For the month June and July Feed Mississauga has decided to bring back a successful initiative from 2020 which included providing youth in the Peel Region with basic every day necessities to promote good health and hygiene.
The “Just 4 U Box” Project will be launched on June 11, 2021 in support of the babies and youth served by the Peel Children’s Aid Foundation.We are looking for individuals and/or businesses who would like to partner with us and become a “Just 4 U Box Project Sponsor”.
We kindly ask you to consider making a financial contribution or a donation of gifts in-kind.
Our goal is to raise $22,000 to help put together 100 boxes of each of the following categories:
Just 4 U Box Project Categories
Just 4 Baby Box
(Each box will include)
Diapers, Wipes, Diaper Cream, Body Wash, Baby Shampoo, Baby Wash Cloths, Baby Tylenol
($100 each)
Just 4 U Box – Female
(Each box will include)
Deodorant, Body Wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Sanitary Napkins, Toothbrush, Toothpaste,
$25.00 Gift Card
($60.00 each)
Just 4 U Box – Male
(Each box will include)
Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Mouth Wash,Toothbrush,Toothpaste,
$25.00 Gift Card
($60.00 each)
$10,000 – will provide 100 Just 4 Baby Boxes
$6,000 – will provide 100 Just 4 U Boxes – Female
$6,000 – will provide 100 Just 4 U Boxes – Male
Any contribution you can make either through a donation of funds and or goods will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for being a hero to a youth in need.
For more information about the “Just 4 U Box” Project please email info@feedmississauga.ca