
City of Mississauga Develops Policy to Green its Fleet and Equipment to Help Reduce Emissions and Fight Climate Change

By Events, Issues

November 18, 2020

Today, General Committee received the City’s Green Fleet and Equipment Policy and Electric Vehicle Charging Station Standard in its efforts towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 per cent by 2030 as part of the City’s Climate Change Action Plan.

“As we move forward with our Climate Change Action Plan, it’s vital we make necessary changes within our organization to be more sustainable,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Having this policy in place will allow us to lead by example and take real action in the fight against climate change.”

The Green Fleet and Equipment Policy will prioritize investment in low and zero-emissions fleet, equipment and infrastructure; the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Standard will guide the installation of electric vehicle chargers on City property.

“In 2017, we found that 78 per cent of Corporate emissions come from the City’s fleet and equipment. We need to make drastic changes if we want to reduce 40 per cent of the City’s GHGs by 2030,” said Jodi Robillos, Director, Parks, Forestry and Environment. “This policy is a critical first step that lays the foundation for staff. It prioritizes the purchase of low or zero-emissions fleet and equipment, as well as improves the use of our existing fleet and equipment. Greening our fleet and equipment could lead to a 28 per cent reduction in Corporate GHG emissions and will help us reach our reduction target of 40 per cent by 2030.”

The Green Fleet and Equipment Policy and Electric Vehicle Charging Station Standard will also complement other City efforts in reducing GHG emissions and improving air quality – the Idling Control By-law and the Unnecessary Vehicle Idling policy.

Robillos added, “This policy will prioritize the electrification of the City’s fleet and equipment in a way that is sustainable and meets our operational needs. We will work to make investments in zero-emissions technologies, such as electric vehicles, which will be phased in over time. Between 2020 to 2030, there is an opportunity to replace more than 50 per cent of our light-duty fleet and equipment, all of Fire’s support vehicles and almost all of MiWay’s fleet, which includes buses and support vehicles.”

In December 2019, Council approved the City’s Climate Change Action Plan. The plan has two goals – reduce 80 per cent of Mississauga’s GHG emissions by 2050 and increase resilience and the capacity for the City to withstand and respond to climate events.

The Green Fleet and Equipment Policy will go to Council next week for approval.

Learn more about the City’s Climate Change Action Plan, Green Fleet and Equipment Policy and Electric Vehicle Charging Station Standard.

City of Mississauga launched a Music Strategy Survey

By Events, Issues

The City of Mississauga launched a Music Strategy Survey which will help inform the development of our first Music Strategy.

Feedback collected from the survey will be used to design targeted recommendations in the Strategy. While the Music Strategy will address the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the music sector and propose temporary solutions, the goal is to support long-term growth of the sector post-pandemic. As such, questions focus primarily on music-related habits and business operations pre-pandemic, as well as ideas for the future.

The survey closes Friday, December 18. 

We are seeking input from the music sector as well as residents and would appreciate any help you can provide in sharing the survey.  Here is the Survey Link:

Community Virtual Meeting Tonight – 420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola Avenue)

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

Re: Community Virtual Meeting 

420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola Avenue)

Plazacorp have submitted plans to redevelop the existing Beer Store at 420 Lakeshore Road East (corner of Lakeshore Road and Enola) with a condominium apartment building ranging in height from 2 to 12 storeys and containing 195 residential units with at grade non-residential uses and two levels of underground parking.

The applicant is proposing to amend the official plan designation from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to rezone the property from C4 (Mainstreet Commercial) to RA5 – Exception (Apartment – Exception) to implement this development proposal.  Driveway access to the proposal will be provided from Enola Avenue.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community virtual meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Call-in details are as follows: Join by phone: 647-484-1596, Meeting Access: 172 461 3999#, Meeting Password: Ward1.

If you would like to submit your comments, please forward to Paul Stewart, Planner, Planning and Development Department, 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga, ON  L5B 3C1 or

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420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020420 Lakeshore Road East Community Meeting Letter November 17, 2020

What Businesses Need to Know for Level RED – CONTROL

By Covid-19, Issues

On November 6th, the Ontario Government moved to the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework, a tiered response that allows regions to scale up or scale back public health restrictions based on the risk level.
As of November 7th, Mississauga is in the Red-Control Level of Ontario’s Framework.
On November 7th, because of a worsening pandemic picture, Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health for the Region of Peel, issued directives to the community that are stricter than those required for the Red – Control stage.

Please read through the following link for more information on what businesses need to know for the level red- control stage:

Giving Tuesday – December 1st, 2020

By Events, Issues

Giving Tuesday is a global movement unlocking the power of generosity to transform communities. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving. It started as a simple idea in 2012 and is now celebrated in more than 60 countries around the world.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, join Mississauga Gives to celebrate the Giving Tuesday movement in Mississauga and encourage each other to do good. Donate to charity, volunteer, support a small business, fundraise, help spread the word, or perform an act of kindness – especially during these challenging times.

