Mississauga Seeking Public Feedback for an Urban Hen Program

July 8, 2021

The City of Mississauga is launching an online survey on July 12 to determine if residents are receptive of a city-wide Urban Hen Program. The survey is part of consultations already underway for the development of an Urban Agriculture Strategy. The strategy will help identify the City’s role in supporting efforts to increase urban-scale food production in Mississauga.

The City will also host a virtual public education session on July 12 and a virtual public engagement session on July 28. These sessions will allow residents to provide additional input and learn more about urban hens.


Public engagement for an Urban Hen Program


  • Online survey: July 12 to August 8
  • Virtual public education session: Monday, July 12 from 5-6:15 p.m.
  • Virtual public engagement session: Wednesday, July 28 from 6-7 p.m.


Mississauga residents


Visit mississauga.ca/homegrown to learn more about the Urban Agriculture Strategy and for updates.