Planning & Development

Project details of the QEW/ Dixie Interchange

By Issues, Planning & Development

The purpose of this is to provide interested parties with access to project information and to contact the Project Team.

Contract 1:

Contract 1 of the QEW/Dixie Project (from east of Dixie Road to the East Mall) is currently under construction and is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2021.

Contract 2:

The Detail Design for Contract 2 is underway and will continue throughout 2020/2021. Contract 2 covers the works along QEW from east of Cawthra Road to west of Etobicoke Creek.  Once the detail design is complete, the Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be made available for a 30-day public review period. Notification regarding the time and location of the availability of the DCR for review, will be published in local newspapers, posted onto the project website and mailed to those on the project contact list.  At this time, we anticipate construction of the main Contract 2 works to commence in 2022; however, advanced works such as utility relocations have started within the project limits and phase into the actual construction for Contract 2.  This timing is subject to funding, completion of the detail design, and receiving all required environmental permits and approvals.

Public consultation is anticipated to include methods such as informational updates to the project website and a future public information centre.  Stakeholders will be notified in the upcoming months once a date and virtual hosting platform have been determined for the PIC.  All current information regarding Contract 2 is available on the project website on the Consultation page under the Public Information Centre section:

In regards to the current state of the condition of the municipal roads, maintenance and operations of the Service Roads and Dixie Road remains under the jurisdiction of the City of Mississauga and Peel Region, respectively. The segments within the project limits of these municipal roads, will be assumed by MTO upon commencement of Contract 2 for construction purpose where practical. The MTO will continue to consult with the municipalities throughout design and construction.

If you require further information regarding this project, please feel free to email the Project Team at or visit the project website at

Community Virtual Meeting – 420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola Avenue)

By Planning & Development

October 22, 2020

Dear Resident,

Re: Community Virtual Meeting 

420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola Avenue)

Plazacorp have submitted plans to redevelop the existing Beer Store at 420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola) with a condominium apartment building ranging in height from 2 to 12 storeys and containing 195 residential units with at grade non-residential uses and two levels of underground parking.

The applicant is proposing to amend the official plan designation from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to rezone the property from C4 (Mainstreet Commercial) to RA5 – Exception (Apartment – Exception) to implement this development proposal.  Driveway access to the proposal will be provided from Enola Avenue.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community virtual meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Call-in details are as follows: Join by phone: 647-484-1596, Meeting Access: 172 461 3999#, Meeting Password: ward1.

If you would like to submit your comments, please forward to Paul Stewart, Planner, Planning and Development Department, 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga, ON  L5B 3C1 or


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When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.


Meeting number (access code): 172 461 3999
Meeting password: ward1 (92731 from video systems)


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Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-647-484-1596,,1724613999## CANADA Toll

Join by phone
1-647-484-1596 CANADA Toll
Global call-in numbers

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420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020

Reminder: Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

October 13, 2020


Virtual Community Meeting Update on Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

Councillor Stephen Dasko would like to extend you a personal invitation to attend a virtual community meeting on Peel’s 2041+ program.

As you may have joined in on some of the virtual meetings the Region has had recently, he wanted to arrange for Ward 1 residents specifically to be updated on two (2) very important issues that affect the Ward dramatically.

Councillor Dasko asked specifically from the Peel Regional Staff to work with him on a strategy to ensure that communicating to the residents of Ward 1 on the Peel 2041+ initiatives.  Therefore, the Regional staff kindly are making themselves available to present the following to as many residents of Ward 1 available to participate in the virtual community meeting.

You are being invited through Webex conference program.  The Call in details are at the bottom of this email.  Councillor Dasko looks forward to your participation!




Peel Region is growing – and the Region is planning for this future growth.


A Regional Official Plan Review (called “Peel 2041+”) is underway to ensure the development of healthy, complete communities that meet individuals’ needs throughout their lifetime, and that official plan policies stay current with provincial plans and planning priorities. The Region is currently accepting feedback on the work being done as part of this review.


On Tuesday, October 27th from 6pm to 7:30pm, Regional staff will be providing a virtual presentation update on the topics of Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas. This will be similar to the public consultation session that took place on September 21, 2020. Following the presentation, staff will be accepting comments and will respond to questions.


To learn more about Peel 2041+ and review additional materials, please visit:


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When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.


