Delegation from Kariya, Japan Visits Mississauga

By Announcement, Events

Mayor of Kariya City along with Chair of City Council of Kariya City and President of Kariya International Friendship Association, pictured below with Mayor Parrish and members of Council.  This delegation was in town to participate in celebrations of  Mississauga’s 50th year and Canada Day ceremonies during June 30th to July 4th, 2024.

Launch of Project Lantern

By Announcement, Resources

In Peel Region, there are currently over 30,000 persons living with dementia, and of these, an estimated 21,423 persons suffer specifically from Alzheimer’s. According to ASP, 60% of all persons living with dementia will become lost at some point and approximately 50% of those with dementia missing beyond 24 hours will be located injured or deceased.

By partnering with ASP through a Memorandum of Understanding, PRP’s Community Safety and Well-being Command has established a reciprocal referral process to connect persons living with Alzheimer’s with the support they need from ASP. When persons living with dementia do go missing, a process is in place to more effectively deploy resources for significantly safer outcomes. Through our Divisional Mobilization Unit (DMU), officers will conduct in-person visits to people and their families experiencing dementia. Their focus will be on offering support, making referrals, assisting with completing the Vulnerable Person Registry, and providing safeguarding information to help prevent incidents of individuals going missing.


Councillor Dasko at the launch of this initiative that will create safer outcomes for our vulnerable community members.

Peel Regional Police Update: Road Safety Initiatives

By Announcement, Resources

Road safety is a top priority for Peel Regional Police (PRP) and over the course of the summer, we will continue our efforts to curb illegal street racing and high-speed driving. These efforts aim to change poor and aggressive driver behaviour and those who compromise road safety will be subject to charges and penalties.

Since the start of 2024, 15 people have lost their lives in Peel Region due to road-related incidents – all of these deaths were preventable and we are taking increased action. In the first half of this year, Peel Regional Police has issued over 20,000 Highway Traffic Act charges, including:

  • 3800+ for speeding
  • 400+ for careless driving
  • 1200+ for mufflers causing unnecessary noise
  • 1300+ for stunt driving and racing

We encourage you to join us in helping promote safe driving by re-sharing this post:

The community is also encouraged to report concerning aggressive driving or street racing activities by contacting PRP at 905-453-3311 or through the Online Reporting Portal. For more information, visit:


LRT Upcoming Construction Impacts

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Ward 1

Metrolinx work related to the Hazel McCallion Line that will impact your community.

As work progresses on the Hazel McCallion LRT project, crews will be doing road widening works between Inglewood Drive and Indian Valley Trail along the west side of Hurontario Street. These works are scheduled to take place from as early as July 5 to July 31, 2024.

To safely accommodate these works, driveways for properties within this stretch will be intermittently and partially impacted between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for up to four hours. To accommodate motorists needing to enter and exit driveways impacted during working hours, a flag person and steel plates will be used to provide immediate access to the property once the curb machine passes through.

During this time, asphalt and concrete curbs will be removed, followed by excavation, curb preparation, concrete pour, and paving. Once the roadway has been widened, guideway construction in the area can begin later this year.

Immediately impacted property owners were informed over email and hand delivered a physical notice last week. This notice has also been included in our upcoming newsletter and on


SCHEDULED WATER SUPPLY INTERRUPTION NOTICE – 1769 Coram Crescent – Tuesday, July 9th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm

By Resources, Ward 1


Date and Time: Tuesday, July 9th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm

Location:  1769 Coram Crescent                               

Addresses Affected: Coram Crescent: 1536 – 1787                         

Project #:  C-603640

Regional Inspector: Phemelo Mpoloka

Telephone #               437-220-8917

905-791-7800 ext. 3246/3247

The Peel Region Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a consistent supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do this work.

Your water will be turned off on Tuesday, July 9th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.  

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption

As a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it may affect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
  • Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
  • Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection system will not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the water interruption

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note

After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • 905-791-7800 extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Construction Inspections

Engineering Technical Services Division

Operations Support, Public Works


Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 3246 / 3247 (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday)

Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

Mississauga expands speed camera program with 60 additional cameras over the next five years

By Announcement, Resources

Data from City’s speed cameras shows that drivers are slowing down and following the speed limit.

