Mississauga Concerned by Ontario Housing Task Force Recommendations

By March 28, 2022April 7th, 2022Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Ward 1

Like many municipalities, Mississauga is facing a housing crisis. Costs continue to climb and too many people are being priced out of the market. In response to the housing crisis, the Government of Ontario commissioned a Housing Affordability Task Force to make recommendations about how to address housing supply and affordability.

While the City of Mississauga supports building more housing, we are concerned that the recommendations in the Task Force miss the mark. In fact, if the recommendations are implemented as currently written, they could have a devastating effect on our neighbourhoods without making housing more affordable.

Many of the recommendations are a ‘one-size fits all’ for the entire province and could make our neighbourhoods look like this:

Mississauga supports infill development and greater density in our neighbourhoods, but where it makes sense and with proper consultation through the local planning process. One-size-fits-all housing solutions just won’t work. Public consultation and local planning is important. We want to plan our communities together.

Tell Your MPP to Protect Local Communities The City’s response to the Task Force recommendations has been shared with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to consider before introducing legislation.

The City does not support recommendations that:

· Limit public consultation on future developments

· Lower design standards and erase heritage

· Reduce our ability to plan our city in our own way

· Create a financial risk for the development of new infrastructure and parkland in our city and put the burden for growth on existing taxpayers If you want to take action, tell your MPP that one-size-fits-all planning doesn’t work. More public input is needed before final decisions are made.

Mississauga has a plan to build more housing and make housing more affordable. Learn more at Mississauga.ca/housing.