Planning & Development

Public Meeting – Planning and Development Committee – 1580 – 1650 Dundas Street East

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

In Person and Virtual Public Meeting

Meeting Date and Time:
Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Place:
Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
Applicant’s Proposal:
1580 – 1650 Dundas Street East, south side of Dundas Street East on both sides of Mattawa Avenue
Application submitted by: 4Q Commercial WP Inc.
Files: OZ/OPA 22-22 W1 and 21T-M 22-4 W1

The applicant is proposing to change the official plan and zoning to permit a mixed use development that will include residential, ground floor commercial, a public park and open space.
A total of 3,027 residential units are proposed within three blocks of townhouses, seven buildings with maximum height between 12 and 18 storeys and three buildings with maximum height
between 29 and 41 storeys.

The proposed development has been planned to accommodate a future extension of Blundell Road while retaining Mattawa Avenue. The proposal also includes internal private condominium

There is also a request to approve a proposed Plan of Subdivision to create blocks for the development and a new public park. The remediation of potential on-site contamination will be
evaluated through the review of these applications and addressed in the Corporate Report.

NOTE: These applications were appealed by the applicant to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on April 3, 2023. A case management conference has been scheduled for July 6, 2023.

Meeting Details:
This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission
at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423 for instructions.

Options for participating in the meeting are outlined below.

Purpose of Meeting:
 For the applicant to present the proposal
 For people to ask questions and share their views about the proposal
 For Planning and Development Committee to receive a report that provides information on the project

The report will be available on-line one week prior to the meeting at:

For detailed information contact:
City Planner Paul Stewart at 905-615-3200 ext. 5813 or

If you would like to share your views and/or you wish to be notified of further meetings or be added to the mailing list, please contact the Planning and Building Department by Friday
at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date:
 by mail to 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
 by email to
 please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on

Written Comments:
In order to be received by Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1. Please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on. Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.

How to participate in a public meeting if you wish to make verbal submissions:

Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comment virtually at the public meeting. Please email no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be
accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Residents without access to the internet can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Angie Melo at 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name, phone number, and application number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to
participate from Clerks’ staff.

Participate In Person
To make a verbal submission in person, advance registration is preferred. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting

If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.

Background Studies:
Planning documents and background material available at:

Contact the city planner noted above for more information.

Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.

Information about Appeals:
This matter has been appealed by the landowner to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on the grounds that a decision has not been made by the municipality on the development application
within the prescribed period of time. Any person who may wish to participate in the OLT matter will need to approach OLT directly to request standing.

Date of Notice: June 1, 2023


Public Meeting – Planning and Development Committee – 1000 and 1024 Dundas Street East

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

In Person and Virtual Public Meeting

Meeting Date and Time:
Monday, June 26, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting Place:
Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
Applicant’s Proposal:
1000 and 1024 Dundas Street East, south side of Dundas Street East, east of Tomken Road
Application submitted by: Ahmed Group (1000 Dundas Street East) Inc. & Ahmed Group (1024 Dundas Street East) Inc.
File: OZ/OPA 22-18 W1

The applicant is proposing to change the official plan and zoning to permit 4, 16 and 20 storey rental apartment buildings containing 543 units and at grade commercial uses.

The remediation of potential on-site contamination will be evaluated through the review of these applications and addressed in the Corporate Report.

NOTE: These applications were appealed by the applicant to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on January 20, 2023. A hearing has been scheduled commencing November 6, 2023.

Meeting Details:
This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission
at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423 for instructions.

Options for participating in the meeting are outlined below.

Purpose of Meeting:
The City held a Public Meeting on May 8, 2023. At the upcoming meeting, Planning and Building staff will present a report addressing issues raised and will provide a recommendation on the
proposal. Planning and Development Committee will make a decision about this project at this meeting.

The report will be available on-line one week prior to the meeting at:

For detailed information contact:
City Planner Paul Stewart at 905-615-3200 ext.5813 or

If you would like to share your views and/or you wish to be notified of further meetings or be added to the mailing list, please contact the Planning and Building Department by Friday
at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date:
 by mail to 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
 by email to
 please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on

Written Comments:
In order to be received by Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1. Please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on. Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.

How to participate in a public meeting if you wish to make verbal submissions:

Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comment virtually at the public meeting. Please email no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be
accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Residents without access to the internet can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Angie Melo at 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name, phone number, and application number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to
participate from Clerks’ staff.

Participate In Person
To make a verbal submission in person, advance registration is preferred. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting

If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.

Background Studies:
Planning documents and background material available at:
Contact the city planner noted above for more information.

Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.

Information about Appeals:
This matter has been appealed by the landowner to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on the grounds that a decision has not been made by the municipality on the development application
within the prescribed period of time. Any person who may wish to participate in the OLT matter will need to approach OLT directly to request standing.