Meeting number (access code): 172 797 5238
Meeting password: EEgPPkr2H82 (33477572 from video systems)


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Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-647-484-1596,,1727975238## CANADA Toll

Join by phone
1-647-484-1596 CANADA Toll
Global call-in numbers

If you are a host, click here to view host information.


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Hurontario LRT Project Virtual Trade Show

By Events, Hurontario LRT, Issues, Planning & Development

October 8, 2020

Due to continued public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic,  employment and procurement trade shows will be held virtually this year.  Mobilinx will post presentations on local employment and procurement for the Hurontario LRT project on its website.

The Employment presentation provides the public with resume-writing advice, interview techniques, and list the attributes and skills Mobilinx is seeking in its employees. The Procurement presentation details the benefits of sourcing local businesses for supplies, products and services, as well as the requirements needed to become a Mobilinx vendor.  The virtual trade show is accessible at

The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee Considers New and Increased Fees and Charges for 2021

By Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

October 7, 2020

The City of Mississauga’s Budget Committee considered new and increased fees and charges for 2021 for transit fares, fire and emergency services, planning processing, library, culture programs and rental rates, transportation and works, recreation programs and rental rates, fees for parks, forestry and environment services and fees for general administrative services provided across departments. These revenue sources will help offset the cost of delivering services. The proposed fees and charges will be presented at a Council meeting for approval on October 14, 2020. A number of proposed changes are highlighted in the Budget Committee reports including:

  • Recreation fees have a proposed base increase of 3 per cent. Some programs, such as advanced aquatics leadership courses, have recommended an above average increase due to increased operating costs and certification fees.
  • Transportation and Works has introduced two new fees in the Works Operations and Maintenance Division for Road Occupancy Permits for utility-related maintenance works ($25 per permit) in addition to a non-compliance fee of $190 related to inspections.
  • U-Pass (UTM Student pass) fees will increase as per contract and charter service rates will be adjusted for inflation. In addition, MiWay has introduced two new fees to offset the costs of restoration of on-street transit infrastructure due to road construction and closures. A Transitway Access Permit Fee of $250 per application and a MiWay Stop Infrastructure permit review fee of $400 per stop location have been added.

Additional revenue of approximately $1.9 million is expected from the increases and new fees as outlined in the Oct 7, 2020 Budget Committee reports.

“The revenue from the fees and charges will alleviate some pressures on the property tax rate in 2021,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “Community and financial recovery is a priority going forward and we are taking the steps necessary to balance offering services with the property tax increase. We continue to encourage public participation and input into our budget process, and we will continue to work with our Council to achieve a budget that meets our City’s needs.”

All Budget Committee and Council meetings are open to the public. The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23, 2020. The full schedule of meetings is available online at Council and Committees Calendar Listings. Final approval of the City of Mississauga’s Budget will follow approval of the Region of Peel Budget.

Become familiar with the City’s 2021 Budget and Business Plan

Look through the City’s preliminary 2021 Budget and Business Plan and understand why these documents play an important role in shaping our city. Residents can learn more by:

  • Visiting and see what you get for your tax dollars
  • Reading an overview of the 2021 preliminary Business Plan and Budget that was presented to the Budget Committee on June 24, 2020
  • Watching for the full 2021 proposed Budget and Business Plan (posted online on November 16)
  • Watching or attending Budget Committee deliberations scheduled for November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 2 (Budget Committee meeting schedules are subject to change.)

Budget Committee meetings are to start at 9:30 a.m. beginning November 23, 2020.

Official Plan Review – Councillor Dasko

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development


 We are looking forward to launching the virtual community engagement this fall in support of the Official Plan Review.

Our focus in this phase of engagement is to refresh the vision and confirm priorities for the Official Plan.  Participants will have the opportunity to share input online, via email, mail and through virtual meetings.  As originally outlined, we are hosting “south”, “central” and “north” meetings to enable geography specific education and discussions for participants. The meeting format will include a presentation and discussion.

  1. “North” – (Wards 5, 9, 10 and 11) – Monday, October 26 at 2-3:30 pm
  2. “Central” – (Wards 3, 4, 6 and 7) – Wednesday, October 29 at 7-8:30 pm
  3. “South” – (Wards1, 2 and 8) Monday, November 2 at 7-8:30 pm

Lakeview West Neighbhourhood Rezoning Issues October 14, 2020 6:30 p.m.

