
Telephone Number for Shelter Supports

By Events, Issues, Resources

At the September 24th Regional Council meeting and the October 15th Strategic Housing and Homelessness Committee meeting, members of Council requested immediate action to improve access to the shelter system, as such, staff have worked with our shelter provider, the Salvation Army, to create one new, streamlined number for shelter support: 905-450-1996.

Those who are in need of emergency shelter can call this number to find a place to stay at any shelter in Peel, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Read More

Film Notice: Precious Productions Inc

By Events, Issues

Please note that the above will be filming interior and exterior scenes for a TV series “VICAP” at 1560 Douglas Dr (Ward 1) on December 16th, from 7:00am-11:00pm.


A permit has been issued to allow camera on the roadway with travelling shots on Douglas Drive (between Oakhill Rd and Indian Valley Tr). Maximum 3-minute traffic stoppages under the supervision of Peel Regional Police, not between the hours of 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm.

Film Notice: CBS Canada Holdings Inc

By Events, Issues

Please note that the above has been issued a permit for interior/exterior access to the Small Arms Inspection Building (1352 Lakeshore Rd E) from December 15th, 5:00pm through to December 17th, at 8:00am. 

Production will be utilizing the lot to park production vehicles per the above noted time. Interior access has been permitted for Dec 16th, 5:00am-11:00pm only.

MiWay Routes Going to New Kipling Bus Terminal Starting January 4

By Events, Issues, Resources

December 14, 2020

Starting Monday, January 4, 2021, MiWay will begin offering services at the new Kipling Bus Terminal, part of the Kipling Transit Hub. The new Kipling Bus Terminal, located at Dundas Street and Subway Crescent in Toronto, connects MiWay (express and local) to the Toronto Transit Commission (subway and bus) and the Government of Ontario’s GO Transit (train and bus) under one transit hub, creating easy and convenient access for commuters. All MiWay routes that previously ended at Islington Station will end at the new Kipling Bus Terminal, which was constructed by Metrolinx. With this change, 10 MiWay routes will no longer service TTC Islington Station.

“This investment is significant and builds important connections to and from Mississauga, offering additional transit options to commuters and expanding Mississauga’s transit network,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “This project not only responds to growing traffic congestion, it also supports the economic growth and prosperity of Mississauga and the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA). Thank you to the teams at Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx and the City of Mississauga for working together and seeing this project to completion. This is a big step forward in building, connecting and delivering a world-class transit system to commuters in the GTHA.”

Route 26 Burnhamthorpe will service Islington Station via on-street stops (eastbound and westbound) before ending at the new Kipling Bus Terminal.

“Mississauga’s transit system has been servicing Islington Station for almost 40 years. It has played an important role in connecting commuters to Mississauga and Toronto,” said Geoff Marinoff, Director, Transit. “With strategic investments being made to regional transit networks, and with provincial funding being made available to support the new Kipling Bus Terminal, commuters will more seamlessly be able to travel throughout the GTHA. This integration allows MiWay to connect commuters to multiple transit options while delivering safe, reliable and comfortable service to reach their destinations. It also improves connectivity, accessibility and other services to enhance the commuting experience and reduce wait times between transit connections.”

At the Kipling Transit Hub, the new bus terminal is located on the west side of the TTC Kipling Subway and Bus Station. Some of the terminal features include:

  • An accessible terminal building with washroom facilities and seating areas
  • Real-time departure screens at each of the 10 MiWay bus stop platforms
  • PRESTO payment devices available for card loading
  • Underground pedestrian tunnel that connects the new MiWay bus terminal and the existing TTC station (completion in early 2021)
  • A pedestrian bridge over the train tracks, complete with elevators, to connect the new bus terminal to the GO train platform

Substantial completion of construction is scheduled for January 2021.

For more information about the new Kipling Bus Terminal, service and route changes and transit connections, visit


CFIB’s Proposed “Small Business First” COVID-19 Retail Policy for Ontario

By Events, Issues

To ensure fairness in the application of critical service rules, CFIB recommends the following additional measures to ensure small retailers can safely serve a limited number of customers. These measures can co-exist with the current rules allowing some critical goods retailers to remain open with 50 per cent capacity.

CFIB recommends that the Government of Ontario:

  • Allow all non-essential small retailers to open to in-store sales, but with very limited capacity for customers and public-facing staff
  • Limit customers to three per store for a fixed time for personalized shopping
  • Limit the store to three public-facing staff to help customers shop as efficiently as possible from a safe distance
  • Encourage pre-booking appointments, to avoid long lines outside the store
  • Require all businesses to sign the POST Promise before opening in-store operations
  • Encourage customers to shop by curbside pickup or delivery as preferred means

Please note that to date, almost 9,000 people from across Ontario have signed their petition here with the above ask.

