Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) Addendum QEW Credit River Bridge Replacement – November 7, 2019

City of Mississauga, Region of Peel
In 2013, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) completed a study that followed the process for a Group ‘B’ project
under the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000), and identified a
strategy to accommodate future transportation requirements for the QEW from west of Mississauga Road to west
of Hurontario Street, and address the Credit River Bridge. The Class EA study was documented in a Transportation
Environmental Study Report (TESR) and recommended the following improvements:
• New QEW Credit River Bridge directly to the north of the existing bridge
• Rehabilitation of the existing QEW Credit River Bridge
• Reconstruction and reconfiguration of the existing QEW
• Reconfiguration of the Mississauga Road interchange including replacement of the Mississauga Road overpass
• Support facilities and features including landscaping, utilities, drainage and storm water management
improvements, illumination, noise walls, Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
In 2019, the province chose to implement this project through a Design-Build-Finance (DBF) Public Private
Partnership (P3) procurement model. Additionally, the Province chose to take an alternative approach to life cycle
asset management through replacement of the existing QEW Credit River Bridge rather than rehabilitation.
As the 2013 Class EA considered a rehabilitation scenario only, additional work is now being carried out to assess
impacts associated with the proposed replacement of the QEW Credit River Bridge; conduct further stakeholder
consultation; and prepare and file a TESR Addendum.
MTO is also working with the City of Mississauga to incorporate the City’s active transportation initiatives for
crossings over the Credit River and the QEW, and multi-use trails.
MTO will be hosting a Public Information Centre (PIC) to provide the public and other interested stakeholders with
an opportunity to review and discuss the TESR Addendum study with members of the Project Team. The PIC will
follow a “drop-in” format.
You’re Invited! Public Information Centre
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Anapilis Halls, Archives Hall – 2185 Stavebank Road, Mississauga
When completed, the TESR Addendum will be filed for a 30-day public review period. Additional notices will be
published in local newspapers at that time and sent to those on the project mailing list, to advertise where the
document is available for review.
To find out more about the project, please visit the project website at