On February 26th at Council, a motion was brought forward by Councillor Tedjo and seconded by Councillor Mahoney to eliminate the Planning and Development Committee night meetings.
I was concerned about this motion, as I noted to my fellow colleagues that I have always taken a very strong position on having evening Planning and Development Committee meetings for better citizen participation and transparency and I still maintain my position.
Fundamental to my beliefs, I have always stated that no one should have to choose between going to work or attend a Planning Committee meeting.
Since being elected, not one resident of Ward 1 has questioned why there were no afternoon Planning and Development Committee meetings.
Thirdly, this impedes the rights of the residents to have a Voice!
I put forward an amendment to this motion, stating that it was to be clearly understood, that the Ward Councillor can call for a night Planning and Development Committee meeting on any ward related development application and that ample notice (at least 30 days) be given to the Ward Councillor to be consulted.
The Ward Councillor can then request that an evening meeting be scheduled.
With my amendment it provides options for our residents in Ward 1 to ensure that all significant planning applications will be given the attention they deserve.