
Tree Stewardship Program

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Tree Stewardship Program

tree with bagIn 2018, the City installed tree watering bags on street trees that were planted in 2015 and no longer covered by warranty. This year the program will expand to street trees that were planted in 2016.

Through its contractors, the City will water street trees during the months of June, July, August and September. Forestry staff are asking for the assistance of residents in protecting street trees adjacent to their properties with supplemental waterings when dry conditions persist.

How can I participate?

Residents whose properties are adjacent to street trees planted between 2015 and 2016 will receive a door-hanger notice informing them of the initiative and requesting their assistance as a Tree Ambassador accordingly.

It’s easy to sign up to be a Tree Ambassador! Just complete our online form and you will receive email alerts throughout the summer months on when you should water your street trees.

5th Annual Volta Luso Charities will be taking place on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019

By Events, Resources

The Luso Canadian Charitable Society is excited to announce its 5th Annual Volta Luso Charities will be taking place on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019. This walk, cycle and ride event is in support of Luso Charities programs and services for persons living with disabilities and their families. Programs are provided at our newest centre in Mississauga as well as our existing centres in Toronto and Hamilton.

Help kick off the event at the starting line at 11:00 AM at the Portuguese Cultural Centre of Mississauga, located at 53 Queen Street North in Mississauga. Volta Luso Charities is a fun event for families featuring walks, bike riding, stationary spin classes, motorcycle rally and an outdoor entertainment area with a family fun zone for children. The event is free for all registered participants and everyone is welcome. Fundraising for the event in excess of $100 will receive an event gift.

We believe that with your help we can better reach the community and provide our services to more individuals. Details and registration information for the event can be found in the following link.

Please RSVP your attendance by contacting me directly and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Kimberly Lulham

Event & Community Outreach Coordinator

Luso Canadian Charitable Society

6245 Mississauga Road

Mississauga, ON L5N 1A4
(905) 858-8197



Who we are

The Luso Canadian Charitable Society is a community leader in the delivery of accessible, coordinated and sustainable services for individuals with physical and developmental disabilities. We do not receive any ongoing government funding and rely on organized fundraising events that embrace the kindness of individuals to achieve our goals.

You’re Invited! Unveiling of Port Credit Library’s Pollinator Garden

By Events, Issues, Resources

Give your friends and family a buzz and join us on Saturday, June 8 at Port Credit Library to celebrate the unveiling of the pollinator garden.

This garden is a joint project between the City of Mississauga, Cloverleaf Garden Club of Mississauga, Credit Valley Conservation, Scotts Canada Ltd and the Port Credit Seed Library. It hosts a variety of local native flowers, ornamental grasses and shrubs to attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators by providing a source of food and shelter.

The City has many pollinator projects, and projects that support pollinator habitats, including the One Million Trees program, 13 pollinator and community gardens as well as the honeybee hive on the roof of City Hall.

Event Details

What:  Unveiling of Port Credit Library’s pollinator garden

When: Saturday, June 8, 2019, 2 to 4 p.m.

Who: Members of Council, Library Leadership Team, Port Credit Seed Library Members, Scotts Miracle-Gro, Credit Valley Conservation, Cloverleaf Garden Club, Community groups, Local residents

Where: Patio of the Port Credit Library, 20 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga, ON [MAP]

Cost: Free admission – The first 50 kids will be able to take home a free pollinator plant.

In the event of inclement weather, the celebration will take place in the Program Room.

City of Mississauga Responds to More Homes, More Choice Act – Bill 108

By Issues, Resources

May 30, 2019

City of Mississauga staff has prepared a detailed analysis of the Province of Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan and Bill 108 More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 and its potential impact on Mississauga. The Bill introduces substantial changes to the City’s current financial tools used to support development.

On May 2, 2019, the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing presented the Plan intended to increase the supply of new ownership and rental housing in Ontario. Bill 108 transforms Ontario’s land use planning system including changes to thirteen Acts, some new or updated regulations and changes to provincial planning policies.

“While we support the aim of this legislation, to bring new housing supply to market more quickly, it does so by lessening the burden on developers by reducing fees and approval,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We have not seen any evidence that reducing fees and timelines for developers will result in the creation of more affordable housing or that savings will be passed along to consumers. In Mississauga, we have well over 20,000 housing units ready to be built, which doesn’t include the pre-zoned lands within the downtown core. Further, the long-held principle that ‘growth pays for growth’ would no longer apply, resulting in existing taxpayers and residents footing a larger share of the bill for new growth. I urge the government to consult more with municipalities on this important piece of legislation.”

