Notice of Public Information Centre – Virtual PIC – QEW Improvements East of Cawthra Rd to West of Etobicoke Creek

RE: Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2 – Virtual PIC
Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Improvements from East of Cawthra Road to West of Etobicoke Creek (Contract 2) (G.W.P. 2102-13-00)
Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to undertake a Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for improvements to the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) from east of Cawthra Road to The East Mall. The project was split into two contracts. Construction of Contract 1 along the QEW from east of Dixie Road to The East Mall commenced in September 2018 and is anticipated to be completed in Spring 2022. Contract 2 covers the works along QEW from east of Cawthra Road to west of Etobicoke Creek and is the focus of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2. Contract 2 is located in the City of Mississauga, Region of Peel (please refer to the Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2).

This project is following the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project under the MTO Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). PIC #1 was held on December 18, 2017 which introduced and discussed the overall project. This virtual PIC is being held to discuss Contract 2 works.

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that PIC #2 has now been scheduled for this project and will be online via the project website. The public, area residents and all stakeholders are invited to participate in PIC #2. The purpose of PIC #2 is to present and receive input on the recommended Detail Design plan, construction staging details, and proposed mitigation measures to address potential environmental impacts.

The Project Team welcomes your input. On June 24th, 2021 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, a Virtual Public Information Centre will be held on the project website with an online presentation followed by an opportunity to submit questions to the Project Team. Beginning on June 17th, 2021 details regarding PIC #2 will be made available on the project website, including PIC #2 presentation slides and the ability to submit comments in advance of PIC #2.

Any time during the Project, interested persons can provide input to the Project Team including comments and information regarding the Project. Comments are being collected to assist MTO in meeting the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This material will be maintained on file for use during the study and may be included in project documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all
comments will become part of the public record.

If you wish to obtain additional information about the project please visit the Project Website at: If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this Project, please contact one of the Project Team members listed on the Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2. Pour des renseignements en français veuillez communiquer avec Amy Ingriselli au: 1-705-669-4709 ou

If you would like to provide comments, or if you require further information regarding this project, please feel free to contact me by phone at 905-418-1468 or email at . You may also contact the MTO Senior Project Manager, Wan Chi Ma by email at



Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Improvements from East of Cawthra Road to West of Etobicoke Creek (Contract 2)
Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study – G.W.P. 2102-13-00


The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to undertake a Detail Design and Class Environmental
Assessment (EA) for improvements to the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) from east of Cawthra Road to The East Mall. The project was split into
two contracts. Construction of Contract 1 along the QEW from east of Dixie Road to The East Mall commenced in September 2018 and is
anticipated to be completed in Spring 2022. Contract 2 covers the works along QEW from east of Cawthra Road to west of Etobicoke Creek and
is the focus of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2. Please refer to the Study Area map. Contract 2 is located in the City of Mississauga, Region of

• Replacement of the QEW / Dixie Road Underpass and reconfiguration of the QEW / Dixie Road Interchange to a full-moves interchange including modifications to municipal roads;
• Replacement of the Ogden Pedestrian Bridge and structural culvert west of Dixie Road;
• Realignment of local service roads;
• Localized QEW widening to accommodate operational and safety improvements and to maintain six lanes of traffic during construction;
• Drainage improvements including the addition of stormwater management ponds;
• Watermain and sanitary sewer works;
• Modifications to / installation of retaining walls, noise barriers, sign-structures, traffic signals and illumination.

This project is following the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project under the MTO Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). PIC #1 was held on December 18, 2017 which introduced and discussed the overall project. PIC #2 is being held to present the Contract 2 design, construction staging, environmental impacts, and proposed mitigation measures. A Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared and made available for a 30-day public review period. Notification of the DCR review period will be advertised in local newspapers, on the
project website, and mailed to those on the project contact list.

PIC #2 is being held online through the project website. The purpose of PIC #2 is to present and receive input on the recommended Detail Design plan, construction staging details, and proposed mitigation measures to address potential environmental impacts. The Project Team welcomes your input.

On June 24th, 2021 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, a Virtual Public Information Centre will be held with an online presentation followed by an opportunity to submit questions to the Project Team. Any questions the Project Team is unable to answer during the virtual PIC will be answered in a timely fashion after the event. Beginning on June 17th, 2021 details regarding PIC #2 will be made available on the project website, including the PIC #2 presentation slides and the ability to submit comments in advance of PIC #2. This is also an invitation to submit your questions.

Date: June 24th, 2021                   Where:

Registration: In order to attend the virtual PIC, members of the public must register in advance. Please visit to register. Registration will be available until the end of the virtual PIC – 6:00pm on June 24th, 2021. Alternatively, if you are unable to join the virtual PIC, you can still view all the materials online and submit your comments following the virtual PIC.

To obtain additional information, provide comments, or be placed on the project mailing list, please use one of the methods below. PIC #2 comments can be submitted until July 23rd, 2021.
PIC Comment Form: can be found online on the project website at
Email: to contact the Project Team directly, you can send an email to


QEW_DixieRd_Notice of PIC#2