Let’s get back to waste basics

By September 12, 2022Issues, Resources, Ward 1

Residents with curbside waste collection will receive a Waste Pickup guide in the mail.

September 12, 2022

The Region of Peel is encouraging residents to practise the waste basics, after many service changes during the pandemic. Ensuring that we properly sort our waste into the right bin is an important step we can all take to decrease what is going to landfill.

Check before you toss

Did you know that one in four items we put into the recycling bin does not belong there? Our good intentions are a great start. Let’s master the waste basics and sort items into the right bin more often.

Plastic toys, textiles, small propane tanks and coffee cups are some of the common items we mistakenly put in the recycling bin.  Plastic toys, textiles and propane tanks can be brought to one of our Community Recycling Centres. Coffee cups belong in the garbage bin. Whenever in doubt, check the waste sorter.

Prepare for pickup

Once waste is sorted at home, it’ll be easy to set out for pickup at the curb.

Placing bins out correctly helps ensure they will be collected smoothly on your pickup day. Practise waste basics for each weekly collection, such as setting out bins by 7 a.m., ensuring the lock on the green bin is in a vertical position so that it gets emptied, and closing lids on bins to avoid spills.

Waste Pickup guide

Sorting and setting out waste properly helps Peel manage waste efficiently, reduces costs and helps the environment. In September, residents with curbside waste collection will receive a brochure in the mail to remind them of the waste basics and keep as a guide around the home.


“Throwing out recycling, organics and garbage is something we all do every day but it can be confusing or hard to know which bin the items go into, especially when our normal routines were affected by the pandemic. That’s why we’re asking residents to check before you toss. Taking a moment to sort correctly is a small habit that makes a big difference. It takes all our actions to reach our long-term waste diversion goal.”

— Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management, Public Works


About the Region of Peel

The Region of Peel works with residents and partners to create a healthy, safe, and connected Community for Life for approximately 1.5 million people and over 175,000 businesses in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon. Peel’s services touch the lives of residents every day. For more information about the Region of Peel, explore peelregion.ca and follow us on Twitter @regionofpeel and Instagram @peelregion.ca.