Learn more about the global Giving Tuesday movement at and locally at

Virtual Press Conference: Mississauga’s COVID-19 Update for November 18, 2020

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 16, 2020

On Wednesday, November 18 at 4 p.m., media are invited to virtually attend Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s weekly press conference focused on the City of Mississauga’s latest COVID-19 recovery plans.


Latest updates and announcements on the City’s COVID-19 plans for recovery in Mississauga.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 4 p.m.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie
Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health at Region of Peel
Nancy Macdonald-Duncan, Acting Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management

Online – the virtual press conference will be streamed on the City’s website at

Media: All media must RSVP to Megan Schabla, by noon on November 18 if they would like to participate and ask questions. Confirmed media will be provided with a Webex meeting request and log-in details in order to join the conference.

For more information about the City’s COVID-19 response and service impacts, visit:


City of Mississauga Welcomes New National Research Council of Canada Research Facility

By Issues

November 16, 2020

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has opened a new advanced materials research facility in the City of Mississauga to serve as a national clean energy hub supporting research into new materials for industrial development and commercialization.

“We are thrilled that NRC chose Mississauga to locate its new regional advanced materials research hub. Mississauga is home to one of Canada’s largest, most diverse advanced manufacturing sectors,” said Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga. “NRC Mississauga will become a key innovation asset in our City and will bring together industrial and academic partners to develop products, devices and systems that will create jobs and help Canada reach its sustainability goals. The City looks forward to working with and supporting the NRC and its key stakeholders as they conduct world-class, innovative research right here in Mississauga.”

The facility will support and undertake foundational research of new clean energy materials and transition them for industrial use. It will act as a regional innovation hub for clean technologies, and will be part of the Canadian Campus for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (CCAMM), a joint initiative between the NRC and the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC) that is adjacent to NRC Mississauga.

“The opening of our new facility in Mississauga represents a major stepping stone for the National Research Council of Canada in advancing Canada’s clean energy agenda,” said Roger Scott-Douglas PhD, Acting President, National Research Council of Canada. “Our vision is for this collaborative hub to become the home to new technologies that will enable industry to be more sustainable. We look forward to working with our partners in accelerating the development of advanced materials technologies and their commercialization into disruptive products for industry.”

Mississauga has the most diversified advanced industry business base in Canada, with over 11,000 companies falling into industries that perform high levels of research and development. The fully completed NRC facility in Mississauga will add roughly 100 researchers and support staff from the NRC, and a broad range of collaborators and partners from academia, other government departments and industry, from Canada and around the world.

“Mississauga is at the centre of Canada’s advanced manufacturing industry. Developing world-class products for blue chip clients from around the world, this sector employs some of the brightest and most talented Canadians,” said Bonnie Brown, Director of Economic Development. “The City of Mississauga is focused on creating an ecosystem where companies, businesses, community partners and talent, both young and seasoned can meet, innovate and grow. The City actively engages with our world-class manufacturers, academic institutions and government partners to create an exceptionally integrated ecosystem of top talent, product development and continuous improvement.”

Today, at a virtual ceremony, Roger Scott-Douglas, Acting President of the National Research Council of Canada, alongside the Mayor of Mississauga, Bonnie Crombie and collaborators, celebrated the opening of the NRC’s new research facility in Mississauga.


Virtual Meeting on November 30th: File OZ 20/006 W1 at 23 Elizabeth Street North and 42-46 Park Street East

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

Dear Resident,

File OZ 20/006 W1 at 23 Elizabeth Street North and 42-46 Park Street East

The City of Mississauga has received an application from Edenshaw (Elizabeth) Developments Limited to amend the official plan and rezone the property to permit a 22 storey apartment building with 256 residential units and 6 levels of underground parking.

The applicant is proposing to amend the Port Credit Local Area Plan to permit 22 storeys, whereas the maximum permitted height is 15 storeys. The applicant is also proposing to change the zoning on the site from RA2-48 (Apartments – Exception) to RA5-Exception (Apartments – Exception) to implement this development proposal.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community virtual meeting on Monday, November 30, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The call-in details are as follows: Join by phone: 647-484-1596, Meeting Access #172 859 2057, Meeting Password: ward1.

If you would like to submit your comments, please forward to David Ferro, Planner, Planning and Development Department, 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga, ON  L5B 3C1 or David.


Stephen Dasko

Councillor, Ward 1

Councillor Dasko’s Position on Excessive Vehicle Noise Issues

By Issues

I could not agree more with you that street racing and excessive vehicle noise has plagued our community for far too long. This year especially during COVID has only added to the situation.

This Summer I, along with fellow Councillor Karen Ras, had certain parts of Lakeshore Road speed limits reduced.  Other speed deterrents in the community have been undertaken but leadership at the Provincial level is needed as well.

