Region of Peel achieves milestone of 1 million vaccine doses administered 

May 25, 2021

Peel Public Health, community partners and the team behind Peel’s Community Mass Vaccination Plan (MVP) are marking the incredible progress in the fight against COVID-19 with the milestone of over 1 million doses of vaccines administered now surpassed. 

These efforts from across the Region have resulted in the:

  • Continued vaccination of eligible priority groups, including youth who are 12 years or older who live, work or attend school in Peel
  • The stand-up of 11 system-wide fixed clinics, plus multiple community and workplace clinics
  • Partnerships to establish hospital, pharmacy and primary care vaccination settings
  • Continued outreach to harder to reach and vulnerable populations.

Peel continues to work towards achieving a 75% goal of first dose vaccinations within the Peel community. Continued initiatives such as mobile clinics, targeted pop ups, and centralized vaccination centres will move Peel closer to the goals of reaching the most vulnerable who have not received their first dose and preparing for second doses.


“There has never been a greater time to recognize the dedication of our community. Thank you to every individual who has been vaccinated or helped a family member, a colleague or friend to connect to vaccination. I’m so proud of the commitment in support of our community. At the same time, I am thankful to the teams and community members who continue to commit themselves to this tireless effort. This milestone is also a reminder that we must continue to do our part by remaining vigilant and working together to keep each other healthy and safe. As part of that, I encourage anyone who is eligible to get vaccinated so we can come out on the other side of this pandemic.” – Dr. Lawrence Loh

Visit for regular updates on priority groups and clinic locations and follow @regionofpeel on social media for news on COVID-19 and vaccine availability.
