
Hurontario LRT: Virtual Open House – Nov 23-Dec 4, 2020

By Events, Hurontario LRT, Issues, Planning & Development

Today, Metrolinx launched its Fall Virtual Open House for the Hurontario LRT.  This two-week online event, continuing through to December 4, will share the work that has been done so far and what to expect in 2021 as major construction begins.  There will be photos, slideshow presentations and a video that captures the excitement of the project.

Please join at!

The Virtual Open House will also offer residents and businesses the opportunity to submit their questions through the Metrolinx Engage platform.

City of Mississauga 2021-2024 Business Plan and 2021 Budget – City Portion Proposed at 1 % for Residential Property Tax

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

November 23, 2020

Today, City staff’s overview presentation of the proposed 2021-2024 Business Plan and 2021 Budget at Budget Committee began with an economic outlook by Andrew Grantham, Executive Director and Senior Economist, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).

Grantham stated, “Like the rest of the country, the Mississauga economy has been severely impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, owing to the strong and swift support from governments and the central bank, the economy is well positioned to rebound from this crisis particularly after a vaccine becomes available.” 

2021 Tax Impact
The 2021 impact from the City’s portion on the residential tax bill is proposed at 1 per cent. On the commercial/industrial tax bill, the proposed amount is 0.6 per cent. This does not include impacts from the Region of Peel services.

“COVID-19 has shown the role of local government has never been more important,” said Paul Mitcham, City Manager and CAO. “Early on, the City took actions to mitigate the financial impact such as temporary staff layoffs, a hiring freeze, discretionary spending review and deferral of some 2020 capital projects. We greatly appreciate the $46 million allocated in August by the federal and provincial governments through the Safe Restart Agreement. Even with this funding, the City will face additional financial challenges and difficult decisions will need to be made. We will continue to seek partnerships and advocate for sustainable long-term funding from the federal and provincial governments.”

“Public health remains our first priority. In 2021, we will continue to manage the financial impacts of the pandemic and eventual recovery from it by providing necessary services that the public rely on while minimizing the property tax required,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “We expect 2021 to be another tough year economically for the community and we will continue to look for new sources of funding and savings while staying true to our long-term financial plans. Through diligent monitoring and assessing future business plans and budgets, we will continue to manage the significant financial impacts we are facing from COVID-19.”

The 2021 Budget considers financial recovery strategies, outlined to Budget Committee throughout 2020, to offset budget pressures due to the pandemic. These include:

  • Return to normal fee schedule and collection as soon as possible
  • No new material service level changes in 2021
  • Reduce discretionary spending
  • Critical assessment of capital expenditures
  • Use of reserves
  • Continued collaboration with other municipalities to seek assistance from higher levels of government
  • Increase user fees

A presentation on Mississauga’s economic growth story by Bonnie Brown, Director, Economic Development, highlighted that:

“Mississauga’s strong economic fundamentals have helped us weather and respond to the pandemic. However, it is still essential that we continue to support and advocate for our hardest hit businesses. Strategic investments in our small businesses and innovation resources will be critical to the city’s long-term recovery.”

Stormwater Charge

The City’s Stormwater Program is funded by the Stormwater Charge, a dedicated source of funding separate from property taxes. The Stormwater Charge appears on the Region of Peel water bill and in 2021 the rate increase is set at 2 per cent. This means the average residence will see an increase of $2.20 or less.

Fees and Charges
The City’s Budget Committee previously considered new and increased fees and charges for 2021. This included transit fares and fees for Recreation and Parks, Forestry and Environment programs. Additional revenue of approximately $1.9 million is expected from the increases and new fees.

Learn more about the City’s 2021 Business Plan and Budget:

  • Visit
  • Read an overview of the  2021 preliminary Business Plan & Budget that was presented to Budget Committee on June 24, 2020
  • Watch or attend Budget Committee deliberations scheduled for November 24, 30, December 1, 2 (Budget Committee meeting schedules are subject to change)

Choose from several ways to get involved and share your thoughts:

The Region of Peel is to present a regional budget in the New Year and the City of Mississauga’s total tax overview will follow the regional budget presentation. Council approval of the budget is to follow Region of Peel’s final budget.