Ring in 2021 with Mississauga Celebration Square’s NYE Playlist

By Events

December 11, 2020

Dance in your living room, have a New Year’s toast in your kitchen or just sit back and relax in the comforts of home – since New Year’s Eve looks a little different this year, Mississauga Celebration Square (MCS) is putting together a selection of 21 hit tracks for residents to ring in 2021 safely at home: The MCS NYE Playlist.

Available on December 31, through Spotify and Apple Music, this special playlist, in lieu of an in-person event at the Square, includes this year’s top tracks as well as hits from emerging artists from Mississauga! Residents are also encouraged to share their favourite 2020 track with @mcsevents social channels to have it featured in the playlist.

Leading up to New Year’s Eve 2021, Mississauga Celebration Square will release video interviews with some of Mississauga’s top artists as well as with Mayor Crombie. Mississauga native and Toronto Maple Leafs in-arena host, Scott Willats, will host the MCS video series. You can watch the videos on social media by following MCS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Interviewees include:

  • IAMREBELWILL – Pop artist IAMREBELWILL is influenced by the showmanship of Janet Jackson, the eclectic artistry of Prince and the sounds of Montreal-based producer, Kaytranada.
  • Shopé – With his internationally crafted sound, Shopé brings a unique energy to the global musicscape. A 2019 CBC Searchlight winner, Shopé’s unique sound skillfully blends elements of Nigerian Afrobeats with North American Hip Hop/R&B.
  • Melxdie – Bold, beautiful and impossible to ignore – that is the unforgettable world of Melxdie, an emerging pop singer currently bringing her feel-good anthems to the global stage.


From December 31 to January 3, stream the MCS NYE Playlist, share it to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram Stories and tag @mcsevents to be entered to win a $100 Tim Horton’s Gift Card!

For more information on the MCS NYE Playlist, please visit:

Region of Peel and the Province of Ontario partner to address human sex trafficking in Peel 

By Events, Issues, Resources

December 11, 2020

The Province of Ontario announced $3.1M in funding for the Region of Peel to support an integrated services hub for victims, survivors and individuals at-risk of human sex trafficking. The Region of Peel is currently implementing a three-year Strategy to Address Human Sex Trafficking. This pilot strategy was endorsed by Peel Regional Council in 2018 and provides $1.8 million per year for services for victims, survivors and those at-risk of human sex trafficking.

Human sex trafficking impacts the lives of large numbers of individuals, primarily women, with many victims facing long-lasting effects of trauma. The average age of victims is 12 to 24 years old, and Ontario accounts for more than 70% of reported cases in Canada. In addition, 62% of Canadian human trafficking cases originate in the GTA, in part due to access to major highways and an international airport.

The Region is working with all levels of Government to combat human trafficking in all its forms. The Region is addressing the issue through awareness, as well as supports, operating an emergency safe house and transitional house for victims. Peel’s strategy aligns with the Province of Ontario’s anti-human trafficking strategy 2020-2025.

This funding will support Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin with the integrated services hub for children and youth (aged 12 and up) providing on-site health care, trauma counselling, addictions support, legal aid, education and employment services.

The framework addresses human sex trafficking through:

  • Prevention  – To increase awareness via learning modules and training for Regional frontline staff
  • Intervention – Coordinated support to bring services to victims. Core services include trauma counselling, health care, client and system navigation, case management and outreach.  In-kind complementary services include life and job skills, legal support and education
  • Exits – A dedicated safe house and transitional house for victims and survivors

This approach allows us to support victims, survivors and those at-risk of human sex trafficking, bridge the gap in services and provide safe housing and dedicated services.

The Region collaborates with Peel Regional Police, community partners and many organizations across Peel and the Greater Toronto Area to address human trafficking and reduce victimization. For more information on the Peel Human Trafficking Service Providers Committee, the Peel Anti-Human Sex Trafficking task force or to see the Region’s full strategy, please visit

If you’re a victim or survivor of human sex trafficking or forced labour, or you know someone who is, contact the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010.

About the Region of Peel 

The Region of Peel works with residents and partners to create a healthy, safe and connected Community for Life for approximately 1.5 million people and over 175,000 businesses in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon. Peel’s services touch the lives of residents every day. For more information about the Region of Peel, explore and follow us on Twitter @regionofpeel and Instagram