Nominate someone inspired by nature for a Conservation Award

It’s that time of year when we ask for your nominations to honour local environmental champions through our Friends of the Credit Conservation Awards program.

The program is an opportunity for the CVC to celebrate those who deserve recognition for their important work in the watershed. We ask that you nominate deserving candidates whose contributions support a thriving environment that protects, connects and sustains the Credit River Watershed.

Nominations are open to individuals, companies and groups in the following nine categories:

  • Youth Achievement
  • Outstanding Volunteer
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Landowner Stewardship
  • Corporate Leadership
  • Green Cities
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership
  • Legacy Donor
  • Watershed Excellence

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Landowners who’ve taken action to protect and restore nature on their property.
  • Local businesses, municipalities or regional government who have adapted new approaches or green infrastructure.
  • Individuals or businesses that donate land or funds to purchase land for its long-term protection.
  • Individuals that generously donate their time through on-the-ground environmental work, education or outreach efforts.

Nominations for the Friends of the Credit Conservation Awards are open until February 20, 2024.

For more information or to submit a nomination, please visit