Date of Notice: June 1, 2023

Public Meeting – Planning and Development Committee – 1303 Lakeshore Road East

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

In Person and Virtual Public Meeting


Meeting Date and Time:
Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Place:
Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
Applicant’s Proposal:
1303 Lakeshore Road East, east side of Fergus Avenue, north of Lakeshore Road East
Application submitted by: 1303 Lakeshore Road E GP Inc.
File: OZ/OPA 21-20 W1


The applicant is proposing to change the official plan and zoning to permit a 10 storey rental apartment building containing 153 units.

The remediation of potential on-site contamination will be evaluated through the review of these applications and addressed in the Corporate Report.

Meeting Details:
This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission
at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423 for instructions.

Options for participating in the meeting are outlined below.

Purpose of Meeting:
The City held a Public Meeting on May 30, 2022. At the upcoming meeting, Planning and Building staff will present a report addressing issues raised and will provide a recommendation on the
proposal. Planning and Development Committee will make a decision about this project at this meeting.

The report will be available on-line one week prior to the meeting at:

For detailed information contact:
City Planner Lucas Petricca at 905-615-3200 ext. 5733 or

If you would like to share your views and/or you wish to be notified of further meetings or be added to the mailing list, please contact the Planning and Building Department by Friday
at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date:
 by mail to 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
 by email to
 please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on

Written Comments:
In order to be received by Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1. Please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on. Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.

How to participate in a public meeting if you wish to make verbal submissions:

Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comment virtually at the public meeting. Please email no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be
accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Residents without access to the internet can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Angie Melo at 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 no later than Friday at
4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name, phone number, and application number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to
participate from Clerks’ staff.

Participate In Person
To make a verbal submission in person, advance registration is preferred. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting

If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.

Background Studies:
Planning documents and background material available at:
Contact the city planner noted above for more information.

Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information.

Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City
Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.

Information about Appeals:
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to
appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal, or be added as a party to an appeal of the decision to the Tribunal.

The proposed Official Plan amendment is exempt from approval by the Region of Peel. The decision of City Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for
filing a notice of appeal.

Date of Notice: June 1, 2023

Public Meeting – Planning and Development Committee – 1407 Lakeshore Road East, north of Lakeshore Road East, east of Cherriebell Road

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

In Person and Virtual Public Meeting

Meeting Date and Time:
Monday, June 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Place:
Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
Applicant’s Proposal:
1407 Lakeshore Road East, north of Lakeshore Road East, east of Cherriebell Road
Application submitted by: 1407 Lakeshore Developments Inc.
File: OZ/OPA 22-13 W1

The applicant is proposing to change the official plan and zoning to permit a 9 storey apartment building with ground floor commercial space.

Meeting Details:

This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423 for instructions.

Options for participating in the meetings are outlined below.

Purpose of Meeting:
The City held a Public Meeting on August 8, 2022. At the upcoming meeting, Planning and Building staff will present a report addressing issues raised and will provide a recommendation on the proposal. Planning and Development Committee will make a decision about this project at this meeting.
The report will be available on-line one week prior to the meeting at:

For detailed information contact:
City Planner David Ferro at 905-615-3200 ext. 4554 or

If you would like to share your views and/or you wish to be notified of further meetings or be added to the mailing list, please contact the Planning and Building Department by Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date:
• by mail to 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
• by email to
• please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on.

Written Comments:
In order to be received by Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1. Please include your name, your address, and application number or address of the property you are providing comments on. Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.

How to participate in a public meeting if you wish to make verbal submissions:

Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comment virtually at the public meeting. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Residents without access to the internet can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Angie Melo at 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name, phone number, and application number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Participate In Person
To make a verbal submission in person, advance registration is preferred. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date.

If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.

Background Studies:
Planning documents and background material available at:
Contact the city planner noted above for more information.

Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.

Information about Appeals:
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal, or be added as a party to an appeal of the decision to the Tribunal.

The proposed Official Plan amendment is exempt from approval by the Region of Peel. The decision of City Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a notice of appeal.

Date of Notice: May 18, 2023

Lakeview Innovation District Community Improvement Plan (CIP) – Survey Results

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

What We Heard
Two surveys, one for residents and one for industry, were open from April 4 to 21, 2023 on the
Lakeview Innovation District CIP website (

The surveys aimed to gather feedback on providing incentives to industries locating in the Innovation

For full survey results, click here.

