National Drowning Prevention Week (July 17-23, 2022)

By July 14, 2022July 15th, 2022Events, Resources, Ward 1


Did you know?:

  • Over 400 Canadians die in preventable water related incidents annually
  • 64% of Drownings occur from May to September
  • Most drownings in children occur when supervision is absent or distracted

The Lifesaving Society suggests the following key messages to help prevent drownings:

  • Supervise Children – Always directly supervise children around the water
  • Boating Safety – Always wear a lifejacket when in a boat.
  • Open Water safety – Make smart choices before going in, on or around the water.
  • Just Keep Learning -You can save a life, yours, and someone else’s. Take a learn-to-swim, lifesaving or first aid class today.
  • Learn to Swim – In most drownings, the victim never intended to go in the water and was often close to safety – could you survive a sudden and unexpected fall into the water?