Update on Our Lakeview Park Public School Site

By July 16, 2020Issues, Resources

Lakeview has had long and rich history.  From the first Aerodrome to the Small Arms Building, and so much more; there are many aspects of our Community’s past we cherish.

Recently, the Lakeview Park Public School, built in 1923 has been a topic of renewed conversation.  This site was recently deemed surplus by the Peel District School Board. Prior to this, I had several conversations with the Community as to its importance and its future.

There is now a proposal on behalf of Habitat for Humanity to purchase the site.   The proposal, if successful, would include the original School Building on the site along with a 3 acre mix of attainable and affordable housing.

I have been very vocal in advocating for saving the original school building and affordable seniors’ housing.  At this stage, a few things to note:

  1. I have been working on this file to protect and ensure that the School site remain a fixture of the Lakeview Community and the City.
  2. Habitat for Humanity has approached the School Board about a number of possible surplus properties across Mississauga and after some conversations with the City and myself, they are interested in pursuing this particular location.
  3. In all of my conversations with the City and Habitat for Humanity I have always stressed that the original school site be saved at all cost.
  4. If successful in their bid, Habitat for Humanity has pledged to me that they will work with the Community on the site and also the original School Building in making it a wonderful part of Lakeview’s future.

Also a special thanks to the Lakeview Ratepayer Association board and the expertise of Richard Collins.  The LRA  presented  a deputation to the Heritage committee over a year ago and  came together to voice their ideas of how saving the building for future generations and the need of affordable housing for seniors to age in place.

The rich history of Lakeview is more important than ever to weave it into our future.  Another historic jewel in the Community is the Small Arms Inspection Building.  Some may recall last year, as a result of limited access to the Small Arms Inspection Building, the first investment of the Federal Gas Tax Initiative I undertook, was to install a semi-permeable parking lot to ensure that the building can better serve the Community.

Lakeview has a bright future ahead and knowing where we came from is a significant step to moving forward.

Please feel free to click on the latest article in the Mississauga News from John Stewart regarding the possible future of the Lakeview Park Public School and the site:
