Reminder: Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

By October 13, 2020October 23rd, 2020Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

October 13, 2020


Virtual Community Meeting Update on Peel 2041+ Public Consultation Sessions —  Specifically: Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas

Councillor Stephen Dasko would like to extend you a personal invitation to attend a virtual community meeting on Peel’s 2041+ program.

As you may have joined in on some of the virtual meetings the Region has had recently, he wanted to arrange for Ward 1 residents specifically to be updated on two (2) very important issues that affect the Ward dramatically.

Councillor Dasko asked specifically from the Peel Regional Staff to work with him on a strategy to ensure that communicating to the residents of Ward 1 on the Peel 2041+ initiatives.  Therefore, the Regional staff kindly are making themselves available to present the following to as many residents of Ward 1 available to participate in the virtual community meeting.

You are being invited through Webex conference program.  The Call in details are at the bottom of this email.  Councillor Dasko looks forward to your participation!




Peel Region is growing – and the Region is planning for this future growth.


A Regional Official Plan Review (called “Peel 2041+”) is underway to ensure the development of healthy, complete communities that meet individuals’ needs throughout their lifetime, and that official plan policies stay current with provincial plans and planning priorities. The Region is currently accepting feedback on the work being done as part of this review.


On Tuesday, October 27th from 6pm to 7:30pm, Regional staff will be providing a virtual presentation update on the topics of Growth Management and Major Transit Station Areas. This will be similar to the public consultation session that took place on September 21, 2020. Following the presentation, staff will be accepting comments and will respond to questions.


To learn more about Peel 2041+ and review additional materials, please visit:


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When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.


Meeting number (access code): 172 797 5238
Meeting password: EEgPPkr2H82 (33477572 from video systems)


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