June 27, 2024

Yesterday, Council approved renewing the contract for 22 existing speed cameras, also known as automated speed enforcement (ASE), and will also be adding 60 new semi-fixed cameras over the next five years. Since July 5, 2021, speed cameras have led to a significant drop in speeding and increased compliance. The average decrease in operating speeds was 9 km/h and the average speed limit compliance increased by 30 per cent. As part of the Vision Zero Action Plan, the City’s current 22 speed cameras enforced speed limits at 124 locations in school-area community safety zones.

The additional 60 semi-fixed cameras will rotate to 100 locations throughout Mississauga. They are mounted on poles with permanent concrete bases and will be placed in busy school zones and other major roadways where fatal and injury collisions occur.

Speed cameras will continue operating in Community Safety Zones with speeding issues. Priority will be given to sites with major speeding concerns, considering traffic, sidewalks, cycling facilities, pedestrian hotspots like schools and parks, and past collisions.

The proposed timing of the new camera deployments are as follows:

  • 2024 – Five new cameras
  • 2025 – 10 new cameras
  • 2026 – 15 new cameras
  • 2027 – 15 new cameras
  • 2028 – 15 new cameras

Speed camera tickets

Since July 2021, 82,000 tickets have been issued. The highest number of tickets were issued on Truscott Drive, west of Lorne Park Road. The highest ticketed speed was 78 km/h, almost 50 km/h over the posted speed limit. This has occurred at nine different locations.

There have also been 207 Part III offences processed to date, for vehicles travelling at 50km/h or more over the posted speed limit. The highest ticketed speed being 114 km/h on Mississauga Valley Boulevard, west of Central Parkway East.

Transition to Administrative Penalty System

The City will be shifting from the Provincial Offence Act (POA) to the Administrative Penalty System (APS) in 2025 for speed camera offences to help reduce administration burdens. This will help make speed camera enforcement programs more sustainable and allow for growth in the future.

Planning is currently underway to ensure a smooth transition and effective implementation. Staff are drafting a new Administrative Penalty By-law to allow for speed cameras to operate under APS. The City is also looking to establish a City-run process center in 2025 to support and expand the capacity of the speed camera program.

Corporate policy for Community Safety Zones

The City is developing a Corporate Policy for Community Safety Zones to ensure that speed cameras continue to be used as intended – to reduce vehicle speeds and collisions, especially in areas with a higher volume of vulnerable road users. This policy will consider factors like speed, collision history and the presence of sidewalks, cycling facilities, schools, parks, playgrounds and recreation areas.

The speed camera program is one of the 99 action items in the Vision Zero Action Plan helping the City reach zero fatal and serious collisions in Mississauga. In addition to the speed cameras, the City is continuing to implement several traffic calming measures like speed humps, lowered speed limits in neighbourhood streets and school zones, a crossing guard program to help students cross the road and fines for drivers stopping or parking in bike lanes.

Learn more about the speed camera and results.

Learn more about our speed cameras and view a map of active and future locations at

About Automated Speed Enforcement

The Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) program aims to increase road safety, reduce speeding and increase speed limit compliance on neighbourhood streets, improving safety for everyone. All speed cameras have a camera and a speed measurement device to help enforce speed limits in school area community safety zones.

When a vehicle exceeds the posted speed limit, the speed camera captures an image. Then, a provincial offences officer reviews the image and issues a ticket. The ticket, including a digital copy of the image and an enlargement of the license plate, is mailed to the registered plate holder within 30 days of the offence. Upon conviction, the owner of the vehicle receives a fine, but no demerit points are applied.


“Our speed cameras are working. Drivers are changing their behaviour and slowing down. Slowing down not only reduces your risk of collision, it also lowers the severity of injuries for vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. If you’re driving in Mississauga, whether there is a speed camera or not, I urge you to slow down and follow the posted speed limits.” – Mayor Carolyn Parrish

“Our speed cameras can detect speeding on a consistent basis, ensuring that school children and other road users always feel safe. That’s why we are expanding our program. With an additional 60 speed cameras, our roads will continue to be safe for all road users, regardless of if you’re walking, cycling, using an e-scooter or e-bike, taking transit or driving.” – Geoff Wright, City Manager and CAO

Speed camera placed in school zone in Mississauga

Speeding caera

Graphic of speed and impact

City of Mississauga Council appoints new Deputy Mayor

By Announcement

Matt Mahoney, Ward 8 Councillor appointed Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council.

