Renoviction Bylaw – Community Engagement

The City is developing a renoviction by-law to help protect tenants and promote lawful rental unit practices while balancing the needs of landlords.

An unlawful renoviction happens when landlords evict tenants to complete renovations and fail to follow the N13 process under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). Landlords may be unclear or unaware that they must follow the N13 notice process and have a building permit from the City if they want their unit to be vacated to complete a renovation. Additionally, tenants may not know or understand their rights, including their right to secure a return after renovations are complete.

A renoviction by-law can help protect tenants from unlawful evictions by requiring landlords to follow the N13 notice process and obtain the necessary building permits from the City to complete their renovation.

Consultation and engagement

Throughout March and April, the City will be conducting public engagement and community consultations. Legal Services, in collaboration with Planning & Building and Strategic Communications & Initiatives, has developed an engagement framework that includes both general and focused consultations.

Residents will have the opportunity to provide input through a virtual community meeting and survey:

  • The virtual community meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6 p.m. Please register if you would like to attend.
  • The online survey is available until Wednesday, April 16, 2025.

More information about the public engagement can be found at A project page is also available.

Reporting back to Council

All information and research collected will be summarized in a corporate report. City staff are expected to report back to Council in Q4 with a detailed analysis and the proposed by-law.