Next Steps
The survey results were considered in preparing the draft CIP that will be presented for comment. The following steps are required to adopt and activate the CIP:

• May 29, 2023 – Planning and Development Committee Public Meeting to consider the draft CIP

This meeting will be held in person and online.
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make a comment at the meeting virtually.
Advance registration is preferred to participate and/or make a comment in the meeting inperson. To register, please email or call 905-615-
3200 ext. 4915 no later than the Friday prior to the meeting.
The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link:
• June 14, 2023 – City Council meeting to adopt a By-law to implement the CIP
• 20-day appeal period
• CIP in force and effect after appeal period and resolution of any appeals, if applicable

Comments and feedback are invited at the Public Meeting (registration details above) as well as anytime prior to City Council adoption of the CIP by contacting:

Melissa Slupik, Project Lead
Planner, Planning Innovation, City Planning Strategies
Phone 1-905-615-3200 x 5152
Mail Melissa Slupik, City Planning Strategies, 7th FL – Planning and Building, City of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1

Message from Councillor Stephen Dasko Regarding Lakeview Community Partners – MZO

By Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

Councillor Dasko is very disturbed by the Province’s decision to approve a MZO (Minister’s Zoning Order) for the Lakeview development which was released late afternoon on Friday, May 12, 2023.

The Councillor has since been interviewed by the press sharing his concerns on this matter. CP24

An excerpt of the Councillor’s comments is below as well.

But the city councillor that represents the Lakeview area says that by unilaterally doubling the size of the development, the Ford government is undoing planning work for the site that dates back to 2006.

“We had a very comprehensive report saying that this is a bad idea, that you don’t want to do this and we were sending that back to the ministry and copying the minister on this when we got absolutely blindsided at 5 p.m. on a Friday going into Mother’s Day weekend,” he said. “It’s devastating. The infrastructure concerns weren’t taken to account and the vision of this has not been taken into account. We went from a mid-rise development to essentially the sky’s the limit with removing height caps and things like that. So this has changed the trajectory and what this was and is intended (for the area) dramatically.”

The government has said that it will continue to work with stakeholders “to facilitate approvals and ensure the realization of tangible community benefits.”

Dasko, however, said that he feels like the city will now have to “start at square one,” with some of the planning work, as the intended vision for the neighbourhood has been “completely upended.”

He also said that he fears a planned two-kilometre bus rapid transit line along Lakeshore Road East will be insufficient to accommodate the thousands of new residents along Mississauga’s lakeshore.

“Planning was always predicated on that 8,000 units since this was put forward as a master plan community. So that’s what people were working on up at the region and also at the city in terms of pipes in the ground for somebody that wants to have a drink of water or flush a toilet. All of these things were always based on those types of numbers,” he said. “To say I am disappointed, devastated would be an understatement.”

As originally planned, the Councillor insisted that the Planning and Development Committee meeting go ahead tonight to discuss this issue.  Please see the report that was prepared to review as well as the link to the Committee meeting this evening below:

  1. Report:
  2. Link to Planning and Development meeting – Monday, May 15, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

Public Meeting Planning and Development Committee – Recommendation Report Notice – Lakeview Innovation District Community Improvement Plan

By Planning & Development, Ward 1

In Person and Virtual Public Meeting


Meeting Date and Time:
Monday, May 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Place:
Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive and online
City’s Proposal:
Lakeview Innovation District Community Improvement Plan
File: CD.22-LAK W1

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is proposed for the Lakeview Innovation District Community Improvement Project Area. The CIP will provide incentives in order to encourage desired development including Clean Technology, Life Sciences, and Information and Communications Technology employment uses.

Meeting Details:
This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 4915 for instructions.

Options for participating in the meetings are outlined below.

Purpose of Meeting:
• For the Planning and Development Committee to receive a report that provides information on the project, addresses issues raised and presents a recommended draft Community Improvement Plan
• For people to ask questions and share their views about the proposed Community Improvement Plan
• For Planning and Development Committee to make a decision about this project
The report will be available online one week prior to the meeting at:

For detailed information contact:
City Planner Melissa Slupik at 905-615-3200 ext. 5152 or
If you would like to share your views and/or be added to the official record, please contact the Planning and Building Department by Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date:
• by mail to 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
• by email to
• by visiting the following link:
Please include your name, your address, and file number you are providing comments on.

Written Comments:
In order to be received by Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1. Please include your name, your address, and proposal name or file number you are providing comments on. Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.
If you wish to be notified of the decision on the proposed Community Improvement Plan, you must make a written request.

How to participate in a public meeting if you wish to make verbal submissions:

Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comment virtually at the public meeting. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.
Residents without access to the internet can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Megan Piercey at 905-615-3200 ext. 4915 no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name, phone number, and file number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Participate In Person
To make a verbal submission in person, advance registration is preferred. Please email no later than Friday at 4:00 p.m. prior to the meeting date.

If you are a landlord, please post a copy of this notice where your tenants can see it. We want to make sure they have a chance to take part.

Background Studies:
Planning documents and background material available at:
Contact the city planner noted above for more information.

Personal Information:
Individuals should be aware that any personal information in their verbal or written communication will become part of the public record, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or in writing to the Planning and Building Department at 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1.

Information about Appeals:
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed and the proposed Community Improvement Plan is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a part.
The decision of City Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day of filing a notice of appeal.
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of City of Mississauga Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City before the proposed Community Improvement Plan is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf.
No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

Date of Notice: May 4, 2023