
Mississauga Seeks Public Feedback on Climate Change Through Online Survey

By Events, Issues, Resources

September 29, 2020

The City of Mississauga is looking for public feedback through the Climate Change online survey to learn more about public perceptions on climate change based on those who live or work in Mississauga. The survey is available online until October 19.

Survey Details:


Climate Change online survey


Mississauga residents

Employees and employers in Mississauga


The survey closes on October 19


To complete the online survey, visit

The information gathered will help the City communicate about climate change programs and initiatives and how the community can help reduce their carbon footprint and emissions.


On December 11, 2019, Council approved the City of Mississauga’s Climate Change Action Plan. The plan focuses on both mitigation and adaptation and sets out actions for the City and the community to take over the next 10 years. The plan contains ambitious yet practical steps to address climate change.

There are two main goals, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 and increase resilience to withstand and respond to weather events.

Learn more about how the City is tackling climate change through the Climate Change Action Plan.



Re: OZ 20/002 – 2207 Dixie Road

By Events, Planning & Development

September 29, 2020


Dear Resident,


Re: OZ 20/002 – 2207 Dixie Road

The City of Mississauga has received an application from 272694 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Fountain Hill Construction and Consulting) to amend the official plan and rezone the property to permit four (4) townhomes which are four (4) storeys in height for the above-mentioned location. The applicant is proposing to amend the official plan designation from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density.

The applicant is also proposing to change the zoning on the site from R3-75 (Detached Dwellings – Exception) to RM4-Exception (Townhouses – Exception) to implement this development proposal. The townhomes will be standard condominiums, where the driveway, parking and landscaped open space are all commonly owned by the four units.  Driveway access to the units will be provided from Venta Avenue.

Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community virtual meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Call-in details are as follows: Join by phone: 647-484-1596, Meeting Access #172 792 9636, Meeting Password: ward1 (92731).

If you would like to submit your comments, please forward to Paul Stewart, Planner, Planning and Development Department, 300 City Centre Drive, 6th floor, Mississauga, ON  L5B 3C1 or



Stephen Dasko

Councillor, Ward 1

Etobicoke Creek Watershed – Future

By Events, Issues, Resources

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is in the process of developing a new watershed plan for the Etobicoke Creek watershed. This plan will help determine the current conditions of the watershed and inform future land use and infrastructure decisions.

Engagement with residents, landowners, businesses, and other stakeholders is important for ensuring the watershed plan reflects the concerns and needs of the people that live and work within the watershed.

Please visit the project webpage for more information about this process and to complete a short engagement survey about a watershed vision and key issues of concern. The survey will be available until October 19, 2020.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact Tony Morris, Project Manager, Watershed Planning and Reporting at

Best regards,

 Daniel Ruberto

Deputy Clerk and Analyst, Policy

Clerk’s Office | Corporate Services

T: (416) 661-6600 ext. 6445
A: 101 Exchange Avenue, Vaughan, ON, L4K 5R6 |


Have Your Say on Noise in Mississauga – Join a Virtual Consultation Session

By Events, Issues, Resources


September 22, 2020


The City of Mississauga is holding three virtual consultation sessions to get public input on how to manage noise now and for the future. As the City moves ahead in updating its Noise Control By-law, this is one more opportunity for residents to have their say.


The feedback received will help shape the new by-law to make it more responsive to resident and community needs.


Virtual consultation sessions that include a presentation on the Noise Control By-law Review and group discussion and input.



  • Mississauga residents
  • Business owners
  • Taxpayers



Register here to participate.


  • Thursday, October 1            1 to 2:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 6              6:30 to 8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 7        6:30 to 8 p.m.


An online survey is also available until October 7, 2020.

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Updated Parks By-law Ensures Greater Clarity and Safety for the Public

By Events, Issues, Resources

September 17, 2020

Yesterday, Council approved an updated Parks By-law that will ensure more safety and greater clarity for park users and the City’s enforcement staff. The by-law is effective immediately.

“As Mississauga continues to grow and evolve, updates to the Parks By-law are necessary for the City to effectively continue administering and enforcing all park related activities and programs,” said Jodi Robillos, Director, Parks, Forestry and Environment. “This also ensures that all park users are clearly made aware and understand what is and isn’t allowed in our parks. More importantly, it brings more safety measures for the public so that our parks can continue to be used and enjoyed by everyone.”