For example, The Highway Traffic Act has to be amended and regulations enacted to control the sale of modified muffler systems that exceed a sound level of 80 to 85 decibel range.

During this Summer Councillor Ras brought forward a motion, that we unanimously supported, Notice of Motion to Call on the Province to Clamp Down on “Noisemakers”.  In 2019 there was provincial legislation that was put in to place that was called Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, S.O.  2019 c.14.  It mentioned prohibiting the sale of tampering devices that creates excessive noise on our streets and neighborhoods.  The Notice of Motion asked the Province to have the provisions in the legislation be brought into force immediately.

The elimination of the Provincial Drive Clean Program also removed some aspects that did not encourage excessively loud muffler systems.

At the City of Mississauga the current By-Law is applicable to stationary vehicles only through By-Law Officers who are not Police.  The new City Noise By-Law as brought forward this Summer will include decibel levels for the first time.

The City will begin Automated Speed Enforcement in 2021, starting with school zones. More information about its implementation will be available soon.

This Summer, with my full support, the Peel Regional Police implemented New Program called “Project Noisemaker” which was designed to identify and reduce the number of motor vehicles with modified and/or excessively loud exhaust systems on our roads. The Peel Regional Police are tasked with working within the Province’s Highway Traffic Act.  I interact with the Peel Regional Police regularly and call for increased presence and enforcement as I know the toll this type of activity takes on our community.

Also, I advocated for Peel Regional Police to have Project ERASE (Eliminate Racing Activity on Streets Everywhere) which has been operating since 2015 be implemented in Ward 1.

This Summer also saw the pilot project to a few community initiatives such as Quiet Streets. One example could be seen at St. Lawrence Drive and Port Street, and another was a traffic calming program for Port Street and Mississauga Road South.

I also held a telephone town hall this Summer as well which included Peel Regional Police, Mayor Crombie, and City Staff including those from the Transportation and Works Department.

It is critical that leadership and a partnership from the Province come together as our way of life depends on it.  We need to stop the sale of and ban these types of noise making mufflers that also promotes speeding, as they have been terrorizing our community for far too long.

I believe that the Peel Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police need more enforcement tools such as was done with the Street Racing Act the Province implemented in 2006.

I have had discussions with other levels of government stressing what needs to be done. I will continue to push hard for real change to be made to restore a sense of order to our community, and other communities across the Province.

Should you wish to speak further please do not hesitate to call me at any time.


Stephen Dasko

Peel Regional Council takes steps to ensure greater transparency and accountability of the Special Investigations Unit Act in Ontario

By Events, Issues

November 13, 2020

Peel Regional Council approved a motion on the need to immediately address police Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and mental health reform.  The Regional Chair will request from the Premier of Ontario and the Solicitor General the following:

  1. Immediate enactment of the Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019 along with several additional reforms to ensure greater transparency and accountability, including:
  2. timely sharing of information and investigations with the public;
  3. enabling local police officers to comment on details and timelines of an investigation within their jurisdiction,
  4. ensuring that former police officers make up no more than 50 per cent of any SIU team, and
  5. enforcing police officers under investigation to testify and hand over their notes if being investigated.
  6.    Immediate enactment of the Community Safety and Policing Act and Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, the latter of which received all-party support, and was passed by the Ontario Legislature over a year ago but has yet to be put into force.
  7.    Implementation of all recommendations from Justice Michael Tulloch’s two reviews — his 2017 Independent Police Oversight Review and his 2017 Independent Street Checks Review.
  8.    Make changes to the Mental Health Act to permit first responders other than police officers to respond to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.

The Regional Chair will also request in-person meetings with the Solicitor General and the Premier of Ontario, on behalf of Regional Council, along with interested Council members to outline the need to implement changes stemming from the Tulloch Reports, including those of the SIU.


“These actions support a safe and healthy Community for Life in Peel, where everyone enjoys a sense of belonging and has access to the services and opportunities they need to thrive throughout each stage of their lives,” said Regional Chair Nando Iannicca. “I thank my Regional Council colleagues for their collective work to bring this motion forward today. The actions outlined in the motion today link to our important work of coordinating mental health efforts across systems. I look forward to continuing this important discussion with my colleagues in an effort to prioritize and address safety and well-being in Peel, and across our Province.”

“We’ve known for a long time that we need more transparency accountability in policing, in particular when it comes to SIU investigations,” said Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “I’m very proud of my fellow Peel Regional Councillors who took a bold step by unanimously passing this motion. I am confident that the Premier and the Solicitor General will do the right thing and take action to immediately address needed police reform at the provincial level.”

“The work of Justice Michael Tulloch and advocates in our community has provided a path to much needed SIU reform. This motion reflects the changes our Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah has been working towards which fosters transparency and accountability within our policing institutions. The cloak of secrecy around SIU and its operations needs to be finally ripped off. Hopefully this motion will help build momentum for this integral reform,” said Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown.

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