:

  • Stay apart – Maintain 2-metres distance from anyone who doesn’t live with you or is not your essential caregiver.
  • Lather up – Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
  • Mask up – Wear a non-medical mask when it’s difficult to maintain physical distance and where masks are mandatory. Protect the supply of medical grade masks for health care workers.
  • Get tested – If you think you might have COVID-19 or have been exposed to it you should get tested. While waiting for test results, stay home, self-isolate and prevent potential spread.

For information about the City’s response to COVID-19:

For health information, please visit peelregion.ca/coronavirus


City of Mississauga Invites Residents to Tele Town Hall

By Covid-19, Events

November 10, 2020

On Thursday, November 12, residents are invited to participate in a City of Mississauga Tele Town Hall session at 7:30 p.m. The live Tele Town Hall will provide important updates to the new and necessary restrictions for Mississauga residents and businesses to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Late last week, the Province declared Mississauga in Red-Control Level as part of Ontario’s new COVID-19 Response Framework. To further slow the spread of COVID-19, Peel Public Health has recommended additional and stricter public health measures that limit in-person interactions.

Residents will be able to listen and ask questions to an expert group of panelists from the City, Peel Region Public Health, and Trillium Health Partners, including:

  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga
  • Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Region of Peel – Public Health
  • Michelle DiEmanuele, President and CEO, Trillium Health Partners

Residents who wish to participate in the session can do so in one of the following three ways:

  1. Pre-register: residents who wish to participate in the session are encouraged to register their telephone number in advance at the following link: Mississauga.ca/townhall
  2. Participate online: the Tele Town Hall will be available online.
  3. Join by telephone: a random selection of residents will receive a telephone call to participate in advance based on a list provided by a virtual town hall service. The call out is done to ensure as many residents as possible have an opportunity to participate. If you don’t wish to participate, simply hang up. If you don’t receive a call and would like to participate, dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter ID number: 115911 followed by the # key.


City of Mississauga Tele Town Hall to update the community on new and necessary COVID-19 restrictions.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

7:30 to 9 p.m.

For information about the City’s response to COVID-19:

For health information, please visit peelregion.ca/coronavirus

Remembrance Day – Virtual Ceremony

By Covid-19, Events

With the recent enhanced restrictions outlined by Dr. Loh this week and in an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Civic Centre Remembrance Day ceremony will now be completely virtual.

We encourage you to watch the ceremony online starting at 10:40 a.m. tomorrow using one of the following links:

Council & Committee Meetings – Virtual Format Only

By Covid-19, Events

November 10, 2020

In an ongoing effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, Mississauga Council and Committee meetings will be held virtually until further notice, beginning with the November 11, 2020 meeting of Council.

The November 11, 2020 Council meeting is rescheduled to 1 p.m. and will be streamed online and archived on the City of Mississauga’s website.

View the Council and Committees Calendar for meeting dates, times and agendas.

Public Comments:
The public may submit comments regarding agenda matters to the city.clerk@mississauga.ca

For the latest updates on the City of Mississauga’s COVID-19 recovery and response visit: mississauga.ca/recovery.

Giving Tuesday – December 1st, 2020

By Events, Issues

Giving Tuesday is a global movement unlocking the power of generosity to transform communities. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving. It started as a simple idea in 2012 and is now celebrated in more than 60 countries around the world.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, join Mississauga Gives to celebrate the Giving Tuesday movement in Mississauga and encourage each other to do good. Donate to charity, volunteer, support a small business, fundraise, help spread the word, or perform an act of kindness – especially during these challenging times.

Learn more about the global Giving Tuesday movement at GivingTuesday.org and locally at mississaugagives.ca.

Mississauga’s COVID-19 Update for November 10, 2020

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 9, 2020

On Tuesday, November 10 at 3:30 p.m., media are invited to virtually attend Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s twenty-ninth weekly press conference focused on the City of Mississauga’s latest COVID-19 recovery plans.


