Dundas Connects Master Plan Update

By May 28, 2021May 31st, 2021Events, Resources, Ward 1

The City developed the Dundas Connects Master Plan to guide future growth and intensification along the Dundas Street Corridor and improve the street’s existing character.   It plans for the future Dundas Bus Rapid Transit Line.

Dundas Street is a major dynamic street that goes through the heart of the City and showcases Mississauga’s diversity, from local stores and businesses along the street to parks, schools, churches and beautiful neighbourhoods. Dundas is also a busy road which enables thousands of people to move around the city every day.

Since the Dundas Connects Master Plan’s Council endorsement in 2018, the City has been taking steps through various projects to advance the vision of the Plan.  On May 10, staff provided an update to Council’s Planning and Development Committee on the projects underway and shared the next steps in the implementation of the endorsed Master Plan. Several flooding related studies in the Dixie and Dundas area will eventually lead to unlocking lands currently prone to flooding in those areas for redevelopment in the future. In addition, recent changes to provincial policy, including land uses and heights will be incorporated into an Official Plan Amendment expected to be brought forward for Council approval in 2022.

In the coming months, staff will be engaging with the public to obtain input into various aspects of the Dundas Connects implementation. For more details and updates on the upcoming projects and engagement, contact Bashar.Al-Hussaini@mississauga.ca or visit the Dundas Connects website.