
Upcoming changes to waste services in Peel

By Issues, Resources

November 27, 2020

The Region of Peel advises residents of upcoming changes to waste services in Peel.

At Peel Community Recycling Centres (CRCs):

Ending waived disposal fees for loads up to 100 kg:

  • Effective, January 4, 2021, CRCs will end the waived disposal fees for single loads (one per day) weighing 100 kgs.
  • Residents will be charged the minimum fee of $6 for the first 50 kgs.
  • All applicable loads over 50 kgs will be charged at $118 per tonne.
  • Dedicated loads of recycling, metals, electronics and appliances continue to be accepted for free.

For the safety of the community and staff, residents should expect longer than normal wait times due to physical distancing protocols at the CRCs. Residents are encouraged to check for the most up-to-date information on operating hours and acceptable items.

At the curbside:

Winter garbage exemption period is suspended:

  • Residents are advised that the winter garbage exemption period (originally scheduled from January 25-February 5, 2021) is suspended in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to minimize manual collection and ensure worker safety, while maintaining services for the long term.
  • Residents are reminded that:
  • Unlimited amounts of garbage will not be collected.
  • You can only place up to 2 extra bags on your garbage collection day. No garbage tags needed.
  • Additional bags beyond the 2-bag limit will not be collected, but they can be taken to any Peel CRC, where disposal fees may apply.
  • Bulky items continue to be collected at the curb on your garbage day and accepted at Peel CRCs year-round.

End of two extra garbage bags for collection:

  • As of February 8, 2021, the additional two-bag limit for excess garbage will end.
  • This means that residents will have to purchase garbage tags to dispose of excess garbage bags.
  • Residents can purchase garbage tags in advance, starting January 15 by visiting
  • Residents can bring excess garbage of up to 100 kgs for free at any Community Recycling Centre until January 3, 2021.
  • Disposal fees will apply for garbage that is dropped off from January 4, 2021 onwards.
  • Excess garbage must be placed in bags. Containers or cans will not be collected.

For the latest updates on waste service changes and other services and facilities temporarily affected in Peel, please visit

The Region of Peel works with residents and partners to create a healthy, safe and connected Community for Life for approximately 1.5 million people and over 175,000 businesses in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon. Peel’s services touch the lives of residents every day. For more information about the Region of Peel, explore and follow us on Twitter @regionofpeel and Instagram

Regional Council Motion on Equal Treatment of Small and Local Businesses

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

Today at the Region, I, along many of the Regional Councillors, worked with the Chair and the Mayor Crombie’s original motion to collaborate on  a resolution asking the Province for equal treatment of small and local businesses with the big box stores and also with stricter enforcement requirements.

Hoping that our voices are heard.

Please see the motion attached.

Kind regards,


Regional Council Motion RE Equal Treatment for Small Businesses


Council Outcomes November 25, 2020: Mississauga Tourism Budget and Business Plan, Central Library Renaming & COVID-19 Response

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

At today’s meeting, City Council approved the 2021 Tourism Mississauga Budget and Business Plan, the renaming of Central Library to be the Hazel McCallion Central Library and discussed efforts in response to the impacts of COVID-19.

Mississauga Tourism 2021 Budget and Business Plan

Council approved the 2021 budget and business plan for Tourism Mississauga presented by Shari Lichterman, Commissioner, Community Services and CEO of Tourism Mississauga and Toni Frankfurter, Tourism Mississauga Board Chair.

On October 26, 2020, the Board of Directors for Tourism Mississauga held a meeting to approve its 2021 budget and business plan to continue to promote tourism in the City of the Mississauga. According to a Tourism Mississauga by-law, Council is required to approve the final budget and business plan for Tourism Mississauga on an annual basis.

Tourism Mississauga is Mississauga’s destination marketing organization.

Central Library Renaming

Council approved plans for the renaming of Central Library, located at 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West, in honour of former Mayor Hazel McCallion.

The facility will be renamed the Hazel McCallion Central Library on February 10, 2021, ahead of its renovation. The renovation will help ensure its continued ability to meet the educational needs of Mississauga residents for years to come.

