
COVID-19 on Construction Sites

By Covid-19

Ontario Stepping Up Measures to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 on Construction Sites



Ontario Stepping Up Measures to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 on Construction Sites

March 29, 2020

TORONTO — Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development, issued the following statement today regarding health and safety on construction sites:

“The health and safety of construction workers is a top priority for our government. With the COVID-19 situation changing day by day, we are working to ensure that workers have the tools they need to help keep job sites safe. We must do everything possible to fight the spread of this disease.

Today, Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer announced updated guidance to help employers better understand their responsibilities and what is needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the job site.

The update follows an initial guidance document circulated on March 20, 2020, and addresses sector topics including:

  • providing better on-site sanitation, including a focus on high-touch areas like site trailers, door handles and hoists
  • communicating roles, responsibilities, and health & safety policies, by, for example, posting site sanitization schedules and work schedules
  • enabling greater distances between workers by staggering shifts, restricting site numbers and limiting elevator usage
  • protecting public health, by tracking and monitoring workers

Under Ontario law, employers must take every reasonable precaution to keep workers safe. Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work. If health and safety concerns are not resolved internally, a worker can seek enforcement by filing a complaint with the ministry’s Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-877-202-0008.

Ministry inspectors are inspecting job sites today and every day. Employers and constructors should know: failure to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations could result in a stop work order.

Keeping job sites open during the current pandemic requires a heightened focus on health and safety.

We all have a role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19.”




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March 29, 2020 COVID-19 Cases

By Covid-19

Good morning,

On behalf of Dr. Lawrence Loh, please see the March 30th case counts for Peel Region:


Confirmed Cases in Canada (As of March 29 @ 6:00 p.m.)

Canada                               6,258 (63 deaths)

Ontario                               1,355 (19 deaths)

Peel                                        216 (As of March 30 @ 10 a.m.)


Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Reported in Peel (As of March 30 @ 10 a.m.)
Cases by age group
Less than 18 years 5
18-34 59
35-64 115
65 and older 37
Total 216
Cases by city or town
Brampton 73
Caledon 12
Mississauga 125
Pending further information 6
Total 216

Thank you,



Office of the Regional Clerk

Region of Peel

10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton ON, L6T 4B9


Stormwater charge for Mississauga residents

By Covid-19

March 30, 2020

On behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works – Region of Peel:

Regional Council approved the deferral of late payment charges for water bills due between April 1 – June 30, 2020.
This deferral also applies to the stormwater charge for Mississauga residents.

The Regional Water and Wastewater rate increase has also been deferred to July 1, 2020.

For residents on pre-authorized payments, if rescheduling of payments is needed, please call 905-791-8711 or email

Thank you,

Office of the Regional Clerk

Region of Peel

10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton ON, L6T 4B9



City Launches Online COVID-19 Resources for Mississauga Businesses

By Covid-19, Uncategorized


COVID-19 | March 27, 2020

The City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office has launched a new dedicated online resource for the business community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The web portal will be a one-stop site for businesses to get the latest information on government updates, relief packages and services offered by the City.

COVID-19 Business Relief Portal

The page also includes a COVID-19 Business Relief Portal. The Business Relief Portal is a self-selection tool that helps identify relief programs and incentives that best apply to specific business needs and links to the government source of support. It also includes information on employee support, financial assistance and upcoming webinars and training sessions, offered by the City, that include topics such as building online/ecommerce to help Mississauga businesses mitigate the economic impacts as a result of COVID-19.

“We understand the impact that COVID-19 is having on local businesses. Many are concerned about how they will weather this economic storm. Our City has taken measures where possible, such as deferring taxes to reduce financial stress during this challenging time. Our Economic Development Office is equipped and ready to support our businesses, small and large, with one-on-one support. We will continue to consult with our Economic Development Advisory Board as this situation unfolds and support local manufacturers interested in retooling their operations to produce essential medical supplies needed to battle this virus,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.

Mayor Bonnie Crombie and City Councillors continue to meet virtually with members of Mississauga’s Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the local economy, as well as possible solutions to this economic challenge.

“This is a difficult time for many businesses and employees here in Mississauga and our Economic Development Office is committed to ensuring business operators and employees have the information they need to make informed decisions,” said Bonnie Brown, Director of Economic Development. “We continue to work closely with all levels of government and regional partners to provide the most up-to-date information for companies to learn how they can gain access to the programs and relief opportunities available to them.”

