The City is underway with an Environmental Assessment (EA) under the Environmental Assessment Act for the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project. The first step of the process was the preparation of a Terms of Reference. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approved the City’s Terms of Reference for the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project on Thursday September 16, 2021. The Terms of Reference sets out the City’s work plan for addressing the EA Act requirements, including the alternatives that will be considered and public consultation, including up to three PICs at key decision points.
The City is preparing for a virtual EA PIC #1 in February 2022. The purpose of this PIC is to:
– Introduce the EA and share an updated project schedule
– Present background project information to be included in the EA
– Present the preliminary lakefill alternatives and the comparative evaluation
– Seek feedback on the lakefill alternatives and evaluation through a survey
– Discuss next steps
The EA PIC #1 will include a recorded video presentation and a survey, giving the public an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. The EA PIC #1 presentation and survey will be available for one month, creating a 24/7 community meeting where the public can review materials at their leisure. The City will provide a feedback summary, and answer any questions submitted through the survey. Details will be posted on the project website in the near future. The public is encouraged to sign up for news alerts to be notified of project updates by email.