Virtual Press Conference: Mississauga’s COVID-19 Update for November 25, 2020

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 23, 2020

On Wednesday, November 25 at 4 p.m., media are invited to virtually attend Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s weekly press conference focused on the City of Mississauga’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Latest updates and announcements on the City’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mississauga.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 4 p.m.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie
Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health at Region of Peel
Nancy Macdonald-Duncan, Acting Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management

Online – the virtual press conference will be streamed on the City’s website at

Media: All media must RSVP to Megan Schabla,, by noon on November 25 if they would like to participate and ask questions. Confirmed media will be provided with a WebEx meeting request and log-in details in order to join the conference.

For more information about the City’s COVID-19 response and service impacts, visit:


Update on Vacuum Leaf Collection Program and Parking Permits – November 22, 2020

By Issues

Please be advised that the BLUE zone collection of our VLCP will start up again tomorrow.  Due to the winter event on the weekend, the VLCP will only start in the Clarkson area tomorrow.  The other areas of the City have snow accumulation that does not allow the VLCP to proceed.  Staff will continue to monitor these areas and will let you know when the VLCP will commence once again.

With the recent Significant Weather Event Declaration and plowing operations underway, the issuance of temporary parking permits has been suspended.  Please remove parked vehicles from the street, allowing staff and equipment to safely clear our roads.

COVID-19 Lockdown – Restrictions on Gatherings, City Closures Reminder

By Covid-19, Issues

November 22, 2020

As announced by the Government of Ontario, Mississauga, as part of the Region of Peel, will move to the Grey-Lockdown Level of the Government of Ontario’s Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework as of Monday, November 23, 2020.


“This is certainly not where we hoped to be, but the sobering reality is that COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have been rising at an alarming rate in Mississauga over the last month. I firmly believe that these new measures are the only way we can avoid school closures, further spread in our long-term care centres and overburdening our hospitals,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “What encourages me is that I know all Mississaugans will do the right thing by staying home as much as possible and limiting their in-person contact to just their immediate households and essential supports.”

Starting, Monday, November 23, the following restrictions will be in effect in Mississauga as part of the lockdown:

Organized Public Events, Weddings, Social Gatherings and Religious Services, Rites and Ceremonies

  • No indoor organized public events and social gatherings, except with members of the same household
  • Limit of 10 people for outdoor organized public events and social gatherings, where physical distancing can be maintained
  • Limit for weddings, funerals and other religious services, rites or ceremonies where physical distancing can be maintained:
    • 10 people indoors
    • 10 people outdoors
  • Virtual and drive-in gatherings, events services, rites or ceremonies permitted

City Closures and Service Disruptions

As a reminder, many public City facilities will be closed as of Monday, November 23, 2020 through to December 20. Impacts are as follows:

  • City community centres, including pools, fitness centres and indoor arenas, with the exception of essential services, such as childcare in some facilities
  • Cultural facilities and museums
  • Public counters will be restricted to appointment only
  • The Library will offer limited services including contactless holds pick up inside branches and outdoor dropboxes
  • Most services offered at City Hall will be closed with exceptions being made for mobile, business and marriage licences, and commissioning which will be offered in-person, by appointment only
  • The Provincial Offences Courthouse remains open with no impact to those who have scheduled appointments

Most services that can be, will be conducted online. Refer to the City Services Status page which will be updated to reflect lockdown restrictions on Monday.

COVID-19 Health and Safety Reminders

Get tested if you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19, download the COVID Alert app or visit to find the nearest testing location.

Mississauga residents are asked to adhere to these strong recommendations from the Region of Peel’s Medical Officer of Health:

  1. Only have close contact with members who live in the same home and their essential supports.
  • Only those who live in the same house/home should interact without the protection of distance or masks.
  • People in one household should not mix with people in another household.
  • Individuals who live alone are permitted to have close contact with one other household that should be exclusive to that individual living alone.
  • If a member of any household is experiencing symptoms, this individual must isolate from others in the household to protect others in the home.
  • Symptomatic individuals can call their doctor, Telehealth or Public Health for guidance.
  1. Stay at home as much as possible, and do not interact with those who don’t live with you, unless for essential reasons. The fewer interactions outside the household the better. Essential reasons could include: work, school, exercise, healthcare, purchasing necessities such as groceries, household items, food, drink and gasoline, and vehicle maintenance.
  2. Do not visit other private residences (indoor or outdoor), with the following exceptions:
  • Emergency reasons (to prevent risk of injury or harm)
  • Emergency repairs
  • Renovations or construction
  • One-to-one teaching and instruction (e.g., tutoring)
  • School learning pods
  • Real estate needs
  1. If interacting with anyone who does not live with you or isn’t an essential caregiver, follow the Four Core behaviours:
  • Stay apart – Maintain 2-metres (6 feet) distance from anyone who doesn’t live with you or is not your essential caregiver.
  • Lather up – Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
  • Mask up – Wear a non-medical mask when it’s difficult to maintain physical distance and where masks are mandatory. Protect the supply of medical grade masks for health care workers.
  • Get tested – If you think you might have COVID-19 or have been exposed to it you should get tested. While waiting for test results, stay home, self-isolate and prevent potential spread.

