Health Standards Organization (HSO) Survey

By April 23, 2021April 27th, 2021Issues, Resources, Ward 1

I’m reaching out to share an opportunity to influence the development of two new national standards for long-term care. These standards are being developed by Health Standards Organization (HSO), in collaboration with other Canadian associations, based on the needs of residents, families, and staff in long term care homes. 


By partaking in this survey, you will be able to offer suggestions about the systemic changes you would like to see within long-term care and influence the much-needed transformation of the sector.


As you may know, our long-term care homes have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and although additional funding has been made available to homes throughout the course of the pandemic, more sustainable investments and enhanced standards need to be enabled, so that our most vulnerable seniors receive the best possible clinical and emotional care and supports.


Please click here to partake in the survey. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, April 30, 2021.   


You can also visit the Health Standards Organization (HSO) website for further information on the survey.  


Thank you for your support in creating meaningful change within the long-term care sector.