Hurontario LRT

2024 Pipeline Maintenance Activity

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Planning & Development, Ward 1

Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) operates pipelines regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to safely transport the refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, aviation, and heating fuel) used by Canadian businesses and consumers every day. These pipelines connect refineries in Nanticoke, Ontario, and Montreal to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), with lateral pipelines to Ottawa as well as to Pearson International Airport and Pierre-Elliot Trudeau International Airport. We are committed to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to protect the public, the environment, and the pipelines.

This letter is being delivered to you because our pipelines are in proximity to your home or business and we would like to advise you of some upcoming work on these pipelines.

Metrolinx is currently building an 18-kilometer light rail transit (LRT) line along the surface of Hurontario Street, between the cities of Mississauga and Brampton. The Hazel McCallion LRT Project will cross two TNPI 273.1 mm and 508 mm (NPS 10 and NPS 20) pipelines at the intersection of Hurontario Street and North Service Road/Harborn Road (refer to attached figure).

In support of Metrolinx’s Hazel McCallion LRT project, there will be some maintenance activities involving the TNPI pipelines in your area. Maintenance activities on the NPS 10 pipeline are expected to be completed in two phases:
• Phase 1 will commence on or around March 18, 2024, to access and assess the pipeline prior to extending the protective casing surrounding the pipeline, taking approximately one week to complete.
• Phase 2 will include construction work for the casing extension and is expected to commence in July 2024. This activity is anticipated to be completed within two weeks.

The maintenance work associated to the NPS 10 will be conducted on the southwest corner of Hurontario Street and Harborn Road and will include limited tree and vegetation pruning/removal near the work area. Crews will use hand tools, such as chainsaws and pruners, to remove trees and other vegetation that grows near the existing pipeline.

Maintenance activities will involve closing the curb lanes, southbound on Hurontario Street and eastbound on Harborn Road, to accommodate the equipment and ensure the safety of the maintenance workers. The lanes will be closed for the duration of the work, which is expected to take a week for the phase one work and 2 – 3 weeks for the phase two work. Please note there will be a potential increase in traffic, dust, and noise during these periods, and additional lighting on the work site may be required during these two phases of work. TNPI will have a full-time presence during these maintenance activities (7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday), either with TNPI personnel and/or a TNPI representative. Both phases of the NPS 10 pipeline maintenance work are anticipated to be completed by late July 2024.

TNPI’s NPS 20 pipeline is expected to be relocated to accommodate the Hazel McCallion LRT project. Design work is ongoing and construction on this pipeline is not expected to begin until 2025. Further communications will be provided for the work associated with the NPS 20 pipeline later this year.

If you have any questions or concerns about this upcoming activity, please contact Lisa Dornan (403-476-1593 or More information on TNPI can be found at For details on the overall Hazel McCallion Light Rail Transit project, please contact Metrolinx at or visit Metrolinx’s website at
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc.


Temporary Driveway Closures on Hurontario from Inglewood Drive to Pinetree Way

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

As work progresses on the Hazel McCallion LRT project, crews will be doing road widening works between Inglewood Drive and Pinetree Way along the west side of Hurontario Street. These works are scheduled to take place from March 11 to May 6, 2024. 

To safely accommodate these works, driveways for properties within this stretch will be intermittently and partially impacted between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for less than four hours. To accommodate motorists needing to enter and exit driveways impacted during working hours, a flag person will be present to help as needed. During this time, asphalt and concrete curbs will be removed, followed by excavation, curb preparation, concrete pour, and paving. Once the roadway has been widened, guideway construction in the area can begin later this year.

The attached notice was distributed to within a 500 meter radius of the working area. Immediately impacted property owners have been informed.

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Notice of Bus Stop Impact: #0305 – SB Hurontario St south of Indian Valley Trail | The below impact will end effective Tuesday, May 28th , 2024 @12pm and will be relocated 85m North to its original location with the wooden platform.