June 27, 2024

Mississauga City Council, led by Mayor Carolyn Parrish, appointed Ward 8 Councillor, Matt Mahoney as Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council during the June 26 Council meeting.The Deputy Mayor role is new for Mississauga City Council and is appointed in accordance with the Ontario Municipal Act. The Deputy Mayor will support Mayor Parrish and serve as the acting mayor at functions or activities at her discretion, including, but not limited to, official City events, intergovernmental and third-party meetings. Deputy Mayor Mahoney will also become the permanent Chair of General Committee and preside at Council and other Committee meetings as required.

Councillor Mahoney was first elected as Ward 8 Councillor in 2014 and is now in his third term. He has served on numerous committees during his time on Council including Governance Committee (Vice-Chair), Environmental Action Committee (Chair), Peel Police Services Board, Credit Valley Conservation, Accessibility Advisory Committee (City & Region), Mississauga Public Library Board, as well as others.

The Deputy Mayor role takes effect immediately. The current Acting Head of Council By-Law was rescinded. The full motion of appointment can be found, here.

For more information about City Council and their activities, visit


“Mississauga is a vibrant, growing city, and as Ontario’s third-largest city, it’s crucial that we are prepared and responding to our community’s needs. I’m pleased to announce Matt Mahoney as our Deputy Mayor. With his wealth of experience and dedication as a Councillor for many years, he will diligently work to ensure we continue to advance key priorities and actions for Mississauga.” – Mayor Carolyn Parrish

“I am honored to serve as Mississauga’s first Deputy Mayor. I look forward to working closely with Mayor Parrish and my colleagues on Council to address the challenges ahead and continuing to build a vibrant, global city for all.” – Deputy Mayor Matt Mahoney and Ward 8 Councillor

Peel Regional Police is rolling out CIRT in Ward 1 July 1st

By Announcement, Resources, Ward 1

The Community Incident Response Team (CIRT) was established in May of 2022 in 22 Division. CIRT provides a modernization of traditional frontline foot and bicycle patrol in an effort to increase public engagement and have a visible police presence in communities.

Our initial roll out will consist of 3 Sergeants and 12 Constables, which will expand over the next 6 months to a full compliment of 24 Constables. As a result of the successes of the CIRT program, a decision to expand to 11, 12 and 21 Divisions was found to be beneficial. Once all 4 Divisions are up and running, the total compliment will be 16 Sergeants and 96 Constables for the organization.

The primary objective of the CIRT program is to alleviate the workload on front-line personnel and address specific enforcement needs in local communities. CIRT aligns with our organizations strategic plan by delivering both targeted law enforcement as well as utilizing alternative methods through the Community Safety and Well-Being framework. Utilizing a CIRT approach allows officers to identify problem areas, establish and maintain relationships with community stakeholders, businesses and residents while providing essential resources and access to services for repeat offenders and individuals in vulnerable situations.

For additional information, please see Chief Nishan Duraiappah’s video news release.

How much is feeling safe in your city worth to you? Join the 4.6%.

By Announcement

Safe City Mississauga just launched their 4.6% Campaign, a bold initiative to enhance our community’s safety. If just 4.6% of Mississauga residents donate $25 annually, the entire city can benefit from the crime prevention programs that have made Mississauga one of Canada’s safest cities. Your support can make a real difference in keeping our neighbourhoods, schools and streets safe. Join the movement today by visiting


Canada Crosswalk at Wenonah and Lakeshore

By Stephen’s Initiatives, Ward 1

Just in time for Canada Day!

Proud to have another of my initiatives come to life. A very special thank you to our Works Crew for all of their hard work to make this newest crosswalk a reality.

It is located at Lakeshore and Wenonah, beside the Bozzo’s La Villa Bakery, the creator of Paint the Town Red Canada Day Festival and the end of the Canada Day Parade route.

Thank you Johnny, Diane and of course all of the amazing volunteers.

Getting it done in Ward 1 🇨🇦