For information on health and safety recommendations, please visit

For information about the City’s response to COVID-19:

Province Declares Mississauga in Grey-Lockdown Level as part of Ontario’s COVID-19 Framework

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 20, 2020

Today, as announced by the Government of Ontario, Mississauga, as part of the Region of Peel, was placed in the Grey-Lockdown Level of the Government of Ontario’s Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework as of Monday November 23, 2020.

Measures under Lockdown include, but are not limited to:

  • Schools, before and after school programs, and child care will remain open;
  • Post-secondary schools open for virtual learning with some limited exceptions for training that can only be provided in-person, such as clinical training or training related to a trade;
  • No indoor organized public events or social gatherings except with members of the same household. Individuals who live alone, including seniors, may consider having exclusive, close contact with one other person;
  • Outdoor organized public events or social gatherings limited to a maximum of 10 people;
  • Wedding services, funeral services and religious services, rites or ceremonies where physical distancing can be maintained can have up to 10 people indoors or 10 people outdoors;
  • Retail permitted to be open for curbside pick-up or delivery only, with certain exceptions such as for supermarkets, grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, discount and big box retailers selling groceries, beer, wine and liquor stores, safety supply stores, and convenience stores, which will be allowed to operate at 50 per cent capacity;
  • Restaurants, bars, and food and drink establishments will only be able to provide takeout, drive-through and delivery. Indoor and outdoor dining services are prohibited;
  • Personal care services closed;
  • Casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments closed; and
  • Indoor sports and recreational facilities, including pools, closed with limited exceptions.

“We are seeing the result of rising numbers and outbreaks and have been brought into the highest category of Grey-Lockdown,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We continue to see a significant amount of community spread as our numbers have continued to climb over the month despite continued efforts and warnings. The second wave of COVID-19 has hit Peel Region harder than anywhere else in the country and we are taking necessary action. It is regrettable we are seeing the closures of non-essential businesses and our facilities but we hope this will help to stop the spread and keep residents safe and healthy.”

The Government of Ontario’s decision to place Peel Region in the Lockdown Level comes as the situation has become critical. Case counts remain high and continue to trend upwards, with the test positivity rate now being the highest in the province.

At the Lockdown Level, broader-scale measures and restrictions, across multiple sectors, have been put in effect to control the transmission of COVID-19. If you have questions about what will be open or impacts to businesses or employment, call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659.

The Government of Ontario’s full framework, including all sector-specific regulations, can be found online.

Impact on City services

The City is assessing the impact on its services and will be providing updates once confirmed through its various channels, including website, social media and newsletters.

Stay Safe and Help Stop the Spread:

  • Limit in-person contact to people you live with and essential supports
  • All indoor and outdoor private gatherings should be limited to only those you live with and essential supports
  • Go virtual whenever possible
  • Continue to practise physical distancing, hand-washing, masking and staying home as much as possible
  • Get tested for COVID-19 if you are showing symptoms or have been exposed


You can also download the COVID-19 Alert app that can let you know of potential exposures.

The City of Mississauga continues to work closely with its health care partners and the Province and will continue to monitor Mississauga’s and Peel Region’s situation closely.

For the latest updates on the City of Mississauga’s COVID-19 recovery and response visit:

Have Your Say on the Future Parks at the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

November 19, 2020

The City of Mississauga is looking for public feedback on the future parks at the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development through an online survey launching today. The City wants to better understand what type of experiences and amenities should be prioritized for the future parks.

The Lakeview Village Waterfront Developmentis a significant mixed-use waterfront development on the eastern edge of Mississauga. The area is envisioned to become an important destination in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and beyond. The parks are a significant feature of the development and will provide new opportunities to connect with Lake Ontario. Lakeview Village Waterfront Development parks will serve as destination parks for visitors as well as community parks for the local neighbourhood.