Some of the key highlights with the updated Parks By-law are as follows:

  • Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to enter Leash-Free Zones.
  • Commercial dog walkers with an approved permit can use Leash-Free Zones Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. only.
  • Smoking regulations aligned with the Region of Peel’s No Smoking or Vaping By-law which prohibits smoking and vaping in public outdoor spaces.
  • Park opening hours to change to dawn from 7 a.m. (closure still remains at 11 p.m.) to better reflect user needs.
  • A Park Vendor section created for clarity around food/refreshment vehicles or carts, and portable display units that operate in parks – with reference to Mobile Licensing processes that are required.
  • Designated busking areas to be identified through the City’s SaugaBusks program.
  • A section that deals with kite flying to address requests and emerging trends.
  • Commercial activities section for goods and services provided by third parties in parks, including commercial photography, fitness/instructional classes and park vendors.
  • Clarity around fishing in parks.
  • Allowing for different modes of transportation that can be used in park and trail systems.
  • Providing clear prohibition of the use of profane/abusive language, including hate speech during gatherings and events within parks.

In reviewing and updating the by-law, staff from various business units were involved, including: Parks, Forestry and Environment; Enforcement; Corporate Security; Legal Services; Recreation; Animal Services; and Mobile Licensing. The City also consulted with residents, Leash-Free Mississauga and commercial dog walkers for regulations that relate to Leash-Free Zones.

To learn more about these changes, view the updated Parks By-law.

For more information about the City’s parks and green spaces, visit

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Public Meeting on Lakeview Waterfront Development Plans

By Events, Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

September 17, 2020

A public meeting will be held at Planning and Development Committee on Monday, September 21, 2020 to consider Lakeview Waterfront Development Plans to create a mixed-use waterfront community.

The plans outline the development of employment, commercial, institutional, cultural, park uses and 8,050 residential units on the 177-acre site, formerly the Lakeview Power Generating Station lands, located in Mississauga’s Lakeview community.

The purpose of the public meeting is for:

  • the applicant to present the proposal of a draft plan of subdivision, Official Plan amendment and rezoning applications
  • the public to ask questions and share their views about the proposal
  • the Planning and Development Committee to receive a report that provides information on the project

Feedback and comments will be noted for consideration in the review of the development proposal.


  • Planning and Development Committee
  • Lakeview Community Partners Ltd.
  • Residents, BIAs and ratepayers associations

Monday, September 21, 2020

6 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person and online. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the public are encouraged to participate online. Advance registration is required to attend the meeting in person due to limited seating. The meeting will be streamed live for the public to view online. Further details on participation can be found in the Public Meeting Notice.


This public meeting is the latest step in the multi-year project which began with Inspiration Lakeview consultations in 2010. The development plans follow the framework outlined in the Lakeview Waterfront Master Plan which was endorsed by Council in November 2019 and have included extensive community consultation. A future public engagement session will be held in the fall regarding the parkland contained within the proposal.  Once the technical review is complete and issues have been resolved, a report will be brought forward to a future Planning and Development Committee outlining the recommendations for the development proposal.

The Lakeview Waterfront is one of Mississauga’s three key redevelopment projects transforming the waterfront along with Port Credit West Village and 1 Port Street.

City of Mississauga Maintains Standard & Poor’s Strong ‘AAA’ Credit Rating Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

By Events, Issues

September 14, 2020

The City of Mississauga has received an ‘AAA’ credit rating from Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) for the 17th year in a row. The rating was based on the City’s extremely high liquidity levels and its dynamic and diversified economy. The City was able to maintain its score of “AAA” despite the challenges faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’m proud that despite the challenges we have faced as a City this year, that Mississauga continues to be recognized as a municipal leader in fiscal management, especially as we embark on the road to economic recovery,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We have a strong Financial and Economic Recovery plan in place that will help us build back better as we work to address the pressures that arise from COVID-19 in the years to come. This plan will help us remain fiscally prudent and financially strong while ensuring we can continue to provide the key services residents and businesses rely upon.”


S&P’s report stated that, “Mississauga’s life sciences, advanced manufacturing, financial services and information and communication technology sectors fuel the city’s robust economy. Mississauga’s competitive tax rates, proximity to major markets and extensive transportation infrastructure network have also aided its economy and helped attract and retain investment.”

“We’ve had to make many difficult yet necessary decisions to move us forward during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “The stable outlook reflects our City’s ability to bounce back from the financial impacts of the pandemic, but there is work to be done. Along with the $46 million from the Government of Ontario and funding from the Government of Canada, Mississauga will be able to address the approximately $60 million deficit that we are facing in 2020. However the echo impacts for future years will require additional assistance from other levels of government and continued strong financial leadership from Council and staff as the 2021 budget is set. I am confident we have a strong foundation to meet those challenges.”