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised of the following stop impacts. See the related details below:

The below impact will end effective Tuesday, May 28th , 2024 @12pm and will be relocated 85m North to its original location with the wooden platform.

Stop(s) Impacted:  No. 0305: SB Hurontario St south of Indian Valley Trail

Temporary Stop Location: Temporary wooden platform relocated 85m south

Routes Impacted: 2 South

Date and Time: Effective Immediately

Estimated Duration: Until Further Notice

Event Type: HuLRT

Agency: Mobilinx


–             Stops will remain accessible;

–             No detours required.

Hazel McCallion Line – Construction Liaison Committee Update

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Planning & Development, Resources, Ward 1


The 2024 construction year is in full swing as crews remain busy along the project corridor in Mississauga South. Most of this work involves completing utility relocation and upgrades on both sides of Hurontario Street. Once the utility works wrap up in the coming months, road widening activities on both sides of Hurontario Street will begin, making room for guideway construction and track installation in the center of the roadway. Residents and businesses can expect to see:

  •  changes to the existing boulevard, driveways, sidewalks; and
  • improvements to the multi-use pathway on the east side of the street.

Here’s a snippet of ongoing and upcoming construction activities you can expect for February and March:

  • The new station at Port Credit is starting to take shape. At the platform level, work continues with forming and pouring the walls and at the street level, mechanical and electrical installation is nearing completion.
  • Alectra duct bank works continue along the boulevard on the west side of Hurontario Street between Mineola Road West and Indian Valley Trail. These works are completed in conjunction with the installation of new hydro poles and the stringing of aerial cables along the east side of Hurontario Street between Mineola and Pinewood Trail. Once complete, the plan is to remove the old hydro poles along the west side of the road and convert the electrical service to those properties from aerial to underground. In doing so, we are working with individual property owners and businesses to access their property and construct the duct banks up to their electrical metre bases. To do this work safely and efficiently, there will be temporary power outages and driveway impacts to prepare for these upgrades to the delivery of service.
  • Construction of a new Bell manhole northwest at Pinetree Way is ongoing and will continue until March 2024.
  • Connections for Rogers telecoms between Park Street and Eaglewood Boulevard are ongoing and expected to be complete by mid to late February.
  • While most of the water, storm, and sanitary infrastructure has already been upgraded and relocated in this area, there are a few minor areas remaining to install storm and sanitary pending the decommissioning and demolition of Inglewood and the handover of Eaglewood as well as at the new station at Port Credit.

  • The new bridge structure is complete at Eaglewood Boulevard and a small section of guideway and track has been constructed and installed at the future intersection. We are working with the City of Mississauga on the installation of temporary traffic signals before decommissioning the existing intersection at Inglewood Drive. Once complete, the new intersection will be handed over to the City of Mississauga which is expected in March.
  • Once Eaglewood structure is commissioned and Inglewood structure is decommissioned, a small section of flood walls and creek bed will be completed north of the new Eaglewood intersection.
  • Installation of an acoustic fence is expected to take place in February along the east side of Hurontario Street north of the plaza at Eaglewood to just south of Mineola Road East. The fence is expected to be completed by early March.

Notice of Bus Stop Impact: #0709 – NB Hurontario St at South Service Rd | Friday, February 9, 2024

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised of the following stop impacts. See the related details below:

Stop(s) Impacted:  No. 0709: NB Hurontario St at South Service Rd

Temporary Stop Location:

0332 – NB Hurontario St at Pinewood Trail (340m south)

0728 – NB Hurontario St at North Service Rd (500m north)

Routes Impacted: 2 North

Date and Time: Effective Immediately

Estimated Duration: Until Further Notice

Event Type: HuLRT

Agency: Mobilinx


–             Stops will remain accessible;

–             No detours required.