The Economic Development Office remains virtually operational offering:

·          Business hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday at 905-896-5016

·          Business Advisors ready to provide guidance and support with the emerging and immediate needs of the business community

·          Webinars and online training to entrepreneurs and small businesses replacing previously scheduled in person seminars

·          Information about provincial and federal support for businesses at

To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga to support local businesses visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter.

For health information, please visit

Mississauga City Council Provides Additional Relief In Response to COVID-19

By Covid-19, Uncategorized


Stormwater Charge Deferral By 90 Days
Sign By-law Amendment

COVID-19 | March 25, 2020

At the March 25 Council meeting, Mississauga City Council provided for a deferral of the Stormwater Charge by up to 90 days and amended the City’s Sign By-law in response to COVID-19 to help further mitigate impacts on residents and businesses.

“We’re working to provide relief where we can to residents and businesses,” said Mayor Crombie. “These are unprecedented times, so deferring items like the property tax and now the stormwater charge is the right thing to do. We all have a responsibility to act where and how we can.”

Stormwater Charge Deferral – 90 Days

This deferral until later in the year is to help provide cash flow relief over the next few months.

The charge will need to be paid before the end of the year.

The Region of Peel bills this service on behalf of the City and will action the deferral through their billing system. Details to be confirmed at Region of Peel Council.

What is the Stormwater Charge?

This is a dedicated source of revenue that appears on the Region of Peel water bill to manage the rain and melted snow flowing from our properties on to our streets and down into more than 51,000 storm drains. This water flows through a large and complex network of pipes and waterways directly into Lake Ontario.

The charge is identified on the bill as a Stormwater Charge and shows the number of billing units for the property, the daily rate being charged, the total number of days included in the bill cycle along with the total Stormwater Charge amount. For more information visit: Stormwater Charge

Sign By-law Amendment

Council amended the  Sign By-law and Portable Signs on Road Allowances Corporate Policy during the Declared Emergency in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to provide additional advertising opportunities for businesses and community groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. This provision will be in place as long as the state of emergency is in place, or until June 30, 2020 except for community groups who will have this provision until December 31, 2020.

·          Three additional portable signs per street front are added without a permit
·          The maximum display period was extended from 21 days to 30 days
·          The number of permits per group was increased from 10 to 15 per year

Businesses and Community groups can access portable sign applications online using eSigns.

COVID-19 Update

By Covid-19, Uncategorized


Good afternoon,

We are in challenging and quickly changing times with regards to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and its impact on our lives.  So far it has taught us just how our lives can be altered so quickly.

The COVID-19 issue is changing daily. As of today March 20th this is the latest information I would like to share with you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me: or 905-896-5100





  • CDA/US Border closed (except trade & essential travel); Supply chains will not be affected
  • The Federal Government has proposed $82B financial aid package
  • Emergency Care Benefit – available to those not able to work, isolated, caregivers
  • Enhanced GST credit ($400 pp & $600/couple)
  • Child Benefit $300 top up
  • Seniors – temporarily reducing minimum Retirement Income Fund (RIF) withdrawal requirement by 25%. Old Age Security (OAS) and GIS payments not at risk
  • $200m for shelters
  • Small Business Subsidy – Up to 10% wage subsidy over 3 months
  • Banks will work with individuals and businesses on a case by case basis to assist – up to 6 months relief on mortgage and other credit products
  • Tax filing deadline: June 1, 2020, interest free until August 2020




  • Premier declares State of Emergency
  • First phase of COVID funding – $304 M $100 M for increased capacity in hospitals to assist with critical care beds
  • $50 M for more testing and screening
  • $50 M to further protect frontline workers, first responders and patients
  • $25 M to support frontline workers
  • $50 M for long-term care homes
  • $20 M for residential facilities in developmental services, gender-based services and protective care for children and youth to support
  • $5 M to protect seniors in retirement homes
  • $4 M for Indigenous communities




  • Water and wastewater treatment processes remain unchanged. Peel will ensure customers have access to clean safe water. Reminder to residents “DO NOT FULSH WIPES OR PAPER TOWELS”
  • Transhelp – passengers should only travel for dialysis, work, groceries, pharmacy & medical appointments. Vehicles are being cleaned daily
  • Garbage, Recycling and Organics – There is No change to weekly pick-up. Recycling centres are closed
  • Child care centres are closed
  • Long Term Care facilities are no longer allowing visitors, exempt for those with loved ones who are seriously ill or end-of-life care
  • Further Information for the Region of Peel can be found at:


  • City Hall: All City Facilities and programing are closed

Mississauga Council Defers Property Tax Due Dates by 90 Days

  • City of Mississauga Council decided to defer the April, May and June interim property tax due dates by 90 days to help ease the economic impact of COVID-19. This deferral until later in the year is to help provide relief over the next few months.
  • All property taxes need to be paid before the end of the year.
  • The April payment will not be due until July; the May payment will be due in August; the June payment will be due in September. The deferral applies to residential and commercial properties. The city’s positive liquidity position allows it to manage this 90 day deferral. There will be no impact on city services from this deferral.
  • For anyone who has provided post-dated cheques for April, May and June – they will not be cashed in April, May and June. Each payment will be deferred for 90 days and will be cashed instead in July, August and September.
  • Preauthorized tax payment due dates have also been deferred by 90 days. There  will be no payments withdrawn from taxpayers’ bank accounts in April, May and June. Payment withdrawals will resume from July to September.
  • FAQs are being developed and will be communicated to taxpayers. For more information: COVID-19 Pandemic – Property Tax Assistance


  • MiWay – Free Transit until Social Distancing is lifted by Region of Peel

Effective Saturday, March 21:

  • Customers with accessibility needs requiring the use of the ramp may continue to use the front doors.
  • No fare payment will be required.
  • Monthly PRESTO pass holders will be notified of the status of their March and April pass in the coming weeks.
  • Customers will board from the rear doors only.

Suspension of Parking Offences

  • With the changing needs of our city, particularly for those who are working from home, caring for others, or trying to ensure the flow of goods and services; effective immediately we are suspending parking enforcement for:
  • On-street time limit offences; such as five (5) and fifteen (15) hour parking
  • Overnight 2 a.m. – 6 a.m. parking restrictions
  • The above parking offences may be enforced in exceptional circumstances where a significant traffic safety and/or community concern exists to ensure the safe and orderly movement of vehicles in the city.
  • All other parking offences will continue to be enforced to maintain public safety. This includes: fire routes and accessible parking, no stopping, prohibited parking areas, as well as pay and display/metered areas where payment is required. This will ensure an adequate level of street parking, traffic flow and to maintain traffic and pedestrian safety.

To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter

Also, sign up for my e-newsletter at for us to provide updates

For health information, please visit

City of Mississauga to Hold COVID-19 Tele Town Hall

By Covid-19, Uncategorized

Local government | March 19, 2020

The City of Mississauga will hold a Tele Town Hall session on Friday, March 20 at 6:45 p.m. to address concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and inform the public about what the City is doing to protect their health and safety.

Residents are invited to participate and ask questions they may have about COVID-19 to a group of panelists from the City of Mississauga, Peel Region Public Health and Trillium Health Partners. City Councillors and senior staff will also be available to answer questions.

Main panelists will include:

  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga
  • Janice Baker, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, City of Mississauga
  • Tim Beckett, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management, City of Mississauga
  • Nancy Polsinelli, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Peel
  • Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Peel Region Public Health and;
  • A representative from Trillium Health Partners

A random selection of residents will receive a telephone call in advance, with an invitation to participate in the Tele Town Hall session. Anyone who receives a call and does not wish to participate can simply hang up.

Residents can also dial 1-877-229-8493 ID 115911 on the day of the session to participate.

In addition, the session will be available to listen-in live online at


Tele Town Hall to address concerns about COVID-19


Friday, March 20, 2020

6:45 to 7:45 p.m.

How to participate:

Dial in: 1-877-229-8493      ID: 115911

Listen Live:

To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga, visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter.

For health information, please visit

COVID-19 Updates for small businesses is available on the City website

By Covid-19, Uncategorized

The City of Mississauga is providing updates for businesses affected by the COVID-19 virus. Visit the website at

COVID-19 Recovery

This is what will be found on the site.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is impacting Canadian businesses and its operations. The City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office (EDO) is committed to helping our local business community get the most accurate and up to date information to help business owners make informed decisions through this challenging time.

EDO, including the Mississauga Business Enterprise Centre is here for our businesses and we will continue to be operational and accessible by phone, email, and online and web conferencing during regular business hours.

EDO has dedicated this page to offer businesses affected by COVID-19 the most up to date information as it becomes available.  Please continue to monitor this page for the latest updates.