S&P added that, “Mississauga’s credit profile benefits from very strong financial management. The City has a robust set of financial policies, including a debt policy that sets out which capital projects are eligible for debt financing and establishes debt service limits. Mississauga provides clear and transparent disclosure, including unqualified financial statements.”

Kent added, “In addition to rolling out our Recovery Plans, our Long-Range Financial Plan identifies future financial challenges and opportunities, helps us maintain financial sustainability and prepares us for unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic by maintaining strong reserve funds.”


Mississauga’s Long-Range Financial Plan is a snapshot of the City’s current and anticipated financial position over the next 10 years. The plan supports the vision of the City’s Strategic Plan: Our Future Mississauga. The City’s Annual Report Highlights reflect its commitment to transparency in financial reporting.

For more information, visit

To learn more about the City of Mississauga’s finances, visit

About S&P Global Ratings:

In 26 countries around the world and a history that dates back more than 150 years, S&P Global Ratings provides high-quality market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, research and thought leadership.

 An S&P Global Ratings issuer credit rating is a forward-looking opinion about an obligor’s overall creditworthiness. An obligor rated ‘AAA’ has extremely strong capacity to meet its financial commitments. ‘AAA’ is the highest issuer credit rating assigned by S&P Global Ratings.


Mississauga’s Windrow Snow Clearing Program Now Open for Registration

By Events, Issues, Resources

September 14, 2020


The City is now accepting applications for its Windrow Snow Clearing Program for some residents needing snow clearing assistance. The program is available for up to 300 residents who are 65 years or older, or who have a physical disability.


Program participants can expect to have a three-metre space in their windrow cleared during the winter season. A windrow is the pile of snow left at the end of a driveway after the street has been plowed. The program does not include the clearing of the whole driveway.


“We understand the challenges that some residents face when it snows,” said Mickey Frost, Director, Works Operations and Maintenance. “Our windrow service makes winter easier for program participants to deal with throughout the season.”


Winter crews will clear a space in a resident’s driveway beginning up to 36 hours after the end of a snow storm and when road plowing is completed. Windrow snow clearing may not be to bare pavement, but will make the driveway safe and passable for one car to get in and out.


Additional Program Details:

  • Last day to apply is Friday, November 6, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
  • Program starts November 30, 2020 and ends March 12, 2021.
  • Cost of program is $200, but free for residents who meet financial assistance criteria.
  • Only 300 spots are available on a first come, first serve basis.


How to Apply:

  • Download and print an application form online at ca/windrow or pick one up at any community centre service desk.
  • Submit the completed form and required documents through any of the following:
    • In-person at any community centre service desk


  • The following submission options have been added as part of the City’s response to COVID-19:


  • By mail:

Recreation Customer Service Centre

Paramount Fine Foods Centre

5600 Rose Cherry Place

Mississauga, ON L4Z 4B6


For more information about the Windrow Snow Clearing Program, including eligibility, financial assistance criteria and details on how to apply, visit


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Filming in Ward 1

By Events, Issues

Please note that the above will be filming exterior scenes for a TV series “Sex/Life” at 1462 Mississauga Road (Ward 2) on September 14, 7:00am – 8:00pm


A permit has been issued to allow parking on the following from September 13, 10:00pm – September 14, 10:00pm:

  • One side of Shenandoah Dr between Wateska Blvd and Mississauga Rd


Affected residents have been informed of these activities via notification letter. A release form survey was sent to residents with less than 20% objecting  in order to allow:

  • Prep occurring on a Sunday
  • Overnight parking


Production has also been granted permission to park production support vehicles at JC Saddington Park, North Lot (53 Lake St, Ward 1) on September 14, 7:00am – 10:00pm.


Should you have comments, questions or concerns please contact the Film Office at ext. 4114.


Thank you.

Filming in Ward 1

By Events, Resources

Please note that the above will be filming interior and exterior scenes for a TV series “Sex/Life” at 259 Indian Valley Tr (Ward 1) on September 15, 12:00noon – September 16, 2:00am


A permit has been issued to allow parking on the following from September 14, 5:00pm – September 15, 7:00pm:

  • One side of Indian Valley Tr from Pinetree Cres to Glenburnie Rd
  • One side of Glenwood Dr from Kenollie Ave to Indian Valley Tr
  • One side of Point-O-Woods Rd


Affected residents have been informed of these activities via notification letter. A release form survey was sent to residents with less than 20% objecting in order to allow:

  • Afterhours filming
  • Afterhours vehicle movement
  • Overnight parking
  • Lighting and/or generators oriented towards neighbouring residences


Should you have comments, questions or concerns please contact the Film Office at ext. 4114.


Thank you.