Filming Schedule – Ward 1

By September 23, 2020Issues, Resources

Please note that the above will be filming interior scenes for a commercial “Remax” at 271 Donnelly Drive (Ward 1) on Friday, September 25th between the hours of 7am-11pm. Any prep or wrap required will be conducted entirely on private property.


A permit has been issued to allow parking on:

  • One side of Donnelly Drive from Gill Avenue to Glenburnie Road
    • PDO onsite at all times due to narrow roadway
  • One side of Glenburnie Road from Donnelly Drive to Donnelly Drive


Affected residents have been informed of these activities via notification letter. A release form survey was sent to residents with less than 20% objecting in order to allow:

  • Filming and film activity to occur within a sensitive neighbourhood


Additionally, a traveling grid permit (#61956) has also been issued for scenes involving a picture vehicle traveling on various City of Mississauga roadways (excluding Regional roadways)


Should you have comments, questions or concerns please contact Liza Toliao at the Film Office at ext. 4114.





Mississauga Film & Television Office

T 905-615-3200 x4114