In recognition of this renaming, signage will be placed on the exterior of the library for Hazel McCallion’s 100th birthday and an exhibit highlighting her legacy will be assembled in the library to recognize her significant achievements, in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions.

Business Licensing By-law Amended For Vehicle Pound Storage Fees

The City’s Business Licensing By-law sets storage fees for owners of vehicle pound facilities. Council amended the City’s Business Licensing By-law to set the storage fee at $85 to establish consistency within the vehicle pound industry.

Towing Advisory Committee Report on Threshold for Appeals to Applicants Licensees 

Council directed staff to report to the Towing Industry Advisory Committee with recommendations related to a proposed amendment to the Tow Truck Licensing By-law. The proposed amendment  looks at setting an appropriate limit for convictions under appeal for applicants and licensees, while balancing the interests of the public related to health, safety and well-being.

The City’s current Tow Truck Licensing By-law requires the City to revoke a licence when:

  • a licensee has received a conviction, with a value of four or more demerit points, under the Highway Traffic Act
  • a licensee has been convicted of certain offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.

As amendments are being considered, it is important that the City take into account the health, safety and well-being of persons and the protection of persons and property, including consumer protection.

The City administers tow truck licences, including renewals, in accordance with the Tow Truck Licensing By-law.

Take the Pledge Peel

The City of Mississauga’s Road Safety Committee has partnered with Peel Regional Police on a road safety program called #TakeThePledgePeel. The program encourages all road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians – walking or rolling) to do their part to keep themselves and other road users safe. The campaign addresses three concerns on Mississauga roads:

  • Aggressive driving
  • Impaired driving
  • Pedestrian safety

The #TakeThePledgePeel advocates for drivers to slow down and encourages other road users to be aware of their surroundings on the roads. To sign up to take the pledge, visit

For more information on road safety initiatives happening in Mississauga, visit: Traffic

Opposed to proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act

Council approved a motion raised by Ward 2 Councillor Ras regarding proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act that:

  • the Government of Ontario work with conservation authorities to address their concerns by repealing and/or amending changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and the Planning Act
  • the Government of Ontario delay enactment of clauses affecting municipal concerns
  • the Government of Ontario provide a longer transition period up to December 2022 for non-mandatory programs to enable coordination of Conservation Authority-municipal budget processes
  • the Province respect the current conservation authority/municipal relationships
  • the Province embrace their long-standing partnership with the conservation authorities and provide them with the tools and financial resources they need to effectively implement their watershed management role.

Proposed changes to the legislation will create more red tape and costs for the conservation authorities and their municipal partners, and potentially result in delays in the development approval process. The Province has introduced Bill 229, Protect, Support and Recover from COVID 19 Act – Schedule 6 – Conservation Authorities Act. The Legislation introduces a number of changes and new sections that could remove and/or significantly hinder the conservation authorities’ role in regulating development, permit appeal process and engaging in review and appeal of planning applications.  Changes allow the Minister to make decisions without Conservation Authority watershed data and expertise.

COVID-19 Response 

Preparation for Recovery – Outdoor Businesses

Council supported staff direction to prepare a temporary use by-law to permit outdoor retail sales/display and outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments in preparation for when the City is able to move out of the Grey-Lockdown Level.

A statutory public meeting scheduled for December 9, 2020 is required to enact the temporary use by-law.

Rental Fees for Indoor Sport Amenities with Restricted Capacities

Council endorsed temporary adjustment to Recreation Fees as outlined in the report entitled “Rental Fees for Indoor Sport Amenities with Restricted Capacities.”

To support City arena and indoor turf users where capacities are limited and game play not permitted, the non-prime rate will be applied to Saturdays and Sundays. The Director of Recreation has the authority to temporarily implement fee changes in the event arenas and indoor turf facilities are reopened under the ‘Control’ stage of the provincial framework.

For additional information about the City’s response to COVID-19:

  • Visit ca/recovery
  • Follow @CityMississauga on Twitterand Facebook
  • Watch Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s weekly COVID-19 press conference
  • Contact 311 (905-615-4311)
  • Support for Business
  • Guidance and resources to help Mississauga businesses can be found online at ca/business-covid-19.

