Peel Regional Police is committed to enhancing road safety and addressing concerns within the towing industry through inspections and enforcement activities targeting prolific and dangerous drivers.
In 2024, PRP made two arrests, laid 234 charges, identified 79 non-compliant tow trucks and removed nine tow trucks from service.
While the majority of towing companies and operators adhere to the legal framework set out by the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act (TSSEA), on-going enforcement operations have successfully removed unauthorized tow companies, vehicles, and operators from our roads, while ensuring that charges under the TSSEA were laid.
Tow truck operators, like all motorists, are not exempt from traffic laws. Please join us in spreading awareness about road safety and report dangerous driving by tow truck operators by filling out a RoadWatch form or by calling 9-1-1 in an emergency.