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

Dear Neighours,

In light of changes that are occurring to housing in your neighbourhood, the City of Mississauga is reviewing the zoning regulations that would apply to your property.  The implications of potential changes that could affect your property include, but are not limited to:

  1. Permissions for type of housing (e.g. detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, townhouse dwelling, etc.)
  2. Minimum lot size and frontage
  3. Required setbacks for buildings and structures
  4. Maximum height of dwelling

The purpose of the community meeting will be for staff to present potential options for revised zoning regulations for your property. You are welcome to provide feedback on these potential changes, and ask any questions of staff.

Lakeview West Neighbourhood Survey

Lakeview West Neighbourhood Letter – with Map

Dixie Road underpass Pedestrians access Update

By Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

I am pleased to provide you with an update on this complex project, as it will involve a phased approach, including the relocation of utility infrastructure.

  1. Enbridge has completed the relocation of their gas main and the trench has been patched.  Cleaning/sweeping of the road and pavement markings were performed over the weekend.  Although the pavement may not be aesthetically pleasing, this is temporary until such time that the Region completes its construction.


  1. The next step will be for the Region to tender the bridge underpass rehabilitation project by the end of this year.  The works will be phased, with Phase 1 being the construction on the east side of the underpass commencing Spring 2021.  While the east side (including east sidewalk) will be under construction, it will be closed and pedestrians will be directed to use the west sidewalk.  There will be 2 lanes (1 northbound, 1 southbound) on the road open to both vehicular and bicycle traffic.  We anticipate Phase 1 to be completed by the end of Summer 2021.


  1. Following the Region’s work on the east side, Alectra will begin to relocate their hydro line from aerial to underground (under the bridge on the west side of road).  This work is driven by Metrolinx’s electrification requirements.  We anticipate that Alectra will complete their work in Fall 2021.
  2. Once Alectra’s work is complete, the Region will commence with Phase 2, being the construction on the west side of the underpass commencing Fall 2021 and continuing through to Summer 2022. While the west side (including west sidewalk) will be under construction, it will be closed and pedestrians will be directed to use the east sidewalk.  There will be 2 lanes (1 northbound, 1 southbound) on the road open to both vehicular and bicycle traffic.  We anticipate Phase 2 to be completed in Summer 2022. Phase 2 will take additional time, since there will be a construction shut-down period over the winter months.

Re: OZ 20/002 – 2207 Dixie Road

By Events, Planning & Development

September 29, 2020


Dear Resident,


Re: OZ 20/002 – 2207 Dixie Road

The City of Mississauga has received an application from 272694 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Fountain Hill Construction and Consulting) to amend the official plan and rezone the property to permit four (4) townhomes which are four (4) storeys in height for the above-mentioned location. The applicant is proposing to amend the official plan designation from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density.

The applicant is also proposing to change the zoning on the site from R3-75 (Detached Dwellings – Exception) to RM4-Exception (Townhouses – Exception) to implement this development proposal. The townhomes will be standard condominiums, where the driveway, parking and landscaped open space are all commonly owned by the four units.  Driveway access to the units will be provided from Venta Avenue.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community virtual meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Call-in details are as follows: Join by phone: 647-484-1596, Meeting Access #172 792 9636, Meeting Password: ward1 (92731).

If you would like to submit your comments, please forward to Paul Stewart, Planner, Planning and Development Department, 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga, ON  L5B 3C1 or



Stephen Dasko

Councillor, Ward 1

Lakeview West Neighbourhood Community Virtual Meeting

By Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

We have arranged a Virtual Community Meeting for Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. If you are unable to participate in the virtual meeting, I have enclosed a survey, which addresses the issues and encourage you to complete and send to Jordan Lee by October 28, 2020.

The virtual meeting details are as follows:


Meeting #: 172 171 7825       Password: ward1

If you encounter challenges, you may call into the meeting using: (647) 484-1596

Meeting Code #: 172 171 7825

Mobile device (attendees only) +1-647-484-1596,,1721717825## CANADA Toll


In light of changes that are occurring to housing in your neighbourhood, the City of Mississauga is reviewing the zoning regulations that would apply to your property (see attached map). The implications of potential changes that could affect your property include, but are not limited to:

  1. Permissions for type of housing (e.g. detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, townhouse dwelling, etc.)
  2. Minimum lot size and frontage
  3. Required setbacks for buildings and structures
  4. Maximum height of dwelling

The purpose of the community meeting will be for staff to present potential options for revised zoning regulations for your property. You are welcome to provide feedback on these potential changes, and ask any questions of staff.

Lakeview West Neighbourhood Letter

Lakeview West Neighbourhood Survey