No Gyspy Moth Aerial Spray

By June 7, 2021June 21st, 2021Issues, Resources, Ward 1

The City of Mississauga works closely with neighbouring municipalities and agencies to ensure we are staying up-to-date on current practices, science, and being resourceful with partnerships whenever possible.  Aerial spray is not being implemented in 2021 in Mississauga, Hamilton nor Toronto.  This year, treatment for Gypsy Moth focuses on Tree Azin injections and ground spray of Btk.  Neighbouring municipalities that are conducting aerial sprays of Btk for Gypsy Moth (Oakville, Burlington, TRCA and Conservation Halton) are focusing on woodlands (i.e., not residential lands, parks, boulevards or private property).  We are noticing a trend of the moths becoming more “naturalized” and less “cyclical”.  Further egg mass testing is scheduled for the fall to predict future populations and City staff will evaluate treatment options for 2022 and present Council with a treatment plan for approval.