Notice of Bus Stop Impact: #0330 – NB Hurontario St at Hampshire Cres | Friday, February 9, 2024

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised of the following stop impacts. See the related details below:

Stop(s) Impacted:  No. 0330: NB Hurontario St at Hampshire Cres

Temporary Stop Location:

0332 – NB Hurontario St at Pinewood Trail (110m south)

Routes Impacted: 2 North

Date and Time: Effective Immediately

Estimated Duration: Until Further Notice

Event Type: HuLRT

Agency: Mobilinx


–             Stops will remain accessible;

–             No detours required.

Notice of Bus Stop Impact: #0331 – SB Hurontario St at Indian Valley Trail | Friday, February 9, 2024

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised of the following stop impacts. See the related details below:

Stop(s) Impacted:  No. 0331: SB Hurontario St at Indian Valley Trail

Temporary Stop Location: Relocated south of the intersection

Routes Impacted: 2 South

Date and Time: Effective Immediately

Estimated Duration: Until Further Notice

Event Type: HuLRT

Agency: Mobilinx


–             Stops will remain accessible;

–             No detours required.

Notice of Bus Stop Impact: #0304 – NB Hurontario St north of Mineola Rd E | Tuesday, February 13, 2024

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised of the following stop impacts. See the related details below:

Stop(s) Impacted:  No. 0304: NB Hurontario St north of Mineola Rd E

Temporary Stop Location:

0332 – NB Hurontario St at Pinewood Tr (240m north)

0334 – NB Hurontario St at Mineola Rd E (360m south)

Routes Impacted: 2 North

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 @ 7:00am

Estimated Duration: until Thursday, February 15, 2024 @ 5:00pm.

Event Type: HuLRT

Agency: Mobilinx


–             Stops will remain accessible;

–             No detours required.

Mississauga welcomes provincial investment in two important transit projects

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Issues, Resources

Earlier today, the Provincial government announced plans to support two key transit priorities for Mississauga – enhancing GO Train service along the Milton Line with two-way, all-day service and reinstating the two-kilometre Downtown Loop as part of the Hazel McCallion Line (Hurontario LRT). The City of Mississauga looks forward to working with the Province, Metrolinx and the Federal government to implement these key city-building initiatives.

“All-day, two-way GO Train service on the Milton Line is a game changer for Mississauga. It has long been a top transit and city-building priority for our city,” said Acting Mayor Joe Horneck. “For too long, the train has travelled the wrong way for Mississauga residents and businesses. Along with the federal commitment made two years ago, this project can finally move forward. It is our hope that the federal and provincial governments can work together to make this project a reality as soon as possible. On behalf of City Council, I want to thank the province for these investments in Mississauga.”

On the Hurontario corridor, the addition of the downtown loop is welcome news for the City as it will support the growth of Mississauga’s downtown core, which is projected to double in population in the next 20 years. More than 70,000 people and more than 10,000 new jobs will come to Mississauga’s downtown. People will need to move to and from the core and the downtown loop will be an important way to do this.

“Mississauga is also very pleased that the Province is moving ahead with the reintroduction of the Downtown Loop to the Hazel McCallion Line,” said Shari Lichterman, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “Like all-day, two-way GO service on the Milton Line, this has been a priority for many years. It is essential for Mississauga to reach its provincial housing targets and to build a sustainable community.”

Regionally connected public transit is essential to support the City’s future growth and development. When Mississauga signed the provincial housing pledge in March 2023 and released its housing plan, “Growing Mississauga,” the City requested the provincial government make investments in essential infrastructure, like the downtown loop and all-day, two-way GO service on the Milton Line. The City has long advocated for both projects and is pleased to see them green lit to proceed.

Press Release – Province confirms reinstatement of Mississauga LRT Loop

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Issues, Resources

I was very pleased to hear the announcement from Premier Doug Ford this morning at the Mississauga Board of Trade Breakfast that the Province has committed to reinstate the LRT loop at Square One.

Critically needed infrastructure investments are important for Mississauga’s growth and prosperity. Today’s announcement represents a significant step forward in enhancing our public transit network, ensuring smoother commutes, and ultimately improving the quality of life for all citizens.