Latest updates and announcements on the City’s COVID-19 plans for recovery in Mississauga

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 3:30 p.m.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie
Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health at Region of Peel
Nancy Macdonald-Duncan, Acting Fire Chief

Online – the virtual press conference will be streamed on the City’s website at https://web.mississauga.ca/council/council-activities/council-and-committee-videos/press-conferences-and-events/

Media: All media must RSVP to Megan Schabla, megan.schabla@mississauga.ca by noon on November 10 if they would like to participate and ask questions. Confirmed media will be provided with a WebEx meeting request and log-in details in order to join the conference.

For more information about the City’s COVID-19 response and service impacts, visit: mississauga.ca/recovery.


Planning and Development Committee Tonight at 6:00 pm RE: Dixie and Venta Development

By Issues, Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Committee gives an opportunity for the public to express their views on planning-related policies and development applications. It makes recommendations to Council about planning policies, by-laws and development applications.

Please virtually join me tonight at the Planning and Development Committee at 6:00 pm using the following link: https://www.mississauga.ca/council/council-activities/council-and-committee-videos/live-council-and-committee-videos/



File:  OZ 20/002 2207

Dr. Loh to Discuss the Recently Announced Letter of Instructions

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 9, 2020

Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Region of Peel, Peel Regional Chair Nando Iannicca and Dr. Naveed Mohammad, President and CEO of William Osler Health System will discuss the recently announced Letter of Instructions and provide additional information about the new restrictions and what they mean for Peel residents. A Q&A will be held immediately following.

The Region of Peel will be streaming on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n3hfiz7HBg

Peel Regional Police Launch New Driving Complaint On Line System

By Events, Issues

On Tuesday October 27th, Road Safety Services launched a new driving complaint on line system via their internet website www.peelpolice.ca using this link https://bit.ly/31NghiE .

Peel Regional Police Road Safety Service’s goal is to streamline all driving complaints through one avenue, the online system.  This will enhance their response service and time to all complaints in our region.  They are hoping that this will also foster a stronger relationship with our community members.

Going forward, all police driving complaints must be submitted through this avenue, so that the Peel Regional Police can better serve everyone.

Province Declares Mississauga in Red-Control Level as part of Ontario’s COVID-19 Framework

By Covid-19, Issues

November 7, 2020

Yesterday, Mississauga, as part of the Region of Peel, was placed in the Red-Control Level of the Government of Ontario’s Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework. Beginning today, restaurants, bars and gyms/fitness centres will be able to reopen with restrictions.

“To all our small business owners: I am truly sorry that you are not able to open to the degree you had anticipated. The reality, however, is that the picture in Peel Region has changed over the last several days,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Brampton’s William Osler Health System has become overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and the concern is that Mississauga hospitals will soon be as well. Trillium Health Partners is nearly at full capacity and has seen a significant increase in COVID-19 patients. We also continue to see a significant amount of community spread as our numbers have continued to climb over the last three weeks. The second wave of COVID-19 is hitting Peel Region harder than just about anywhere else in the country.”

The Government of Ontario’s decision to place Peel Region in the Red-Control Level comes as the situation has become critical. Case counts remain high and continue to trend upwards, with the test positivity rate now being the highest in Ontario. In addition to the crisis being faced by the William Osler Health System, Mississauga’s Trillium Health Partners is now facing significant strain as it operates at full capacity.

In the past week, Mississauga has seen a rapid change in the status of the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Case counts remain high and are now at 101 per 100,000 and continue to trend upward
  • Public health capacity is stretched thin across the Region
  • Weekly increases (November 1 to 7) were 583 for Mississauga and 2,041 for Peel Region
  • In Mississauga, hospitals are operating at almost 100 per cent capacity at Trillium Health Partners
  • William Osler Health System has reached capacity limits and is now transferring patients to other health care facilities
  • Mississauga’s positivity rate is at 4.3 per cent; positivity rates across the Region are all above the federal limit of 3 per cent and the highest across all of Ontario
  • Trillium Health Partners now has 31 COVID-19 positive patients in hospital; with six in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • William Osler Health System has 56 COVID-19 positive patients; with 15 in ICU

Mayor Crombie added, “The trend that we are seeing in Peel Region is getting worse and we cannot ignore what is happening right here in our own community. We are starting to face a significant crisis that threatens lives, livelihoods and our healthcare system. The second wave of COVID-19 is hitting Mississauga and to save lives and stop the spread, we must take immediate action now.”