For health information, please visit

Status of City Services: Find out what’s open and the status of City Services.

virtual open house for the GO Expansion program

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development

Starting at 7 pm on Friday November 27, there will be no GO Train service between Long Branch GO and Union Station. Instead, GO Buses will be running between Port Credit GO Station and the Union Station Bus Terminal.

These changes will also affect departure times, and GO Transit recommends customers check their schedule ahead of time. Regular Lakeshore West GO Train service will resume in time for Monday morning.

Learn more on Metrolinx News here.

We would like to inform and invite you to the upcoming virtual open house for the GO Expansion program from November 27 to December 11, 2020. This round of meetings will also have updated information on the GO Rail Electrification Addendum (an addendum to the 2017 GO Rail Electrification EPR), the Network-Wide Structures Project (an addendum to the 2017 Barrie Rail Corridor EPR), Union Station Trainshed Improvements and operational noise and vibration and air quality studies.

Visit the consultation website to learn more about GO Expansion, ask questions, and provide your feedback at

GO Expansion

Region of Peel and community partners raise awareness for family and intimate partner violence

By Events, Issues

Family and intimate partner violence can happen to anyone and it threatens everyone’s basic right to live free of violence.

Brampton, ON

November 25, 2020

To commemorate today’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Region of Peel and its partners have launched a public awareness campaign to raise visibility and help identify and reduce cases of Family and Intimate Partner Violence (FIPV) in the community. The Region’s partners include the City of Brampton, the City of Mississauga, Town of Caledon, Peel Regional Police, Ontario Provincial Police, and more than 10 community organizations.

Recognizing the need to raise awareness and to stand in solidarity with survivors, Regional Council unanimously passed a motion in February 2020, for the Region and partners to shed light on this critical issue. Working together to coordinate, collaborate and problem-solve on a shared direction is an important step in achieving meaningful, sustained, long-term change for the well-being of Peel residents.

FIPV is any type of controlling or threatening behaviour, physical or sexual violence or abuse between intimate partners or family members.  In 2019, police in Peel responded to more than 19,000 incidents of domestic violence. On average, that’s 50 disputes every day or two each hour. These numbers are just what gets reported; most incidents are not reported.

Peel families and youth struggle to thrive due to family violence, mental health and addictions issues and systemic discrimination. Last month, Regional Council adopted Peel’s Community Safety and Well-being Plan (CSWB). Family violence has been identified as a focus area of the plan.

To help make Peel a safe, healthy and inclusive community for all to thrive in, citizens need to live free from violence. Residents who need support, or know someone who does, can confidentially call toll-free: 2-1-1, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  In an emergency, residents are advised to call the police at


To learn more about Family and Intimate Partner Violence in Peel, including statistics, resources and campaign materials, visit


“Those experiencing family and intimate partner violence need to know they are not alone. Together with our partners, we’ve created a campaign to promote awareness and enable increased access to services for those experiencing violence and their families. With the increased isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to build awareness of this issue and then continue working together to build a safe, equitable and connected community for all.”

Nancy Polsinelli

Commissioner of Health Services, Region of Peel

“The prevalence of domestic violence is a tragic reality for far too many in Peel. It has no color and crosses all economic lines. With this public awareness campaign, we are taking the issue of domestic violence out of the shadows. One of our first steps is to raise awareness and face this problem collectively as a community, so victims can feel empowered to seek the support they need. A safe community must fundamentally include women and children feeling safe in the place they live.”

Rowena Santos

Regional Councillor

“It is an honour to be part of the development of Peel Region’s first campaign to raise awareness of family and intimate partner violence within our community.  So often, people don’t know what to do or how to respond to the things they see in their neighborhood, workplace, community or perhaps in their own home.  In this campaign, we join together to learn and respond to the many forms of violence that can occur within families.  The abuse of women, children, and the elderly is the responsibility of the whole community.  Together, we can create a safe community for everyone.”

