Mississauga Official Plan Review Meetings to Discuss Housing, Growth, Transportation and Environment

June 1, 2021

The City is hosting three virtual community meetings to discuss key directions of Mississauga’s Official Plan Review. Housing, growth, transportation and the environment will be the focus in this phase of public engagement.

Mississauga is reviewing its current Official Plan, which guides growth, to ensure it reflects the changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of the city. Since launching the Official Plan Review in June 2019, the City has conducted ongoing public consultation. Having reviewed the community feedback to date, this current phase of engagement focuses on confirming policy directions for environment, transportation and growth.  Engagement for housing options will explore ideas from the community.

What & When:

Virtual community meetings to discuss our future city:

  • What are the priorities for the environment and transportation?

Tuesday, June 15, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

  • Where will major growth go?

Thursday, June 17, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

  • How can we increase housing choices in our neighbourhoods?

Wednesday, June 23, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.


  • Mississauga residents and property owners
  • Business owners and employees
  • Members of Council and City staff


To participate:

  • Register here or call 311. Registered participants will receive meeting instructions and background materials. If you are unable to attend, the meetings will be recorded and can be viewed following the sessions.
  • Provide feedback or ask a question on the project engagement site.

To prepare for the meetings:


The City’s Official Plan policies address important parts of city-building that affect how the city grows, including transportation, housing, culture and heritage, the environment and the economy.

The Official Plan addresses:

  • where housing, industry, offices, shops and roads should go
  • which services and amenities (e.g., parks, schools, transit) are needed and where they will be located
  • what parts of the city will be the focus for growth and what it will look like e.g., heights and densities
  • ways to enhance economic development and job growth

The City launched the Official Plan Review at a Special Council meeting held on June 10, 2019. For more information and to sign up for email updates, visit the public engagement page.
