Resuming Bulky Item Collection

By June 24, 2020Covid-19
  • Community Recycling Centres are now accepting bulky items. As social distancing measures continue on-site, staff are not available to unload items and wait times may be longer.
  • Curbside collection of bulky items resumes June 29.
  • For residents who are moving out of their home and require assistance with collecting bulky items before June 29, requests can be made by calling the Region’s waste inquiry line at 905-791-9499 or emailing
  • The Region is also continuing to work with the local municipalities to monitor for and pick up illegally dumped items.
  • Residents who observe illegal dumping are encouraged to report as much information as possible including date, time and location of the incident. They can do so anonymously by also calling 905-791-9499.