Indigenous adults in Peel invited to receive COVID-19 vaccines

By March 15, 2021Covid-19, Issues, Ward 1

March 15, 2021

As part of the vaccine rollout in Peel, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) residents 18 years of age and older who live in Peel are now eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccination.

Vaccinations are available from clinics in Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga. Appointments must be booked in advance. More appointment times become available depending on vaccine supply.


Indigenous adults can book an appointment online. Those without internet access can call 905-791-5202.


Residents will be asked to confirm their identity as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) and age at the appointment. Please bring the following to the appointment:

  • Documentation confirming proof of residence in Peel (examples include driver’s license, copy of lease agreement, bank statement, or utility bill). Both name and address must appear on the document.
  • Documentation confirming date of birth.

If the vaccine requires 2 doses, residents will receive information about their second dose at the first appointment. The second dose will be provided approximately 4 months after the first.

All approved COVID-19 vaccines have been tested for quality, safety and efficacy by numerous health organizations around the world. All vaccines were proven to be effective at preventing COVID-19 symptoms and preventing severe complications of COVID-19 such as hospitalization and death. The vaccines are free with no cost to the public.


Visit for regular updates on priority groups and clinic locations and follow @regionofpeel on social media for news on COVID-19 and vaccine availability.