Dixie Road underpass Pedestrians access Update

By October 1, 2020October 13th, 2020Issues, Planning & Development, Resources

I am pleased to provide you with an update on this complex project, as it will involve a phased approach, including the relocation of utility infrastructure.

  1. Enbridge has completed the relocation of their gas main and the trench has been patched.  Cleaning/sweeping of the road and pavement markings were performed over the weekend.  Although the pavement may not be aesthetically pleasing, this is temporary until such time that the Region completes its construction.


  1. The next step will be for the Region to tender the bridge underpass rehabilitation project by the end of this year.  The works will be phased, with Phase 1 being the construction on the east side of the underpass commencing Spring 2021.  While the east side (including east sidewalk) will be under construction, it will be closed and pedestrians will be directed to use the west sidewalk.  There will be 2 lanes (1 northbound, 1 southbound) on the road open to both vehicular and bicycle traffic.  We anticipate Phase 1 to be completed by the end of Summer 2021.


  1. Following the Region’s work on the east side, Alectra will begin to relocate their hydro line from aerial to underground (under the bridge on the west side of road).  This work is driven by Metrolinx’s electrification requirements.  We anticipate that Alectra will complete their work in Fall 2021.
  2. Once Alectra’s work is complete, the Region will commence with Phase 2, being the construction on the west side of the underpass commencing Fall 2021 and continuing through to Summer 2022. While the west side (including west sidewalk) will be under construction, it will be closed and pedestrians will be directed to use the east sidewalk.  There will be 2 lanes (1 northbound, 1 southbound) on the road open to both vehicular and bicycle traffic.  We anticipate Phase 2 to be completed in Summer 2022. Phase 2 will take additional time, since there will be a construction shut-down period over the winter months.