
3-1-1 Holiday Hours

By Events, Issues

During the holiday season, you can call 3-1-1 with questions about COVID-19, or to report any non-compliance related to gatherings and non-essential businesses. Call 3-1-1 if you wish to report:

  • Open non-essential businesses
  • Events or gatherings in private homes or in public or commercial venues

The City’s 3-1-1 call centre holiday hours are:

Date Hours of Operation
December 24 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
December 25 Closed
December 26 to 28 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
December 29 to 31 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
January 1 to 3 Closed
January 4 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

When the call centre is closed, residents can still call 3-1-1 and press 2 at the prompt to receive service from dispatch. All 3-1-1 complaints will be sent to Enforcement staff for investigation.

Mississauga Council Votes to Ratify New Region of Peel Council Composition

By Events, Issues

Mississauga City Council held a Special Council Meeting this morning and voted unanimously in support of changing the composition of the Region of Peel Council. The Council of the Regional Municipality of Peel is composed of 25 members, including a chair. The changes would see City of Brampton’s representation increase to nine members (from seven), Town of Caledon’s representation decrease to three members (from five) and City of Mississauga to remain the same with 12 members.

“This is a step in the right direction to achieve a more balanced approach based on population,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.  “We have reviewed many scenarios and reallocating seats was the only way to achieve greater fairness.” Read More

Natural Rinks in Ward 1

By Events, Issues, Resources

Below please find a list of parks in Ward 1 that have volunteers to run the Natural Ice Rink Program for 2020/2021. All rinks will be open by December 15 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, subject to weather conditions.

  • Harold E Kennedy, 20 Rosewood Avenue
  • Spruce Park, 280 Angeline Street
  • Dellwood Park, 598 Arbor Road
  • Serson Park, 1100 Pelham Avenue
  • Laughton Heights Park, 1519 Sherway Drive
  • Ron Searle Park, 1494 Parkridge Road
  • West Acres Park, 2166 Westfield Drive

For more information, please visit .

Government of Ontario Announces Provincewide Shutdown In Effect in Peel until January 23, 2021

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

The Government of Ontario announced a Provincewide shutdown to take effect on December 26, 2020 and remain in effect in Southern Ontario, including the Region of Peel until January 23, 2021. Prior to December 26, Mississauga remains in the Grey-Lockdown Level of the current COVID-19 Response Framework which will be paused when the Provincewide shutdown comes into effect.

In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, the Provincewide shutdown comes as COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate. Additional restrictions will be put into place and reinforce that Ontarians should stay at home as much as possible to minimize transmission of the virus and prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed.

Mississauga as part of the Region of Peel, has been in Lockdown since November 23, 2020. Read More

Film Notice: Matheson 2 Productions Inc

By Events, Issues

Please note that the above will be preparing the site for upcoming filming of a TV series “Locke & Key” at Lakefront Promenade Park (800 Lakefront Promenade, Ward 1) from January 4 – 13, 2021; 7:00am – 9:00pm each day. No work will take place over the weekend (January 9 -10).

Mississauga Allocated $20.968 Million from Federal-Provincial Safe Restart Agreement

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

December 17, 2020

This week, the Government of Ontario announced Phase 2 of Municipal Operating funding as part of the Safe Restart Agreement between the federal government and the provinces and territories. The City of Mississauga is receiving $20.968 million in 2021 as part of the second round of funding through the municipal relief stream. This funding will offset the 2020 deficit, and the remainder will be used to offset anticipated 2021 pressures. This investment builds upon the first phase of the federal-provincial Safe Restart Agreement announced this summer and will help municipal partners deliver critical services during COVID-19. Read More