“We are concerned this will result in a loss of Development Charge (DC) revenue to the City,” said Janice Baker, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “As well, the currently separate charges for cash-in-lieu of parkland, Section 37 (bonus zoning), and soft services development charges will now be combined into one `Community Benefit Charge’. Any reduction in funds as a result of this change will limit our ability to provide adequate park, recreation, library and other infrastructure. This is the very infrastructure that promotes health, social inclusion and drives quality of life in a community.”

The City Planning staff report details the proposed impacts – introduction of a Community Benefit Charge, changes to the Planning Act, changes to the administration of Development Charges and appeals of development applications, new regulations on inclusionary zoning and major transit station areas, and changes to how endangered species are classified.

“We are in the midst of implementing inclusionary zoning – a mechanism to designate a certain percentage (5% – 10%) of housing units as affordable,” said Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building. “Bill 108 largely limits this power to areas designated by the Minister of Municipal Affairs through a community planning permit. Such a method is generally untested in Ontario.”

Whittemore further explained, “Timelines for development approvals have been shortened, which will lessen public consultation and put added administrative and financial pressures on planning staff. The current Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) model is being changed back to the former Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) model and there will be less opportunity for public input and greater powers for developers to appeal the planning decisions of Council.”

The City of Mississauga will be making a formal submission to the province in advance of the June 1, 2019 deadline for public consultation.

Bill 108 has passed second reading in the Ontario legislature. It has been referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. The committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing on May 31st. If you wish to appear before the committee or make a written submission, more information can be found here:

Fact Sheet: How Bill 108 Will Impact Mississauga



National AccessAbility Week

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The City of Mississauga is happy to support National AccessAbility Week (NAAW), from Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 7. As we continue to find ways to make Mississauga a great place to be for all, there are a number of events and activities that you can take part in throughout the week.

National AccessAbility Week aims to change the way that we think, talk and act about accessibility and inclusion. Since the introduction of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act in 2001 and the City’s Accessibility Advisory Committee was established in 2003, we have remained committed to ensuring that our facilities are accessible and barrier free. Our Multi -Year Accessibility Plan established in 2012 also demonstrates our commitment to ensuring everyone feels a sense of belonging in our city.

National AccessAbility Week Activities

Always a favourite, the Older Adult Expo at South Common Community Centre will showcase more than 80 exhibitors focused on older adult health as well as opportunities to learn about the City’s fitness and technology programs.

Also, be sure to check out the Accessibility Showcase in the Great Hall on Friday June 7, where you can learn about the many programs and services offered to people with disabilities.

Throughout the week, you will also have the chance to:

  • Check out MiWay buses at Celebration Square and watch as staff demonstrate the various features that make them accessible.
  • Join Traffic Management & Municipal Parking in Celebration Square as we partner with the Canadian Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to demonstrate how to use the audible pedestrian signals on Mercer Avenue.
  • Meet a therapy dog and boost your spirits at Erin Meadows Library.

Mississauga has truly become a leader in making our programs, services and infrastructure inclusive for all residents. Thanks to all of you who have been a part of this important work.

I encourage you to get out to as many events as possible throughout the week. For more information and a full list of events for National AccessAbility week, visit the Accessibility page on Inside Mississauga.

Stephen Dasko


Dispose mercury products at any Peel Community Recycling Centre

By Issues, Resources

 Brampton, ON (May 27, 2019): The Region of Peel announces the continuation of its Mercury Roundup program in partnership with Scout Environmental and Ontario Trillium Foundation. Since the launch of this program in 2016, the Region of Peel has collected over 700 mercury-containing products and recovered over 30kgs of liquid mercury, equivalent to the mercury found in 3 million fluorescent tube lights!

“There are many older mercury-containing items in people’s basements, garages, and storage units—items like thermometers, thermostats, blood pressure monitors, and button batteries,” says Dwayne Cromwell, Supervisor, Community Recycling Centre, at the Region of Peel. “We want to make sure these items don’t get thrown in the garbage or in recycling, where they pose a risk to the environment.”