At the Red-Control Level, broader-scale measures and restrictions, across multiple sectors, have been put in effect to control the transmission of COVID-19.

Restaurants and bars are limited to 10 people indoors, must stop serving liquor at 9 p.m. and close by 10 p.m. Gyms are allowed to open and offer indoor classes with capacity limits of 10 people.

The Government of Ontario’s full framework, including all sector-specific regulations, can be found online.

Public Health Measures:

  • Limit in-person contact to people you live with and essential supports
  • All indoor and outdoor private gatherings should be limited to only those you live with and essential supports
  • Go virtual as much as possible
  • Continue to practise physical distancing, hand-washing, masking and staying home if you are ill
  • Get tested for COVID-19 if you are showing symptoms or have been exposed

Health Advice

Learn about symptoms of COVID-19

Find out where to get tested for COVID-19 in Mississauga

Access information on how to self-isolate

You can also download the COVID Alert app that can let you know of potential exposures.

The City of Mississauga continues to work closely with its health care partners and the Province and will continue to monitor Mississauga’s and Peel Region’s situation closely.

For the latest updates on the City of Mississauga’s COVID-19 recovery and response visit: mississauga.ca/recovery.


Mayor Crombie Responds to Province’s Decision on Peel Region being Placed in Control Category Under Provincial COVID-19 Framework

By Covid-19

November 6, 2020

“Today, the Province of Ontario has decided to place Peel Region in the Control or red category, under the new Provincial COVID-19 Response Framework. What this means is that beginning on Saturday November 7, restaurants, bars and fitness centres will be able to reopen, with restrictions. Among the restrictions, restaurants and bars will be limited to a total of 10 people in their establishments, can only serve liquor until 9 p.m., and must close by 10 p.m. Gyms will be able to have a maximum 10 people inside their facilities at a given time.

The Province had previously announced that Peel would be placed in the “Restrict” or the orange category under the Provincial framework, and I know that many restaurants, bars and gyms in Mississauga were preparing for larger reopenings.

To all our small business owners: I am truly sorry that you are not able to open to the degree you had anticipated. The reality, however, is that the picture in Peel has changed over the last several days, particularly in Brampton.

Brampton’s William Osler Health has become overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations and the concern is that Mississauga hospitals will soon be as well. We also continue to see a significant amount of community spread as our numbers have continued to climb over the last three weeks. The second wave of COVID is hitting Peel Region harder than just about anywhere else in the country.

I support the Premier’s decision to place Peel in the Control category. The health and safety of our community remains my top priority. But we know our response right now has to be more than just putting limitations on restaurants, bars and gyms. We have known for quite some time that they are not the significant drivers of this virus in Peel Region. What we are seeing are high rates of transmission in industrial settings as well as in both large and small private gatherings.

Simply put: we are the ones moving this virus. The only way we get a handle on this is by changing our own behavior.

I am urging all Mississaugans to keep your close, in-person contact to just your immediate household and essential supports. If you decide to go out to eat at a restaurant or bar, please do it with just your immediate household. With Diwali just around the corner, I am asking you to please keep your gatherings to your immediate household. If you insist that your extended family must be involved, we ask that you please consider celebrating virtually or taking it outside.

By limiting your in-person contact, you are protecting your family, yourself and the community as a whole.

We will be monitoring our situation closely and I am hopeful that the measures we take now will keep schools open, protect our long-term care homes and allow for larger reopenings.”

– Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga