170 Lakeshore Road East
Northwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and Elmwood Avenue North
Application submitted by: Lightpoint (170 Lakeshore Road East Port Credit) Inc.
File: OZ/OPA 21-16 W1

Applicant’s Proposal:
To change the official plan and zoning to permit a 15 storey apartment building containing 149 residential units and ground floor commercial space.
If you would like to provide input on the proposed development or you wish to be notified of any upcoming meetings:
Contact the Planning and Building Department:
Mail: 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
Fax: 905-896-5553
Email: application.info@mississauga.ca
For detailed information contact: City Planner Paul Stewart at 905-615-3200 ext. 5813 or paul.stewart@mississauga.ca
Please note that during the Covid-19 shutdown of City facilities, planning documents and background material are only available at: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/development-applications. Once City Hall reopens this information will also be available for inspection through the Planning and Building Department by appointment. Contact the city planner noted above for more information.
If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.
See other side of notice for additional information and for legal requirements
The following studies/information were submitted in support of the applications:
Site and Context Plan
Project Statistics
Floor and Parking Plans
Building Elevation and Roof Plans
Section Plans
Site Servicing and Site Grading Plans
Removal Plan
Utility Plans
Cross Section Plans
Landscape Plans
Tree Protection & Preservation Plan
Arborist Report
Demand Table
Functional Servicing Report
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Assessment
LID Features Letter
Noise Feasibility Study
Parcel Register
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Plan of Survey
Planning Justification Report
Streetscape Feasibility Study
Sun Shadow Study
Transportation Impact Study
Urban Design Brief
Waste Management Plan
Draft Official Plan Amendment
Draft Zoning By-law Table
Planning Act Requirements:
The City will be processing the applications in accordance with the Provincial Planning Act which requires that all complete applications be processed. The applications are now being circulated to City Departments and Agencies for technical review.
Once the technical review has been completed, a report summarizing the development and the comments received will be prepared by Planning staff and presented at a Public Meeting.
Notice of the Public Meeting will be given in accordance with the Planning Act requirements.
A recommendation on the applications will not be presented until after the Public Meeting and all technical comments have been received.
Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this iformation may be directed to application.info@mississauga.ca or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.
Date of Notice: December 23, 2021
OZ-OPA 21-16 W1 – Notice