July 3, 2019
Today, City Council endorsed The plan, to be implemented over 10 years, addresses the active living needs of the 200,000 Mississauga residents who are 55 years of age and over.
“This Older Adult Plan for Recreation focuses on program and service delivery for older adults,” said Shari Lichterman, Director, Recreation. This included a close look at older adult demographics, participation rates in City programs and how space is used in our facilities. We consulted with our older adult users to better understand their interests and needs.”
The 55+ age group currently accounts for 27 per cent of the City’s population. Growth projections show this age group increasing to 45 per cent by 2031.This will make the older adult population the largest demographic in the city. The greatest density of older adults is in the City’s central/east and northwest areas.
The plan’s recommendations are organized into four key areas; highlights include:
- Older Adult Service Delivery – align older adult clubs and providers to better clarity on program offerings and delivery
- Older Adult Programming – establish the age of 55 as the age for older adult program delivery
- Allocation of Indoor Space for Older Adults – prioritize older adult space needs at the same level as youth and other user groups
- Future Older Adult Facility Design and Space Needs – improve community centre spaces to accommodate older adult needs
Funding requirements for the Older Adult Recreation Plan will be considered through the annual budget process.