Sharon Mayne Devine
Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin

About the Region of Peel

The Region of Peel works with residents and partners to create a healthy, safe and connected Community for Life for approximately 1.5 million people and over 175,000 businesses in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon. Peel’s services touch the lives of residents every day. For more information about the Region of Peel, explore and follow us on Twitter @regionofpeel and Instagram

City of Mississauga’s Budget Discussions

By Issues, Resources

2021 Business Plan and Budget Service Area Presentations

November 24, 2020

Today at Budget Committee, the following programs and service areas presented their 2021 Business Plan and Budget.

Service area presentations are posted below.


  • MiWay provides Mississauga with a shared travel choice that is friendly, reliable and respects the environment We help to connect people to their destinations with ease


  • Plan, develop, construct and maintain a multi-modal transportation system which efficiently and safely moves people and goods

Regulatory Services (Consent Agenda)

  • Achieve compliance with municipal by-laws and provide services in a safe and professional manner to maintain order, safety and community standards in the City


  • Culture Service Area and City of Mississauga will grow and support the creative sector, deliver cultural services and enable high quality cultural experiences

Fire & Emergency Services

  • Protect life, property and the environment in the City of Mississauga from all risks through education, enforcement, engineering, emergency response and economic incentive

Mississauga Library

  • The Library exists to provide library services to meet the lifelong informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of all citizens

Council is to approve the proposed 2021 Business Plan and Budget in 2021 following the Region of Peel Budget.

The next Budget Committee meeting is November 30, 2020. Please visit the Council and Committee Calendar Listings for up-to-date information.

COVID-19 Lockdown: Mississauga Offers Tools and Supports for Local Small Businesses

By Covid-19, Issues

November 24, 2020

Mississauga, as part of Peel Region, entered the Grey-Lockdown level of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework today. As such, the City has made available resources to continue to support Mississauga’s small business community.

Guidance for businesses can be found on the City’s website and includes assets such as relevant news and updates for the business community as well as free webinars to help businesses respond to the impacts of COVID-19.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and so important to the vibrancy of neighbourhoods across our city,” said Mayor Crombie. “Many business owners are our friends, neighbours and family members whose livelihoods have taken a significant hit as result of this pandemic. Our city can’t recover if our businesses can’t recover. Shopping locally, liking your favorite restaurant’s social media page or leaving a review of your local pet groomer – all these actions help.”

To help shine a light on these small businesses and to remind residents to shop locally, the City of Mississauga and Tourism Mississauga launched the Mississauga Made campaign earlier this year.

Mississauga Made is an online initiative inspired to support and promote local products, businesses, artists, stories, activities and experiences. The Mississauga Made marketplace is a free promotional advertising opportunity for all Mississauga-based businesses.

Resources offered by the City to help small businesses today can be accessed through the below links:

  • Ritual One – A 100 per cent commission-free digital ordering platform  available for all Mississauga restaurants and food service providers. Offer available for free through the end of 2020.

For information on health and safety recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit

For information about the City’s response to COVID-19:

Small Business Programs and Resources

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

The City of Mississauga is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes survive the impacts of the pandemic through a variety of free support services, programs and resources through the Economic Development Office (EDO).

Since the pandemic started, EDO created a COVID-19 business support web page that has become a central resource for local businesses to stay informed on latest news and updates.  The site also includes a Business Relief Portal, a self-selection tool that is updated daily that helps identify relief programs and incentives that best apply to specific business needs and links to the government source of support.

As the City enters lockdown, businesses can take advantage of Small Business Programs and Resources, including digital adoption programs and training webinars that help businesses build websites, create an e-commerce store, and use social media and other digital platforms to promote their services and products.

EDO also offers Business Advisory Services, a dedicated team that provides one-on-one expert support and guidance to entrepreneurs and business owners, including free access to professional legal, accounting, business operations, sales and marketing specialists.

For more information on how the City supports business, visit

Giving Tuesday – December 1st, 2020

By Events, Issues

Giving Tuesday is a global movement unlocking the power of generosity to transform communities. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving. It started as a simple idea in 2012 and is now celebrated in more than 60 countries around the world.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, join Mississauga Gives to celebrate the Giving Tuesday movement in Mississauga and encourage each other to do good. Donate to charity, volunteer, support a small business, fundraise, help spread the word, or perform an act of kindness – especially during these challenging times.

Learn more about the global Giving Tuesday movement at and locally at