Take the Survey: Woodland Management Plan

By November 18, 2022Issues, Resources, Ward 1

The City of Mississauga is seeking forest certification for its management of 36 woodlands throughout the City of Mississauga. Help the City prioritize woodland management objectives by providing feedback on the following topics and more:

  • woodland and tree health
  • recreation
  • safety
  • tree diversity
  • aesthetics
  • wildlife habitat
  • environmental protection
  • City’s pursuit of Forest Certification

Ways to get involved:

  1. Register to participate in the online woodland management webinar on Wednesday, November 16 from 7 to 8 p.m.
  2. Register for the woodland walk scheduled for Saturday, November 19 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Deer Wood Park, 1100 Rathburn Road West
  3. Complete the woodland management survey by Tuesday, December 6.


Visit yoursay.mississauga.ca/woodland-management for more information.