Hurontario LRT

Imagine Mississauga

By Hurontario LRT, Issues, Parks, Planning & Development, Resources, Transit


Help imagine our city’s future. Imagine Mississauga is a community-driven campaign to shape the new Strategic Plan guiding our city’s growth, sustainability, and inclusivity. From housing and climate action to arts and economic vibrancy, your ideas will influence priorities for future generations.

Take the survey below or visit for dates on upcoming public engagement sessions.

Complete Survey

Metrolinx Update: Driveway impacts — Aug 26th to Aug 29th

By Hurontario LRT, Ward 1

As construction continues on the Hazel McCallion Line LRT, staff would like to inform you of some upcoming activities that may affect few residents in your area.

From Monday, August 26, 2024, to Thursday, August 29, 2024, between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM, our team will be installing permanent concrete curbs and gutters between Mineola Road West and Pinetree Way. This work will result in intermittent impacts to your driveway.

To ensure continued access for motorists, we will use steel plates to allow immediate entry and exit once the curb machine has moved past your driveway. Additionally, a flag person will be present on-site to guide drivers to unimpacted driveways and parking lots during this period.

Please be aware that the scheduled dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at

MiWay Notice of Detour: Closures at Hurontario and Mineola | Starting July 25

By Hurontario LRT, Resources, Ward 1

Location of Impact: Hurontario St and Mineola

Date and Time: Thursday, July 25th, 2024 at 10PM

Estimated Duration: Until further notice

Routes Impacted: 8 South

Impacted Stops:

  • 0367, 0368, 0854, 0369, 0370, 0371, 0372, 0373, 0374, 0375, 0376, 0335, 0337, 0339
  • One additional temporary stop will be added in the South Bound direction on the North West corner of Cawthra and Atwater

Event Type: HuLRT – Centre Guideway Works

Agency: Mobilinx

Notes: Left turns are restricted from WB Mineola onto Hurontario