Mississauga to Expand Automated Speed Enforcement Program

By May 19, 2021Resources, Ward 1

May 19, 2021

Today, I seconded a motion that Council approved unanimously to accelerate the City’s Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Program and have 20 additional ASE cameras installed in 2021.

ASE uses a camera and speed measurement device to enforce the speed limit. Under the City’s current ASE program, two cameras are scheduled to begin operating in school area community safety zones this summer. The City will use the information collected during phase one of this program to help plan for future phases. These locations were determined based on data collected by Vision Zero tools, such as Road Watch. You can make a driving complaint to Road Watch by using this link: https://www.peelpolice.ca/en/report-it/make-a-report-online.aspx

Council’s direction to expand the ASE program will increase the total number of cameras on Mississauga roadways from two to 22, allowing ASE units to be evenly distributed throughout the city.

In response to the approved motion, staff are working to procure additional cameras, analyzing appropriate locations in school area community safety zones and preparing for installation.

“Road safety in our community is of paramount importance. It is my hope that not one dollar is generated from this program and all drivers keep to the legal driving limit. Accidents due to speed are unacceptable and preventable in part by obeying the posted speed limit,” said Councillor Dasko.

As the ASE program moves forward, residents can track the locations of the cameras on the City’s dedicated webpage – mississauga.ca/ASE.

Motion – ASE Cameras – May 19 2021