Online Survey Details


A City-run online survey to gather information regarding residents’ and visitors’ priorities for future amenities and experiences at the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development parks.


  • Lakeview residents/businesses
  • Mississauga park users/residents of Mississauga
  • Tourists
  • Community groups
  • Stakeholder groups
  • Ratepayers groups (Lakeview)
  • Anyone who works, plays or lives in Mississauga
  • Individuals who are interested in the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development


The survey is online at


Deadline to complete the survey is Friday, December 4, 2020.

Feedback from the survey will help inform how the future parks are developed. For more information about the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development parks, visit or email


By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

November 19, 2020

Dear Customer,

The Region of Peel Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a reliable supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do the work. In the next few days, we will be working in your area and will have to turn off your water for a few hours.

Your water will be turned off on Friday, November 27, 2020 from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  However, if the weather is bad or if a problem arises, we will reschedule the work and will let you know the new date and time.

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. If this happens, you can remove the air by briefly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor and finishing on the top floor). Flush the toilets as well.

You should only have to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds, but keep running it until the water is clear and any vibration or noise has stopped.

If your water meter starts to leak, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 4409 (After hours or Statutory Holidays)



Date: and Time:        Friday, November 27, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location:                    1386 Glenwood Drive                   

Addresses Affected

1412, 1406, 1396, 1386, 1384, 1366, 1362, 1354, 1343, 1353, 1363, 1373, 1383, 1389, 1397 and 1405 Glenwood Drive.

201 and 219 Mineola Road


By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

November 19, 2020

Dear Customer,

The Region of Peel Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a reliable supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do the work. In the next few days, we will be working in your area and will have to turn off your water for a few hours.

Your water will be turned off on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, if the weather is bad or if a problem arises, we will reschedule the work and will let you know the new date and time.

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. If this happens, you can remove the air by briefly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor and finishing on the top floor). Flush the toilets as well.

You should only have to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds, but keep running it until the water is clear and any vibration or noise has stopped.

If your water meter starts to leak, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • (905) 791 – 7800 Ext. 4409 (After hours or Statutory Holidays)



Date: and Time:        Wednesday, November 25, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location:                    2083 Redan Drive                     

Addresses Affected

2047, 2053, 2059, 2065, 2071, 2077, 2083, 2089, 2095, 2082,

2076, 2070, 2064, 2058, 2052 and 2046 891, 885, 879, 873, 567 and 886 Whitney Drive

2101 Breezy Brae Drive

City of Mississauga Considers Temporary Use By-law to Permit Some Outdoor Businesses

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

November 18, 2020

Today at General Committee, staff were directed to prepare a temporary use by-law effective to December 31, 2021, to permit outdoor retail sales and display and outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City has received several requests for outdoor uses which are not permitted in the zoning by-law. To support Mississauga’s businesses and/or charitable ventures, the City can temporarily permit outdoor retail sales and display and temporary outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments in appropriate zones.

A statutory public meeting scheduled for December 9, 2020 is required to enact the temporary use by-law. If moved by Council next week, enforcement of the zoning by-law provisions which currently do not permit outdoor retail sales and display and outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments will be suspended until the public meeting takes place and the temporary use by-law enacted.


Public meeting with respect to permitting outdoor retail sales and display and outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments and for the public to ask questions and share views about the proposal.

Options for participating in the meeting outlined below.


  • Mayor Crombie and Members of Council
  • Members of the public


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


9:30 a.m.


This will be a virtual meeting. Mississauga’s Council Chamber is closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The proceedings will be live-streamed online for the public to view at the following link:

If you do not have access to the internet and wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, extension 3795 by 4.p.m. on the Monday prior to the meeting for instructions.

Submit a Written Submission:

If you would like to share your views, please submit to the City Clerks Office by 4 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting:

In order to be received by Council at the meeting, written comments must be received no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please include your name, your address and subject matter on your submission.  Written comments received before, during or after a Council meeting but before a by-law is passed, receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a Council meeting.

Participate Virtually With Verbal Submission:

Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comments in the virtual public meeting. Please fill out the Request to Speak form no later than Monday at 4 p.m. prior to the meeting date.

Any materials you wish to show during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Residents without access to the internet, via computer, smartphone or tablet, can participate and/or make comments in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call City Clerks Office staff at 905-615-3200, extension 3795 no later than Monday at 4 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name and phone number if you wish to speak. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.