The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee Considers New and Increased Fees and Charges for 2021

October 7, 2020

The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee considered new and increased fees and charges for 2021 for transit fares, fire and emergency services, planning processing, library, culture programs and rental rates, transportation and works, recreation programs and rental rates, fees for parks, forestry and environment services and fees for general administrative services provided across departments. These revenue sources will help offset the cost of delivering services. The proposed fees and charges will be presented at a Council meeting for approval on October 14, 2020. A number of proposed changes are highlighted in the Budget Committee reports including:

  • Recreation fees have a proposed base increase of 3 per cent. Some programs, such as advanced aquatics leadership courses, have recommended an above average increase due to increased operating costs and certification fees.
  • Transportation and Works has introduced two new fees in the Works Operations and Maintenance Division for Road Occupancy Permits for utility-related maintenance works ($25 per permit) in addition to a non-compliance fee of $190 related to inspections.
  • U-Pass (UTM Student pass) fees will increase as per contract and charter service rates will be adjusted for inflation. In addition, MiWay has introduced two new fees to offset the costs of restoration of on-street transit infrastructure due to road construction and closures. A Transitway Access Permit Fee of $250 per application and a MiWay Stop Infrastructure permit review fee of $400 per stop location have been added.

Additional revenue of approximately $1.9 million is expected from the increases and new fees as outlined in the Oct 7, 2020 Budget Committee reports.

“The revenue from the fees and charges will alleviate some pressures on the property tax rate in 2021,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “Community and financial recovery is a priority going forward and we are taking the steps necessary to balance offering services with the property tax increase. We continue to encourage public participation and input into our budget process, and we will continue to work with our Council to achieve a budget that meets our City’s needs.”

All Budget Committee and Council meetings are open to the public. The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23, 2020. The full schedule of meetings is available online at Council and Committees Calendar Listings. Final approval of the City of Mississauga’s Budget will follow approval of the Region of Peel Budget.

Become familiar with the City’s 2021 Budget and Business Plan

Look through the City’s preliminary 2021 Budget and Business Plan and understand why these documents play an important role in shaping our city. Residents can learn more by:

  • Visiting and see what you get for your tax dollars
  • Reading an overview of the 2021 preliminary Business Plan and Budget that was presented to the Budget Committee on June 24, 2020
  • Watching for the full 2021 proposed Budget and Business Plan (posted online on November 16)
  • Watching or attending Budget Committee deliberations scheduled for November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 2 (Budget Committee meeting schedules are subject to change.)

Budget Committee meetings are to start at 9:30 a.m. beginning November 23, 2020.