The Mercury Roundup Program aims to educate Peel residents about the different types of items containing mercury and how to safely dispose of them. Residents are encouraged to bring these items to any Peel’s Community Recycling Centre and receive a digital thermometer, free of charge.

Mercury Facts:

  • Do not dispose of mercury containing products in your garbage, recycling or organics. It is not collected at the curb.
  • Free disposal available at any Peel Community Recycling Centre

Residents can check to see a full list of items that may contain mercury.

About Scout Environmental:

Scout Environmental is an award-winning organization that engages the public, guides industry, and equips communities to make better choices—for their health, and the environment. For nearly two decades, Scout has designed and delivered national campaigns, guided leading corporations, and helped public and private partners see beyond sustainability.

About Ontario Trillium Fund:

An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Fund is one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, it awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities. For more information about the Ontario Trillium Fund, please visit


Mississauga’s Proposed Parking Master Plan Now Available for Public Comment

By Resources, Uncategorized

May 13, 2019

The City of Mississauga’s proposed Parking Master Plan, “Parking Matters” is now available for public comment.

The master plan details how community parking will evolve as the City continues to grow and transform. The plan’s content reflects the input received during extensive public and stakeholder consultation staff conducted over the past two years.

“The Parking Master Plan and Implementation Strategy looks at all aspects of parking in Mississauga,” said Andy Harvey, Director, Traffic Management and Municipal Parking. “Parking policy, planning, funding and emerging technologies were studied to develop an approach to parking that is made for Mississauga. The Parking Master Plan will help improve efficiency, manage parking in the future and better align public and private parking with transportation and economic development goals across the City.”

The master plan provides short and long-term recommendations focused on 10 themes. These include Municipal Parking Provisions and Management, Funding and Finance, Safety and Accessibility and Technology and Innovation.

Visit the Parking Matters website to provide comments. All input received by May 31 will be considered.

The master plan will go to General Committee for approval on June 12.

Learn more about Parking Matters in Mississauga.


Media Contact:
Cynthia Ulba
Senior Communications Advisor
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200, ext. 5051
TTY: 905-896-5151

What’s all the Buzz About? Mississauga seeks Bee-City Designation

By Resources, Uncategorized

Today at General Committee, Council approved a staff recommendation that the City of Mississauga become a Bee City to help improve pollinator health and bee habitats within the community.

“By joining Bee City Canada, we can set an example to our neighbouring municipalities to support pollinators and their habitats,” said Jodi Robillos Director, Parks, Forestry & Environment. “Through this program, the City will have the opportunity to help solidify its commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment and promote activities that will improve the health of residents and the environment city-wide.”

For the City to be become a Bee City, Mississauga must commit to the following Bee City Canada requirements:

1) Creating Healthy Pollinator Habitats
The City will expand pollinator initiatives by planting pollinator-friendly plants in pollinator gardens and existing flower beds, planting native trees and shrubs through the One Million Trees program and work with residents to install solitary bee houses to support native pollinators.

2) Educate about Pollinators
Through the educational component of the One Million Trees program, pollinator-centred material will be enhanced to educate residents about the importance of pollinators and what they can do to enhance pollinator habitats in their own backyards.

3) Celebrate Pollinators
The City will use International Pollinator Week, third week of June, as a platform to celebrate pollinators and share the work that is being done to protect them in Mississauga.

“We have a lot of pollinator projects, and projects that support pollinator habitats, happening within the community. These include our One Million Trees program, our 13 pollinator and community gardens as well as the honeybee hive on the roof of City Hall. All of these help support pollinator health and habitat restoration,” said Jessica Wiley, Manager, Forestry. “It’s important that we continue to create healthy pollinator habitats in Mississauga. Pollinators provide an essential service to plants as they must be pollinated to provide seeds and fruit. We encourage residents to create their own pollinator-friendly gardens at their homes.”

Bee City Canada is a program created to engage Canadian municipalities, First Nations, schools, businesses and other organizations to take action to protect pollinators. There are currently 23 official Bee-City municipalities across Canada including Toronto, Guelph and Newmarket.

For more information on getting a Bee City designation, visit

Media Contact:
Catherine Nguyen-Pham
Communications Co-ordinator
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200 ext. 5334
TTY: 905-896-5151