Statement from Stephen Dasko, Councillor for Ward 1 Regarding Change in Time to Planning and Development Meetings
On Wednesday February 27, 2019 at General Committee Stephen Dasko, Councillor for Ward 1 stated that, “I am NOT in favour of the new format change to hold Planning and Development Committee meetings at 1:30 p.m. instead of the 7:00 p.m”.
Dasko moved a motion that this be referred back to staff and the Chair of Planning and Development and to bring a report forward for discussion to the next General Committee. This motion was passed.
Please click on the link below for item 8.9 where you can see the council exchange starting at time 58.20 until 1:34:
For many years Stephen has attended various public meetings in the community regarding building proposals. They provide the community, developers, staff and the respective Councillor of that Ward to have a comprehensive discussion regarding the proposal. Having residents, ratepayers associations and other stakeholders attend Planning and Development Committee meetings provides another dynamic which Stephen believes is an important component of the process that has brought and continues to bring so much change to so many communities.
“I am of the belief that written comments will carry the same amount of weight as a verbal, I strongly disagree”, said Stephen Dasko, Councillor of Ward 1 at General Committee regarding the change in time from Planning and Development Committee.
I am looking forward to the report back from staff and the Chair of Planning and Development, and I will continue to advocate for sessions to take place in the evenings development proposals as part of the process.
For further questions or comments please contact Stephen at or