Planning & Development

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th and May 5th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5 OR Tuesday, May 11 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  All workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th and May 5th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  Both workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th, 5th and 11th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5, 2021 OR Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  All workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th and May 5th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5, 2021 OR Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  Both workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th and May 5th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  Both workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More

REMINDER TODAY: Councillor Stephen Dasko Presents The Speaker Series

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

No registration is required.

Click the link above at the time and date of the event to join the meeting.

If assistance is required for signing into the Webex Meeting, please send me an email at or call my office at (905) 896 – 5100.

Lakeshore East Corridor Study Virtual Community Meeting May 4th and May 5th

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1

Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 OR Wednesday, May 5 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshops will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.  Both workshops will be identical in format and content.

Please register for the date that works best for you!

Register here for ONE of the virtual community workshops! Read More